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Everything posted by mattmav45

  1. 1. Beasts of the Southern Wild- A- 2. Django Unchained- A- 3. Skyfall- A- 4. Seven Psychopaths- A-5. The Grey- B+ 6. Silver Linings Playbook- B+ 7. Bernie- B+ 8. Argo- B+9. Looper- B+ 10. Zero Dark Thirty- B+ 11. Life of Pi- B+ 12. 21 Jump Street- B+13. Dredd- B+/B14. Wreck-It-Ralph- B+/B15. Safety Not Guaranteed- B+/B16. Brave- B+/B17. Prometheus- B+/B18. The Cabin in the Woods- B+/B19. The Dark Knight Rises- B20. The Avengers- B21. Moonrise Kingdom- B22. The Master- B23. Killer Joe- B24. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey- B25. The Deep Blue Sea- B26. Lincoln- B27. Savages- B28. Jeff, Who Lives at Home- B/B-29. The Raid: Redemption- B/B- 30. The Secret World of Arrietty- B/B- 31. Rampart- B/B-32. Ruby Sparks- B/B- 33. Seeking a Friend for the End of the World- B/B-34. God Bless America- B/B-35. Bourne Legacy- B/B-36. Ted- B-37. Chronicle- B- 38. Goon- B- 39. Haywire- B-40. Wanderlust- B-/C+41. American Reunion- B-/C+ 42. V/H/S- B-/C+ 43. The Campaign- B-/C+44. The Amazing Spider-Man- B-/C+45. The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel- B-/C+46. Hit and Run- C+47. Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning- C+48. The Hunger Games- C+49. Salmon Fishing in the Yemen- C+50. John Carter- C+51. Men In Black 3- C+52. Lawless- C+/C53. The Five-Year Engagement- C+/C54. Excision- C+/C55. The Pact- C+/C56. Snow White and the Huntsman- C+/C57. Safe House- C+/C58. Contraband- C+/C59. Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted- C60. Premium Rush- C61. Damsels in Distress- C62. Pirates! Band of Misfits- C 63. The Dictator- C 64. Man on a Ledge- C 65. Red Tails- C 66. Trouble with the Curve- C/C- 67. The Woman in Black- C-68. The Raven- C-69. Silent House- C-70. Battleship- C-/D+ 71. This Means War- C-/D+ 72. Project X- D+73. The Lorax- D+74. Underworld: Awakening- D75. Act of Valor- D76. Lockout- D- 77. The Devil Inside- D-
  2. As far as romantic comedies go, it's about as good as it gets and a masterpiece of the genre. Unfortunately, a masterpiece of the rom-com genre apparently has the typical rom-com ending. It's still pretty great, and one of the year's best. It's kind of disappointing in that the film had really come into its own prior to the last half hour, and was really hitting its stride. The characters and situations felt real, and it was turning into one of those experiences when you forget you're watching a movie. The ending doesn't totally derail the movie, but rather it simply makes you wonder if we'd be looking at the runaway best film of the year if not for the foray into cliches at the end. B+
  3. How the hell is Beasts of the Southern Wild a "token hipster indie movie?"I guess I can understand how some wouldn't like it, because it's all about buying into the mindset of the film. I never once during my viewing thought the film had anything to do with white guilt over Katrina..........it was a look into a different world and ideology.
  4. There are still good horrors to be found, but they are usually only of the underground/indie variety now. Ti West has made a couple of nice old school horror flicks like House of the Devil and The Innkeepers. Kill List is one of my favorite horrors in a while.......insanely brutal and dark.It seems most mainstream horror that is actually decent now are the tongue-in-cheek films like Tucker & Dale vs. Evil and Cabin in the Woods. Both are brilliant though.
  5. At first I was kind of disappointed that TDKR was nominated, but then I saw that we narrowly missed the likes of Hunger Games and The Avengers being nominated as well.It's kind of comparable to getting shot in the leg instead of taking two bullets to the brain.
