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The biggest complaint I heard is that people weren't that connected with the wall and wanted kings landing stuff. What are the unsullied going to do when bravos, the wall, dorne and meereen are the biggest places and kl is done

Edited by The Sun's Son
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Except I think D&D will find a way to boost scenes in King's Landing, just like in Season 3 when it should have taken a bit of a backseat.

How tyrion is gone tywin is dead Jaime is in the river lands. Varys is in hiding. The tyrells are gon. Are we going to see a season of cersei v margeary
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How tyrion is gone tywin is dead Jaime is in the river lands. Varys is in hiding. The tyrells are gon. Are we going to see a season of cersei v margeary


D&D have a weakness for King's Landing, as evidenced already. They will find a way.


Also, leaked audition tapes for Sand Snakes indicate that Jaime and Bronn are going to Dorne early in the season.

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D&D have a weakness for King's Landing, as evidenced already. They will find a way. Also, leaked audition tapes for Sand Snakes indicate that Jaime and Bronn are going to Dorne early in the season.

I would throw a fit that is so stupid bronn has to marry Lolys and if they ignore riverrun why leave the bf alive
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How tyrion is gone tywin is dead Jaime is in the river lands. Varys is in hiding. The tyrells are gon. Are we going to see a season of cersei v margeary


If they can milk one and a half seasons worth of Margaery walking in the gardens with Olenna and/or Sansa, I'm sure they can get at least eight to nine episodes' worth of heavy duty Cersei v. Margaery stuff at the very least. Especially since they are bringing in Maggy too next season. Spy maids will be given to Qyburn, kittens will be gifted to Tommen, moon tea will be prepared by Pycelle, silks and grains will be bought at KL marketplace, Tommen will be compared unfavorably to Joffrey, Tommen will be compared favorably to Joffrey, the High Septon will rise in power, a fake list of infidel lovers will be prepared, advice to defend the Shield Islands in the Reach from the Greyjoys will fall on deaf ears, Bitch! will be uttered in anger, so called fake lovers will be tortured and forced to tell the truth, Loras may or may not be shipped off to Dragonstone (depending on whether or not he joins the Kingsguard) etc. etc. 


The Cersei vs. Margaery angle is bursting with soap drama potential. It's the age old Snow White tale, aging crazy queen afraid of younger replacement rising in power and popularity, so starts stirring up all kinds of shit. With a dash of The Tudors/The Other Boleyn Girl too (I will lol at the cheeky trolling if accusations are made of Margaery+Loras). I think they will also expand on the Maester rivalry. Cersei will start favoring Qyburn and Margaery will turn to Pycelle (though I hope she doesn't sleep with him coz that would just be gross and OOC for her). All this while the High Septon makes a rapid ascent in a smaller subplot.

Edited by Spidey Freak of Highgarden
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Wait, Jamie and Bronn are gonna have a buddy cop adventure in Dorne instead? Thank GOD. Two of the best actors on the show teaming up, and what they do in the next two books is just so, so boring and wasteful. Kinda like 90 percent of the next two books, so really, thank God they're changing alot, it looks like. 

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Wait, Jamie and Bronn are gonna have a buddy cop adventure in Dorne instead? Thank GOD. Two of the best actors on the show teaming up, and what they do in the next two books is just so, so boring and wasteful. Kinda like 90 percent of the next two books, so really, thank God they're changing alot, it looks like. 


Yeah, the actor for Bronn is just too good to be completely sidelined like that. I bet he's the main reason they are changing the plotline.

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Wait, Jamie and Bronn are gonna have a buddy cop adventure in Dorne instead? Thank GOD. Two of the best actors on the show teaming up, and what they do in the next two books is just so, so boring and wasteful. Kinda like 90 percent of the next two books, so really, thank God they're changing alot, it looks like. 


Based on the leaked audition tapes, Jaime is sent to Dorne to bring Myrcella home, and Bronn goes with him. And since there's the whole Dornish Queenmaker plotline, shenanigans happen. The casting call for Obara Sand said she would fight a series regular, which means either Jaime or Bronn.

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Based on the leaked audition tapes, Jaime is sent to Dorne to bring Myrcella home, and Bronn goes with him. And since there's the whole Dornish Queenmaker plotline, shenanigans happen. The casting call for Obara Sand said she would fight a series regular, which means either Jaime or Bronn.


