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Everything posted by Sam

  1. Still have 2 hours to kill before showtime so I show up here to find entertainment. BOT never disappoints.
  2. I mean, just look at the trio of directors you stan for: Zack Snyder, Bryan Singer and Morten Tyldum? Really. (I ain't judging but I wouldn't advise against you re-evaluating your life choices :P)
  3. Emma Stone's singing is pretty nice. Thought Gosling did better in City of Stars. And Emma is better in this one. Nice little scene. Im excited, hopefully the expansion on Christmas come near me.
  4. Can't say anything about every guy but gotta give credits to Futurist for being honest about his inner desire, no matter how creepy it is.
  5. The "twist" actually makes me curious over how Pratt gonna go about acting out the
  6. Quite surprise that since his Star-Lord breakout that he hasn't star in a straight up comedy or even rom-com yet. I think he'd be perfect in the right roles for those genres. Maybe serious can work for him, but only in small doses like in Zero Dark Thirty (which is to say, not much at all really)
  7. 2016 hasn't panned out for Pratt like people expected huh? Can't judge his performance in Passengers since I haven't seen the movie. But Jurassic World was already more than half way in convincing me that his charms and actings would be way better utilized in roles like Star-Lord and far away from the self-serious/stoic types. Nothing wrong with that. Still like him a lot.
  8. Good directors can put their stamps on the movies and make something out of "nothing to work with". Be it visuals, atmosphere, quirks, characters' moments, etc... From the reviews, sounds like Tyldum had none of it. But maybe in fairer terms, as what old man Tele been saying, he's just simply not right/out of his depth for this genre and settings.
  9. Lol at the reviews. I expected a standard boring charmless fare from promo materials. Looks like it's worse than that. @4815162342 Told ya about Morten Tyldum I guess you'll always have Headhunters.
  10. I'm already in this for my man Scorsese, but you managed to sell it even more. We stan? Absolutely.
  11. That too lol, maybe he knew it'll be shit anyway so he just went ham for the fun of it. I was really looking forward to the movie. Except Sean Penn, it starred a bunch of my favorites: Gosling, Stone, Pena, Brolin, Mackie...and I was also interested in having a noir crime thriller (we don't have much of it anymore in recent years). But well....
  12. I really question the initial idea of hiring Miles Teller for a musical role like this, where one of the main factors (or biggest really) is that viewers need to connect with the characters through main leads' chemistry and likability They really have sizzling chemistry. I've been a fan since Crazy Stupid Love. Heck, I endured Gangster Squad and Sean Penn for them lol.
  13. Very excited. Gonna be one hell of a movie for date night. When should we expect tickets to go on sale?
  14. I agree with that. Aladdin is one of my most favorite classic Disney animations. But with Guy Ritchie at the helm in this live action, no thank you.
  15. I love that she always put forth the best effort in everything she's in, no matter how shitty the material is lol. And her ability to ham it up is one of the best among actresses right now. I really hope she'll pick better projects in the future.
  16. Yaasss. I actually went home and added Penny Dreadful to my Netflix queue after watching the movie. I have heard of it and was interested but it wasn't a priority. Well, it is now. I'm excited to start binging the show soon.
  17. I'm conflicted. On the one hand, Zhang Yi Mou. On the other, very disappointed the Great Wall was not built to keep Matt Damon out.
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