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Everything posted by Hatebox

  1. I wouldn't watch this in July as I live with a vulnerable person and the UK's lockdown easement strategy has thus far been a shambles. I'd still be surprised if WB sticks to that date because space restrictions mean the film simply can't make that much money even if people aren't already concerned about the virus. That said... as a box office watcher it'd be undeniably interesting to see how the movie fares as a canary in the coalmine if it stays where it is.
  2. Warning! Some UK newspapers are posting a major plot spoiler today all over twitter (they're calling it a rumour but I'm guessing it's true). Pricks.
  3. Lockdown is falling apart in the UK, so I've gone from thinking "it'd be madness for this to keep its release date" to "governments are mad, so I guess it might as well keep it now."
  4. I'm fine not knowing much but it's definitely trying a bit too hard to copy Inception's already-way-too-copied trailer. It's not tempting me enough to go to the cinema in July at any rate.
  5. The current plan as I understand it in the UK is that if new cases/deaths keep going down then cinemas will open early July with strict social distancing. It's hard to exaggerate how much that will limit capacity when you think of how big a 2 meter radius from every single cinema seat is, but I guess easing people back in gently is the goal.
  6. Again, it's not about whether theaters will be open, it's about whether WB thinks enough people will bother showing up worldwide to make the release date worth it. Maybe it will, maybe it won't. As for the Contagion comparison - well yeah, the whole world had to cripple its economy and citizens massively change their lifestyles for 3 months and counting just to stop hospitals from overflowing. Let's not be flippant about that. We're only looking at normality on the distant horizon because for a long time things weren't normal.
  7. One could argue people will be more accepting of going to a cinema that far down the line when a 'new normal' has set in. But the broader truth is much bleaker: any film released at any point this year is taking a risk.
  8. Sorry, but I totally agree with that open letter. I think some on here are wildly misjudging what the general cinema-going appetite will be like in a couple months. I'm usually at Nolan movies opening week, but if the UK's lockdown easing strategy pans out how I think it will then fuck that. If they do stick with the release date then all I can hope is that I'm wrong and that the situation is far, far better by then - for every country.
  9. I'm sure I don't need to tell you how a beach differs from a movie theater. Yeah, some will still turn up to the latter but 'some' isn't good enough for Tenet.
  10. UK cinemas won't open before July 4th. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/uk-government-says-cinemas-wont-open-before-july-4-1294132?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter
  11. UK cinemas have proposed opening at the end of June, FWIW. Doesn't necessarily mean they'll be allowed to, of course.
  12. This is madness. No way things will be close to normal in July. My guess is WB blinks when the time comes.
  13. I think even November's optimistic, but I guess Disney couldn't sanction not making some money this year.
  14. It's not just about money (insert Joker gif) it's that even if things are getting back to normal by then people still won't want to pack into a tight space with lots of other people. I know July seems ages away but WB simply aren't going to want to release a really expensive film when demand is anything less than total. Blockbusters just aren't happening this summer.
  15. This guy used to work at Syncopy, Nolan's prod company. Not saying he has any special insight, and he's only saying what everyone knows at this point, but
  16. It was definitely a movie where Marvel's much talked of dull aesthetic actively hurt it. It was so... muddy.
  17. The US is on course to be epicenter of the virus in the developed world. Both peoples' guts and brains will be in agreement when it comes to summer cinema visits. If people accept WB might move the release date it follows they already accept this is true.
  18. I'd be worried if I was WB. July seems far away but it's going to be a long time before people feel safe going back into cinemas. Fairly certain this will move down the line.
  19. Release it next year. I thought Bond was being smart moving to November but I'm starting to doubt things will be close to normal even by then. The year as we knew it is gone.
  20. There seem to be people on here who vaguely assume this will all end as quickly as it ramped up. It won't. China is still in lockdown, because lockdowns only work when they last a long time. And most other countries haven't even started yet.
  21. I'll say one thing: bunging it onto Disney+ and massively increasing uptake of that service seems a much less wacky idea today than it did just a week ago.
  22. ^ Madness. The biggest actor in Hollywood gets the virus and they announce the fucking LA premiere the next day.
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