I sure hope Arianne isn't cut. If she is, will her part be divided between the Sand Snakes? If Obara is the political mouthpiece, would that make Nymeria or Tyene the seductress? In which case, I wonder if Jaime (or Bronn) will replace Arys Oakheart and be the seductee?

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Anyone ever wonder what would happen if Edmure hadn't stopped Tywin from going West.


My in-depth hypothetical scenario (only going a partial way for now):


    [*]EFFECT 1

    [*]By this point the following events are locked: Theon has taken Winterfell and fake-murdered Bran and Rickon, so Robb has slept with and married Jeyne, causing the Freys to break the alliance.

    [*]Because Tywin is able to cross the fords, he never gets word of Stannis marching on King's Landing with the Stormlords, so he never goes south and finds the Tyrell army waiting to join him. He is instead pursuing Robb in the Westerlands. Robb claims his plan would beat Tywin, but that's conjecture from a teen made somewhat arrogant by his successes. Let's say Tywin halts when he is informed of what transpires at King's Landing

    [*]The Tyrells never meet with Tywin, but Littlefinger is still with them which means they still might march on King's Landing without him.

    [*]SUB-EFFECT 1: If they do, Stannis is still defeated and the Tyrells get even more influence at court since Tywin is far away in the Westerlands. The counter-possibility for this is that since Tywin is not there, technically Tyrion remains acting Hand, and there would be a three-way power struggle between Tyrion, Cersei, and Mace. This would cause additional political friction.

    [*]When word reaches Robb, he will withdraw from the West and attempt the same plan he had in ASOS to retake the North.

    [*]Since Tywin is in the Westerlands on the move with his army, he is unable to kick off the Red Wedding plot, since he does not have the time to give assurances, orders, promises, etc to either Bolton or Frey.

    [*]Additionally, since there is no line of communication, it is less likely that the Northern defeats at Duskendale or the Ruby Ford will happen, since Tywin's armies are in the West and there's less chance of coordinating the traps with Bolton. So Robb will have a few thousand extra men he didn't have when he arrives at the Twins.

    [*]The other question mark is whether Roose and Frey don't go ahead with the Red Wedding on their own, since the way the timeline is, Roose has been hedging bets from before the Battle of the Green Fork, and with Stannis beaten and the Tyrells allied to the Lannisters, they could still decide to go for it. If they do, they'd simply be in a lesser bargaining position since they had no promises beforehand from Tywin about titles and whatnot.

    [*]But if they don't, then Robb engages the Moat Caitlin plan and returns north with most of his army, while Tywin moves on King's Landing to finally take the Handship while his army attacks the Riverlands again with Tyrell support.

    [*]It is questionable whether or not Sansa is still married off to Tyrion or the Tyrell gambit is made, since Robb is in a somewhat better position, at least initially.

    [*]Most of the stuff with the Brotherhood, Arya, and the Hound still happen the same. The only wrinkle is whether the Red Wedding still happens, since if it doesn't, Arya will be delivered to Robb and Catelyn at the Twins. What happens next for the Hound I would not care to guess. If it still does, then Arya and the Hound have the same adventures until she goes to Braavos.

    [*]The Purple Wedding still happens. The dynamics of it, including Sansa and her potential spiriting from King's Landing, depend on whether she is still married off to Tyrion.

    [*]RESULT: Not much changes, other than increased Tyrell power in King's Landing for a time, and the chance of Robb making it north with most of his army. I won't get into further repurcussions.


Will get into the other option (if the Tyrells sit things out) later.

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Take this with a grain of salt:


An insider source said the following major characters have been either cut or merged:


1)Arianne (merged with sand snakes)

2)Wyman (merged with umbers, no north remembers, no frey pies, no "perhaps tis was a blessing speech") Umbers will instead oppose bolton because they killed greatjon, not of loyalty to the starks.

3)Euron, victarion and Aeron merged into Euron

4)Stannis will not heed jon's advice and will attack the dreadfort, his forces will be slaughtered and the remaining will take shelter near winterfell "crofters village")

5) No barbara dustin, Alys karstark or Bowen, Jon will be betrayed by thorne.


As I said take this with a grain of salt although the same source told alot of accurate predictions for season 3 and 4 and it turned out true so far.



I saw this on the westeros forum if 12,3,or 4 are true I might just stop watching

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