  6. What a great film. Always love movies that take you to another world and environment.......the kind of films that remind you why you love the art of cinema. I loved the sense of community of the individuals living in the Bathtub. There was a sense of camaraderie, loyalty, and devotion that prevailed throughout the film. I understand why some would have problems with the real word infusions, but for me this formed the crux of the movie. The people of the Bathtub lived life a different way. They aren't meant for "civilized" society, and there's nothing wrong with that. I think the real world infusions served as a way to show just how their way of life contrasts with normal things in society. There's a reason they didn't want to leave prior to the storm hitting, and a reason they didn't want to have people come into their world. The beasts to me were a metaphor of the Bathtub citizens. Raw and primal, and in stark contrast to civilized society. Very powerful when Hushpuppy accepts who she is, and confronts the beasts. Judging from the reviews on IMDB, those sayings things like it glorifies "alcoholism, debauchery, etc." may as well not even have seen the film. You need to look past what things may appear at face level, and delve a little deeper to appreciate what's happening here. Yes, it's a different way of life.........but with an open-mind, it still shows the human condition, and what it means to be human. I loved it. Bear in mind I still have yet to see the likes of Cloud Atlas, Perks, Amour, Holy Motors, etc..........but my favorite film of the year thus far. A-
  7. More tomorrow, but I fucking loved it.First film all year in which I completely immersed myself in.
  8. There are two kinds of people in this world......those who are pretentious as fuck, and those who wish they were, IMO.
  9. The build-up is far too long, the action is pedestrian until the last 30 minutes, and there's simply not even Arnold to make it worthwhile. Kind of disappointing........ C+/C
  10. Pretentious- a word used by the unsophisticated masses to make themselves feel better as a result of not understanding something that is simply above their class level.
  11. It's one thing to be cliche-filled and contrived, but it's another to be cliche-filled, contrived, and force me to feel more bored than an atheist in church. I will say Jamie Bell's love interest almost made it worth it, that broad was hot as fuck, IMO. C
  12. It's pretty damn uneven, but the first two horror shorts are pretty good. The David Bruckner and Ti West shorts are solid, and definitely scarier than most horror you'll see these days. Unfortunately, the rest aren't up to par.......including the foundation story. Still, in the horror realm, you could do a lot worse......and at least V/H/S is legitimately scary, and uses the hand-held camera technique in a way that builds suspense. B-/C+
  13. I still have a bunch to see, but if we're talking about films that achieved legitimate greatness............1. Tree of Life2. Toy Story 33. A Prophet
  14. I stand by my initial reaction:I simply couldn't get into the silent film aspect, it felt like the gimmick to end all gimmicks. Naturally, the Academy ate it up, and we'll have yet another BP winner that most people won't give a rat's ass about in 10-15 years.
  15. Yeah, I can definitely understand this. I thought they felt like real people, but also character archetypes as well.I kind of had the same problems with Argo and ZDT, but related to Argo just a bit more. Still, both are among the best films of the year.
  16. It's a pretty great, sometimes fantastic procedural film. I have to say that I disagree with Chastain getting the BA nom, I really think this film works as a result of the ensemble. She may of had the biggest role, but it was the whole cast that drove the film. Good performance, but not worthy of BA nomination, IMO. Really enjoyed it, but didn't quite love it. Of course, this is a subjective complaint as the movie was made like this for a reason.........but the procedure aspect can only go so far for me. In order for a film to reach greatness status, I usually have to be given a reason to be invested emotionally and to care about the characters. Again, not really a complaint directed towards the movie, but more of a general subjective preference. Still, really strong film, but I'll still go with Argo for top political film of year. B+
  17. The ending was ruined for me prior to seeing this the first time. I'm not really sure if that's why, but I've never been that enthralled with the twist ending as others are. It's a good twist, but it doesn't make the film for me. Rather, I liked the story, sharp dialogue, and love how it's shot like an old-fashioned crime flick, score and all. It's the characters that make the film.......not that you really care about them as people, but they're all quirky and add a distinct flavor to the movie. Singer's best, for sure. B+
  18. I would like your post, but I can't agree with the Team Lincoln sentiment. ;)I guess based on nominations I would have to go with Django, but I still have to see Zero Dark Thirty, Holy Motors, Cloud Atlas, Perks of Being a Wallflower, Beasts of the Southern Wild, Amour, etc.
  19. It's a testament to just how badass the violence in this film is that it warrants an above average grade despite having no real story..........and what story there is, is basically incomprehensible at that. But seriously.......it has a dark atmosphere for an action film, and some of the action is simply fucking awesome. But the story itself is downright pathetic and ruins would could have been an all-time ultra-violent B-movie action classic. Would have been better to simply embrace the no-story and never have tried, IMO. It's like The Raid: Redemption on steroids.........I liked the action more, but there is even less story than in The Raid. Therefore: C+
  20. Nice to see a foreign film get a Best Picture nominee.....and yet, you can already predict exactly what's going to happen come Oscar night.Expect Lincoln to run away with majority of nominations, including Best Picture. I predict the Academy will be on a 3-year Oscar Bait winning streak after this year.
