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REVISED Weekend Estimates 6/14--6/16: Man of Steel OW $116.7M($128.7M including WM)

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Lemme get this straight, rth is saying $50-$55m WITHOUT Walmart?! Could we be looking at a $62-$67m Opening Day?!Holy shit! Please let this happen!




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I didn't think it was possible to beat Lincoln Square this weekend with the insane prices and attendance. 1 Sold out IMAX is about 13K lol

With SR total run lincoln Squ was #1 location by a country mile in NA nothing came close it did over 1mil on Imax screen alone, think it was #1 in world
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How much does MoS need to make before all the blaming of Snyder for the critical reception the last few days turns back into giving Nolan all the credit?

Edited by Orestes
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How much does MoS need to make before all the blaming of Snyder for the critical reception the last few days turns back into giving Nolan all the credit?


50M OD :rofl:



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Just came from the movie. Well....again I left disappointed. This time even worse than SR. What happened? How could Snyder messed up this movie so badly? Damn, everything was there. He just mixed the wrong ingredients in the wrong places...lol C+ for me. I might go see it again. I won't be surprised if it does have bad WOM. There was some claps at the end.

Blame Goyer, not Snyder. Snyder is good with spectacle and it seems to be the reason why this movie will be able to spring sequels and kick off the DC Movieverse. It's the guy writing the screenplay the one you should get mad at. Remember, even if he was making the film, Snyder was virtually a hired gun paid to deliver the best he could with the screenplay he was given. We need a BRILLIANT screenwriter that is a HUGE comic book buff paired with Snyder for the sequel, not a hack that do enjoy comics but couldn't hold a candle to most of the average comic book writers out there just because he is friends with Nolan.If there is someone to blame for MoS getting a rotten score, ultimately is Goyer under Nolan's approval, not Snyder.
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