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Star Trek Beyond | 7.22.2016 | Not an Oscar winner.

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How is Paramount going to find a new script before they start shooting sometime in the next six months?


I don't like Orci at all, but he did want to make some sort of homage to the franchise with this movie and fix the timeline mess he started two entries ago. I have a feeling Paramount's plans could be even worse, although I guess commercial success is better than no franchise at all.

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I don't get the hate Orci gets. Two films ago the filmmakers were the heroes for bringing back Trek to success. What happened in the meantime? No, Into Darkness wasn't that bad. The only mistake Orci makes is engaging with the internet community. You can't win.

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I don't get the hate Orci gets. Two films ago the filmmakers were the heroes for bringing back Trek to success. What happened in the meantime? No, Into Darkness wasn't that bad. The only mistake Orci makes is engaging with the internet community. You can't win.

The only mistake Orci has made is 95% of his filmography.

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I don't get the hate Orci gets. Two films ago the filmmakers were the heroes for bringing back Trek to success. What happened in the meantime? No, Into Darkness wasn't that bad. The only mistake Orci makes is engaging with the internet community. You can't win.

Look at the way he treats the internet community. He thinks he is so smug, well that puts him at the bottom of the hollywood food chain.

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Look at the way he treats the internet community. He thinks he is so smug, well that puts him at the bottom of the hollywood food chain.


Well, the internet is a cesspool of hate and evil. That comment was taken out of context. Who knows how much shit he got from that user. But when a celebrity dares to say something back he/she is like the worst person on the planet. Like i said, he shouldn't have replied, best to say nothing if something gets to you, best to stay away from the internet for one's sanity.

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Well, the internet is a cesspool of hate and evil. That comment was taken out of context. Who knows how much shit he got from that user. But when a celebrity dares to say something back he/she is like the worst person on the planet. Like i said, he shouldn't have said it, best to say nothing if something gets to you.

Well when your comments are scrutinized by the internet community you better make sure you don't leave them out or you will be seen as a disgrace as he already is. Well he is a producer/writer for the movies and should have a little more self control should I/community have pity for his comments he made, the answer is no.

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How is Paramount going to find a new script before they start shooting sometime in the next six months?


I don't like Orci at all, but he did want to make some sort of homage to the franchise with this movie and fix the timeline mess he started two entries ago. I have a feeling Paramount's plans could be even worse, although I guess commercial success is better than no franchise at all.


Orci is still a producer so he's not off the film completely, I imagine they'll get someone to do rewrites on the existing script rather than a completely new script. 


With a strong script and Lin's directing should make for an action packed/well paced movie. Hoping for a Darabont, Beaufoy or Logan.


Logan wrote Star Trek Nemesis and that film bombed so he's very unlikely. Andre Nemec and Josh Applebaum who wrote Mission Impossible Ghost Impossible could work as well. Beaufoy isn't a bad choice. I think it needs to have a few nods to the franchise even if Shatner doesn't make a cameo. It would be cool to see all the Captains but that might be too much.

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Well, let's not go into that. But he was part of the first Trek's success, wasn't he?


No. The first Trek's success was due almost entirely to the main cast and JJs direction of them. The movie itself was kind of stupid.

Edited by Orestes
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I liked both Trek movies ( second one less obviously ) but after suffering through TASM2 I think this guy is one of the key problems of this franchise game Hollywood has been shoving down our throats 


He's one of those screenwriters that fulfills every studio board wish ... and if studio executives were actually making movies instead of directors then movie business would be in even deeper shit 

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I don't get the hate Orci gets. Two films ago the filmmakers were the heroes for bringing back Trek to success. What happened in the meantime? No, Into Darkness wasn't that bad. The only mistake Orci makes is engaging with the internet community. You can't win.


Success doesn't mean quality. Orci is just a bad writer. There are simple Star Trek films that were written that way so they could be appealing to the general public. But in this case Orci's films are just dumb: they have plotholes and scenes that don't make sense, and they introduce plot devices that are more fantasy than science fiction. Up until now the vast majority of ST scripts had a solid scienfitic base, and that was one of the most commendable aspects of the franchise. But enters Orci and here we have red matter and warp-teleportation, things that it's not like we don't have the technology to recreate, they are just not possible, and were only introduced in the story because the guy needed the film to go the way he wanted.


And honestly, the man just doesn't learn: Prometheus, TASM2...there is a pattern there. Big productions, yes, commercial success, maybe, but bad scripts.

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Success doesn't mean quality. Orci is just a bad writer. There are simple Star Trek films that were written that way so they could be appealing to the general public. But in this case Orci's films are just dumb: they have plotholes and scenes that don't make sense, and they introduce plot devices that are more fantasy than science fiction. Up until now the vast majority of ST scripts had a solid scienfitic base, and that was one of the most commendable aspects of the franchise. But enters Orci and here we have red matter and warp-teleportation, things that it's not like we don't have the technology to recreate, they are just not possible, and were only introduced in the story because the guy needed the film to go the way he wanted.


And honestly, the man just doesn't learn: Prometheus, TASM2...there is a pattern there. Big productions, yes, commercial success, maybe, but bad scripts.

I think you have the wrong Abrams protégé for Prometheus. That was Lindelof.

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