  21. Still have quite a bit to see, so my list will be worked on a good amount into 2013 as well. Strangely enough, I'm getting This Means War and Red Tails in the mail today via Netflix, so it appears my bottom of 2012 may be getting some new additions pretty soon. 1. Django Unchained- A- 2. Skyfall- A- 3. Seven Psychopaths- A- 4. The Grey- B+ 5. Bernie- B+ 6. Argo- B+ 7. Looper- B+ 8. Life of Pi- B+ 9. 21 Jump Street- B+ 10. Dredd- B+/B 11. Wreck-It-Ralph- B+/B 12. Safety Not Guaranteed- B+/B 13. Brave- B+/B 14. Prometheus- B+/B 15. The Cabin in the Woods- B+/B 16. The Dark Knight Rises- B 17. The Avengers- B 18. Moonrise Kingdom- B 19. The Master- B 20. Killer Joe- B 21. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey- B 22. The Deep Blue Sea- B 23. Lincoln- B 24. Savages- B 25. Jeff, Who Lives at Home- B/B- 26. The Raid: Redemption- B/B- 27. Rampart- B/B- 28. Ruby Sparks- B/B- 29. Seeking a Friend for the End of the World- B/B- 30. God Bless America- B/B- 31. Bourne Legacy- B/B- 32. Ted- B- 33. Chronicle- B- 34. Haywire- B- 35. Wanderlust- B-/C+ 36. American Reunion- B-/C+ 37. The Campaign- B-/C+ 38. The Amazing Spider-Man- B-/C+ 39. The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel- B-/C+ 40. Hit and Run- C+ 41. Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning- C+ 42. The Hunger Games- C+ 43. Salmon Fishing in the Yemen- C+ 44. John Carter- C+ 45. Men In Black 3- C+ 46. Lawless- C+/C 47. The Five-Year Engagement- C+/C 48. Excision- C+/C 49. The Pact- C+/C 50. Snow White and the Huntsman- C+/C 51. Safe House- C+/C 52. Contraband- C+/C 53. Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted- C 54. Premium Rush- C 55. Damsels in Distress- C 56. Pirates! Band of Misfits- C 57. The Dictator- C 58. Trouble with the Curve- C/C- 59. The Woman in Black- C- 60. The Raven- C- 61. Silent House- C- 62. Battleship- C-/D+ 63. Project X- D+ 64. The Lorax- D+ 65. Underworld: Awakening- D 66. Act of Valor- D 67. Lockout- D-
  22. I didn't enjoy it as much as Tree of Life as I didn't think it flowed as fluidly, but damn.........Malick sure does know how to direct a film. Clocking in at under three hours, it does have it's slow moments, but there are also some downright beautiful and devastating scenes on hand here. I simply loved how Malick would contradict the raw brutality of war with the beauty and innocence of the Earth. It's quite a bit to absorb in just one setting, but oh man, much like Tree of Life...........this is for those who want to fully submerse themselves and experience a film rather than just watch it. A-/B+
  23. The Thin Red Line and Eden Lake. It's cold as hell here so just having a night in with these two flicks.
  24. I really like Nolan and respect what he has done for the modern blockbuster.But.......it seems I notice his flaws and drawbacks more and more with each passing film. Contrary to what most Nolan fanboys will tell you, Nolan isn't already an "all-time great who has directed some of the best films ever made." I still think he's better than most, but I'd like to see him branch out a little......do something a little different and something that we haven't seen before.
  25. I liked it, but I think I was a little letdown. However, this likely happened as a result of expectations set forth going into the film. It's an all-around solid film that is boosted a bit by a good ending and a really strong central performance from McConaughey. And yet......the ending kind of came out of nowhere and didn't quite do enough for me. It was as batshit crazy as you would hope the ending would be, but I didn't really think the build-up was that great. The lackluster build-up kind of served to take away some of the ending's power, and it kind of feels like the ending is really the only reason I'd want to watch the film again. In a way the ending kind of saved the movie for me, but it's just a shame that the prior hour hadn't been stronger.........that would have really been something. B
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