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Everything posted by Sam

  1. I never really get the intense animosity towards kids in movies. I mean, people hate and fault these child actors for playing/portraying exactly how kids are.
  2. I never wrote a review for this even though I saw it ages ago. So well... To start off, I loved the imagery. Cinematography, settings, atmosphere, all gorgeous. The homage to classic musicals and old -timey Hollywood were apparent, well crafted and expertly directed. I enjoyed the music greatly. From the score to musical numbers. The melody and lyrics of all the songs were woven well into the movie. Mia and Sebastian's theme was a personal favorite. Editing was also great. Especially the epilogue, that was superb. On the other hand, there were some glaring flaws that frankly, disappointing considering how this was my most anticipated movie of last year. The writing was the biggest offender, especially characterizations. Both leads were thinly written. On some levels, I would say they're superficial and almost caricature-like. The characters were there solely to serve plot purposes, and that made it hard for me to connect or care about them. Some reviews mentioned that they feel like they cared/enjoyed watching the characters because it was the lovable Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling playing them, and not because it was Mia and Sebastian. That's exactly how I feel too. And it seemed that Emma/Ryan chemistry which was so present and intense in Crazy Stupid Love, was not much so here. I couldn't buy their love story, it was as superficial as their characters, which made the epilogue, even though excellently put together, rang hollow. It didn't feel like a grand big love, but rather a turning point chance encounter (if they had push their relationship as that only, then I would appreciate it more) Ryan Gosling was out of depth here in terms of singing these types of music. Surprisingly, Emma Stone did a better job. Not excellent or anything, but she was more adequate. It helped too that Mia, even though painfully paper-thin, was more likable. Sebastian, not so much. I really can't imagine how much worse it would be had Gosling not be the lead actor. Also, I thought John Legend was miscast. I mean, on the musical front, he was great of course (a much needed force there). However, while I can see both sides of the arguments "Ryan Gosling saves jazz" vs. "John Legend had the last say on the jazz debate", still, if we had have a stronger actor who could sell that long opinionated dialogue better; I could definitely lean more towards that side of debate. But boy, John Legend delivered it like he was reading words off a teleprompter. Overall, it was quite enjoyable, beautiful to look at and many of the music/melody stayed with me. But because it was highly anticipated, the flaws also disappointed me more. Solid B+
  3. Didn't know about this movie's existence till I saw the trailer at my Split showing. There were a lot (like 6 of them) horror trailers shown, and this looks easily the best of the bunch. I'm intrigued. Will most likely check it out.
  4. Don't let that terribly misguided misfire of a movie keeps you from enjoying a terrific show like Korra. I highly recommend the series. On many aspects, I feel it's even better than the original Last Airbender animation.
  5. I enjoyed this one a lot. Dakota was terrific. She has such natural and likable charms. Good rapport with Rebel Wilson too. The movie itself was a bit dragged at times, but I thought they stuck the landing well (including a pretty surprising, un-romcom like plot point happened before leading up to it)
  6. That's much better. Looks more like it embraced the campiness and fun nature of Power Rangers. Hammy Elizabeth Banks too. I dig it. Why not? Would be a good past time in theater with my friends.
  7. I still enjoy Despicable Me immensely. But I rather watch paint dry than subject myself to DM2 or Lorax again (I didn't know animation can be sooo boring before those offenders) Minions were silly and mediocre but it's harmless. Haven't seen SLOP.
  8. Far as I see, no one criticizes the existence of the "twist" but the way it's handled. Some people here argues that such plot point helps add "depth" to the movie (I side-eyed but sure, let's say it does). Then own up to it. Own up to the psychological/moral/ethics/whatever issue that you raised on your own, don't handwave and lazily brush it off in a distasteful way. And I know this site is primarily male and all. But the lack of awareness and/or understanding of something standard and just basic decency, like consent, is worrisome. In fact, it's quite alarming.
  9. How much did Pratt get for Passengers? Whatever they paid him, it wasn't worth it. I like him a lot but he keeps disappointing in these unsuitable roles and proving that he got so little range in acting. It's quite unfortunate. I also wonder how much he got for GOTG2. Probably a really sizable increase from the first, which is good, because that would be fitting and make sense.
  10. You really have a gift for describing things. Your descriptions made Prometheus even more hilarious than it already was.
  11. SK box office is a bit on the low right now I guess. Cause Master look pretty dire (IMO) and it's doing the best business. Really looking forward to Battleship Island next year. Any local members know if there's a release date for it yet? TIA.
  12. Got dragged to this by a friend who's a space movies nut. It's boring and basic, nothing to get worked up over either ways from what I see. Around a D. Took a quick look at members review here and I agree with some that the "twist" is rightfully criticized. Such handwaving crappy way to resolve it. What's the consensus on the romantic chemistry? Cause I thought there were hardly any. JLaw is good, normal JLaw; but Pratt need to stay away from serious roles (which won't happen so the good thing is, I definitely know for sure now to stay away from him playing serious roles) Not to say he's terrible, but he's no good either. I didn't expect anything from promos/trailers and the actual movie did nothing to raise up from that either. Morton Tyldum is one really boring, mediocre director (after the snoozefest Imitation Game, and then this, I guess I learn of another thing I should definitely stay away from)
  13. I found out he's in it cause of a theater standee lol. When I first walked by it, I didn't see the movie name so with the giant big head of Diesel, I thought it's for Fast8. I did a double take then cause I'm pretty sure he's not in it. The reality hurts me. Yen would be great in a FF movie though. Get on it Vin!
  14. I've been enjoying my winter break to the fullest after the hellish semester I just had. But lurking here and there to keep up with our fam. I have watched it twice (this holiday season really sucks in terms of movie offerings so I might go see it a third time) I did posted a review in Rogue One spoilers thread. Guess it got lost in the shuffle. In short, Donnie Yen was MVP (and seeing the widespread love he got for his performance from our members here is real nice). Whitaker was hilarious, The Wig delivered. Lowkey loving Bodhi the most out of the gang (after Chirrut) Actions really neat but I felt somewhat disconnected due to characters and relationships' underdevelopments. Overall, B/B+ probably. And on the subject of Donnie Yen, I only just found out he's in Return of Xander Cage. So, what do we do? Are we stanning for that one?
  15. Been hearing lots of criticisms from reviews about the problematic core concepts and the even more problematic way that concept was handled (or more accurately, not handled at all) But what's the consensus, any praises/comments on Pratt/Lawrence chemistry in the romantical sense? That would still be a big factor that can make this movie BO-wise in spite of scathing reviews.
  16. So I don't have the patience to read the whole thread, can someone provide a cliff notes version of MovieMan89 beef with Rogue One? Inquiring mind wants to know and catch up with the class. TIA.
  17. @MrPink Our pact is strong but I start noticing that our stanning hasn't been working out well for the movies so far. Beyond, Billy Lynn and now this. The hope is on Rogue One now. If that doesn't work out.... l think maybe I better leave Dunkirk to you. I won't be able to handle your despair if unfortunate events were to happen to that one.
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