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Box Office Fact or Fiction: Week 1 with Tarzan and Rukaio

Poll 11/8  

13 members have voted

  1. 1. Who answered better for the week of 11/8

    • Tarzan
    • Rukaio

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Hello everyone,


Welcome to the first edition of "Box Office Fact or Fiction". A (hopefully) weekly feature where two members of the Box Office forums are asked for their opinions on all things movies.


For the inaugural edition, the participants are:


The Disney loving, avatar changing, high posting person loved by everyone - Tarzan

The Anime guru of the forums, coming to us all the way from England - Rukaio


How this works: Each person is given 3 questions to respond to, and then they are given the chance to respond to the other person's questions as well. 


As the reader, you can choose who you feel answered the questions better this week. The winner of the poll gets a million internet points (sorry, we are working on a tight budget  :D ). Let's get going with week 1.


1. "Thor: The Dark World" will open to more than 100M


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Tarzan: FICTION. Thor is nowhere near as popular as Iron Man, the first only opened with 65 mil. Also, the tracking is suggesting a lower opening.


Rukaio: FICTION. I know little to nothing about box office predictions but almost everyone else seems to think it'll be under so I'll go with them. Because group mentality FTW.


1 for 1 



2. The new Robocop trailers have made you interested in the movie



Tarzan: FICTION. This movie looks like a generic reboot. Also reminds me of the remake of Total Recall, not a good sign. Also, the trailers need to showcase more action. 


Rukaio: FICTION. It's made me interested in seeing how much the movie will flop, but I get the feeling that doesn't count. The original Robocop was a fun, brutal action film with subtle, but interesting themes and symbolism which set it apart from the rest. From the trailers, the reboot seems to have replaced 'fun' with 'generic', 'brutal' with 'PG-13' and subtle, but interesting themes' with 'blatant and extra-generic themes'. There are so many issues I have with this reboot just from the trailers. Why does Alex Murphy have his all his memories right from the beginning? Why does his suit simultaneously look like a rip-off of Iron Man and Batman? Why do I get the feeling that his wife and child are going to be unbearably annoying? Where the hell is Anne Lewis? 


2 for 2



3. You would like to see a Wonder Woman cameo in Batman vs Superman


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Tarzan: FACT. It would great if Wonder Woman had a Cameo. Her anniversary is in a couple years, a great time to release a movie. Also, it would be nice to acknowledge other heroes in the DC universe. The fans would go crazy over that. Also, we need more female heroes. She is also one often favorite heroes. A cameo would set up a film of her.


Rukaio: FICTION. Fiction isn't exactly the right word here. 'Couldn't care less' is a better description of my feelings. I despised Man of Steel with a passion and I really don't have high hopes for Batman vs Superman either. A cameo from Wonder Woman won't improve the film any, it'll just remind me that she exists in Warner Bros poor excuse for a DCCU, and that they'd probably screw up an adaptation for her by trying to make it into a 'gritty, realistic Nolan-like' film. Key word being 'try'. Anyway, for that reason I'm voting negative on this. Besides, I struggle to see how the cameo would work considering Wonder Woman's origin (on the Island of Themyscira (butchered that spelling) which is sealed off from the rest of the world....).


2 of 3




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4. Edna Krabappel was the best member of the Simpsons school faculty

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Rukaio: FICTION. Sorry Edna, but you just cannae beat the greased Scottish greatness that is Groundskeeper Willy.  


Tarzan: FICTION. Principal Skinner was always the best, as he always listened to his mother. Groundskeeper Willie is overrated, just because you are a Scottish person doesn't make it funny.


Rukaio: 'What?! Have ye gone waxy in yer beester? I cannae believe ye dinna vote for Wille, ye croquet-playin' mint-muncher!'


3 of 4, but there seem to be cracks in the relationship



5. Vin Diesel will voice Groot (there have been no confirmations from Marvel yet, and all detail just seems to be from Diesel's FB page)


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Rukaio: FACT. This is all but confirmed, isn't it? Either way, I'd be on board for Diesel voicing Groot. He was great in Iron Giant, a similar role, and I think his deep voice would fit the character.


Tarzan: FACT. Unfortunately, this seems to be the case. He is a great actor, as evidenced in the recently released Riddick, he should have more than just one line to say. And, we won't even get to see Vin, as his character will be computer animated. (unless he dresses up as a tree).


4 of 5



6. You enjoy watching subtitled movies as opposed to dubbed versions


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Rukaio: FICTION. This was easily the most difficult one to pick, especially since I'm a pretty large anime fan (as you might've guessed by the amount of effort I packed into the Anime Discussion and Recommendation Thread (in the Animation Station, if you're interested. (That's right, I'm advertising my own threads here. (I have no shame at all)))). Anyway, while I'm putting 'fiction' here, my real answer is that it depends on the quality of the dub. I couldn't imagine not watching shows like Cowboy Bebop or Baccano without the dub (yeah they're TV shows, not movies, but it's the same issue). Similarly, I just can't watch Gurren Lagann and Nausicaa's dubs without cringing (although Nausicaa is mostly because Shia LeBeouf is somehow still annoying even when he's just a voice). In the end I picked fiction because, when confronted with a good dub and a good sub, I'll pick the dub more often than not.


Tarzan: FACT. I like watching subtitled movies, even if they are domestic. I like subtitles because I sometimes can't understand what a character is Saying. Anyway, back on topic, I don't care for dubs much because I always notice the mouth work. And since I am already used to watching movies with subtitles, I,like watching foreign stuff with subtitles.



So our intrepid explorers end up agreeing on 4 of 6 questions, and fought over Groundskeeper Willie. 


Feel free to join in and provide your answers in this thread as well. This will be used as the master thread moving forward. Please do vote as to who you felt answered the questions better.


Thanks again to Tarzan and Rukaio for their participation.


I am looking for participants, please let me know if you would be interested in providing your opinions for future editions of this column..


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Why that handsome Rukaio chap speaks perfect sensitude and we should all vote for him at the poll at the top, just like I have.


That's right. I voted for myself. I told you I had no shame.

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Cool, didn't know this was a thing.


Please let me know if you would be interested in participating for a future edition. Maybe the THG:CF release edition 2 weeks down the line.



Sign me up for this.


Thanks. Will definitely reach out to you for a future one.

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Trying to buy votes + sympathy with likes, Tarzan? For shame.....


On a completely unrelated note, I've just liked every post in this thread. Because I like you all.  :ph34r:

Edited by rukaio101
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This was a really fun read. It gave me a great idea of what to expect when it is my turn.


Both gave good answers, but a couple of Rukaio's answers were more thoughtout....so, for that reason, I gave him my vote.


Well, done to Rukaio & Tarzan. Oh, and grim22 for the good questions. ^_^

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they both answered very well and it was really hard giving a decision. but Tarzen Wants Wonder Women. and prefers subtitles as apposed to dubbed. which is usually, but not always better. and rukaio although answered well some of the answers were a little long and I started to lose interest . however some of the subjects I had no opinion on, so there is that, but yeah they both did great.

Edited by Kalo21
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