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Spidey Freak

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Everything posted by Spidey Freak

  1. My Top 5 episodes: 1. Blackwater 2. Baelor 3. The Lion and the Rose 4. Season 1 Finale (forgot the name) 5. Rains of Castamere But I have a feeling next episode will crack the Top 3.
  2. Our Last Real Movie Star? What is this bullshit? Why is "Our" pretending this awesomeness doesn't exist Also, as others have stated, he was his own undoing. Whether it was being obnoxious on the Batman Begins red carpet or stirring up unnecessary shit about Brooke Shields and psychiatric treatment, he went out of his way to destroy his public image. I couldn't care less what he preached or did behind closed doors. He was doing enough damage to himself in front of everyone.
  3. You guys can still PM comments and details to Films (Now going by Fault in Our Stars) about why you love certain characters and those comments and info will make it in the post alongside the characters if they make the list.
  4. What's awesome about that is it reminds you of interesting posts, conversations and threads you have long forgotten about. So keep up the good work, Blank.
  5. I love Blank's random likes! It's one of the sweetest things about the site.
  6. Lol Butterbur is no Baelish. And I think more clues will be strewn in TWoW before the big reveal in AHfS (or the eighth book, which God forbid). I don't think it is all that important for the casual readers to know the specifics of the Reyne/Tarbeck history and family trees. Just that Petyr is the last surviving heir of those two lines. They know enough of the families through the novels and Rains of Castamere to realize the full implications. Same for show fans. As Sun's Son said, it adds more dimension to Littlefinger's characterization and motivations. Also, it's just fucking cool! Rains of Castamere will become even more epic and chilling than it already is, something I didn't think possible.
  7. I agree. It was the best of all the DTV Disney sequels (not saying much but still, it was head and shoulders above the rest). I liked the route they took with Simba's daughter and Scar's son. This is the first movie where I think the villain's son refuses to follow his father's legacy despite family pressures and instead falls for the hero's daughter. Scar's crazy wife is a fun addition to the illustrious list of Disney villainesses. "We Are One" is a good song too.
  8. Regarding the Littlefinger/Reyne theory, I really want it to happen. Numbers said it doesn't have a proper build up, but then again, Rains of Castamere is shoved down our throats almost every alternate week thanks to the show and it is also incorporated in the House Lannister theme.For it to figure into the backstory of one of the game's biggest players who has been systematically and carefully breaking down the Lannisters from the beginning of the series would just be thematically beautiful. I also find the Alayne/Ellyn+Rohanne thing to be interesting. Just think. If Baelish is indeed the last surviving heir of the Houses Reyne and Tarbeck, then if the Lannisters are completely decimated (which seems to be his endgame), then he can claim the Westerlands for himself once he has regained Reyne/Tarbeck's lost status. He already has the "Key to the North", who could also be the key to the Riverlands if Edmure Tully dies and his issue with Roslyn Frey perishes. And he already controls the Vale. So basically he will own everything worth owning north and west of King's Landing! And once the Lannisters are gone, he could claim KL, the Crownlands AND the Iron Throne for himself! Or through Sansa. And all without anyone, not even Varys, seeing it coming. Epic game is epic!
  9. The fact that Tytos was so ineffective and essentially became a running joke makes you admire Tywin's accomplishments and personality all the more. It's understandable why he became the severe and unforgiving person he is now, clinging to upholding Lannister glory. And expecting nothing less from his children. Missed opportunity on the books and show's parts to not highlight that part of the Lannister history before Tywin's death.
  10. Have $20,000 to lend for charity? You could win a date with GRRM AND get mutilated in Winds of Winter/Hope for Spring.
  11. DAT FROZEN EFFECT! (For Disney Princess films)
  12. Lol at the Lannister trolling by taking the same sigil and just recoloring it! Kind of like all those cheap Asian knock-offs of Disney/superhero/sports merchandising.
  13. Haha, yeah a couple of times. Somebody else came up with that theory though. On the other hand,
  14. I agree, it was pretty generic sci-fi. JGL wasn't even at his best in it.
  15. Tywin was such a stone cold badass drowning the halls of Castamere. Amazing to read about how the Reynes and Tarbecks took advantage of his father's weakness by siphoning off Lannister wealth. Tywin sure knew how to make them pay. Damn, I wish Cersei had mentioned all this on the show when she had discussed the Reynes and Rains of Castamere with Margaery as a way of threatening the Tyrells/prelude to the Stark massacre.
  16. So far I've always liked D&D's gut instincts and preferences barring the Cersei whitewashing. Alfie Allen is a good actor so they put a lot of focus on Theon, Melisandre and her fanaticism are more interesting than Stannis, so she became a more integral part, the Beetles thing was minor and fun and I think "utter timesink" is an exaggeration. And all the changes made to Robb's wife actually added to the tragedy of the Starks, IMO.
  17. True, I think Sansa's journey will have a huge payoff at the end of the series so might as well start laying some real groundwork from now on, which is the halfway point I think.
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