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4-Day Wknd Est: FF6 - 120M; TH3 - 51.2M; STID - 47M; Epic - 42.6M; IM3 - 24.3M; TGG - 17M

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Well if WOM was phenomenal, the drop shouldn't be 'typical' don't you think?

TDK had great WOM and had a pretty big Saturday drop. And Basic Instinct 2 stayed flat on Saturday-if that had great WOM I must of missed something.

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Also-its kind of hard to compare it to other big Memorial day weekend drops since most of them opened on a Thursday. (Or in Pirates 3 case-opened on Friday but had Thursday sneaks)

The only major ones that were on a Friday with no sneaks in recent years are MIB3, Night at the Museum 2 and X3. Only X3 dropped.

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If it's the second weekend then, don't you think it's premature to say the WOM is phenomenal?

Not by what Ive seen. What do you want me to say? Go to twitter, you cant find a negative tweet, go to Facebook, Ive already talked to plenty of people in real life and theyre ecstatic, im going to visit my GF next week and she wants me to take her, just because she heard how excited i was when i called her, look at the ratings. This is seriously the best WOM since Skyfall and possibly best audience experience since Avengers. I dont care about drops, all movies perform different, I care about feedback, and the feedback Im seeing is outstanding.
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Jandrew said wom was phenomenal. I said Saturday could have been better. He said wait for next weekend and don't judge wom on the second day. But he just claimed wom was phenomenal then wait for the second weekend? lol


In this day and age, good or bad wom easily spread because of social media.

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So if Saturday drops mean WOM, these films must of had AWFUL WOM:



The Avengers


Hunger Games



[bKB]Two of them did, that's for sure.[/bKB]

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Not by what Ive seen. What do you want me to say? Go to twitter, you cant find a negative tweet, go to Facebook, Ive already talked to plenty of people in real life and theyre ecstatic, im going to visit my GF next week and she wants me to take her, just because she heard how excited i was when i called her, look at the ratings. This is seriously the best WOM since Skyfall and possibly best audience experience since Avengers. I dont care about drops, all movies perform different, I care about feedback, and the feedback Im seeing is outstanding.


So we should not wait for the second weekend? You are confusing me.

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And Kayu, you have to realize that people have lives, If I go to F6 on Friday and call me friend and tell him how good he was, hes not gonna automatically hop in the car and go Saturday, the next day. He likely already has plans, work, ect. and he'll get to F6 when it fits his schedule. Could be that weekend, could be during the week, could be a fewnweeks later. Everyone saying the movie is great on Friday doesnt mean people are gonna drop what theyre doing and go the next day, thats common sense.

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Jandrew-some people here don't think Facebook/Twitter counts for some reason. :P(I mentioned films before I heard good WOM on FB and they ignored it)

Well FB is the #2 website in the world, so I think it has an influence, and Twitter is 7 in the US I believe.
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And Kayu, you have to realize that people have lives, If I go to F6 on Friday and call me friend and tell him how good he was, hes not gonna automatically hop in the car and go Saturday, the next day. He likely already has plans, work, ect. and he'll get to F6 when it fits his schedule. Could be that weekend, could be during the week, could be a fewnweeks later. Everyone saying the movie is great on Friday doesnt mean people are gonna drop what theyre doing and go the next day, thats common sense.

Most people seem to want to wait for DVD/Blu Ray for most films anymore anyway it seems as they cost so much to see.

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