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Crunching the Numbers The Ocho (4th Quarter Reviews)

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February 23-25Daniel Tosh: New and Improved


As stand-up goes it's funny and well-paced, but there's little reason for this to be in theaters. Stand-up is best experienced in person.The Guardian of the West


Ken Burns does it again with a solid documentary that peels back layers from one of the best-known figures of the American West. Lots of interesting material and well-paced.The Last Rider


2 hours of Stallone Stalloning. Some good action, not much else.MirrorWorld


It's a very interesting concept that doesn't end up doing much special unfortunately. Also hurt by a weak villain with a weak twist on how to stop him. Fine for family entertainment, but don't expect anything more.

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March 2-4At the Mountains of Madness




Interesting premise, wonderful art direction and general production values, but in the end it is a slavish, literal adaptation that has no spark or feeling of its own.Twinkie


I'm trying to think if I ever had a Twinkie. I've had other Hostess products, but not sure if a Twinkie was one of them.

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March 16-18Pompeii


It's a movie that has a boring political plot, a decent romance, and some exciting action and visuals in the final half-hour. There just really isn't much of a compelling story to be made out of aqueducts and missing coins in the condensed, lower-denominator style the film aims for.

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March 23-25Keg Party


Whereas films like 21, Project X, etc crassly present the glory and thrill of drinking, this film goes the opposite route, unsubtly painting everything with a brush of despair and disgust. Neither set of films get it right because both simply plow into one narrow aspect. Additionally the framing device serves no real purpose other for a final gut punch at the film's conclusion.Lost Planet


Exciting visuals and action setpieces are weighed down by a convoluted plot and muddled character relations.

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March 30-April 1Hairspray


I don't like Hairspray. Period. This adaptation was the same as any other iteration.Thomas Was Alone


It's a very interesting premise that ultimately doesn't go anywhere all that remarkable.

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It's an ambitious concept, following five people from various corners of the globe from birth through their challenges and victories as they grow into mature adults coping with social, geopolitical, and personal obstacles. However this ambitious concept is neutered a fair bit by the rather rote simplification of the life stories, with many of the plot points being generic, paint-by-numbers progressions. It's engaging, but never rises to the next level.

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Horror House


This film is listed as a horror, but it's really a comedy, a funny one to boot. I don't know if it's because it takes its ludicrous script and events so seriously or because it's a legitimate parody, but I had fun with this movie.



The Legend of Redwall


Adapted from the well-known children's tale, Redwall is a movie about anthropomorphic woodlands animals (most of whom in this magical land are similar in size) and their attempts to defend their homes from a rampaging scourge. One strength about this movie is that it takes time to develop several central characters and their motivations and passions, which helps the audience care what happens to them. One curious aspect of the film is that its most potent action sequence lies in the front half, with the bad half more devoted to intrigues and revelations before a short but energetic action finale. The voice cast is all strong, with Mark Strong continuing to be the go-to man in CAYOM for villainy (I believe Blank is the only film where he has instead been the protagonist).


One of the best films of the opening four months without a doubt.



The Most Dangerous Game


It's a classic thrilling short story about survival, terror, and man's dark nature. Unfortunately, the film adaptation is uninspired and almost a literal translation. It has solid atmosphere and good acting from the leads, but its slavish and sedentary dedication decreases a lot of a menace and thrills, with it being more of a recounting of greatest hits from the story than a vibrant interpretation of them. Overall it's still an engaging and fine enough movie, but it has one other flaw: casting Jason Alexander as Ivan. WTF was the reason for that?



Walls of Stone


Walls of Stone has great production values, but in many ways the production values are almost wasted. Budgeted at $100 million, the film has plenty of drama and intrigue, but most of the money is blown on casting and sets, as there is only one action scene in the movie aside from the short final duel, and that scene is on the smaller scale. Thus most of the movie's 162 minute running time is taken up by characters having conversations, which runs into the problem of a fair bit of these characters and conversations not leaving much impact, which causes the pacing, especially in the second half, to get sluggish at points. It's a fine film, but it definitely needed some trimming down of its length.

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Horror House


This film is listed as a horror, but it's really a comedy, a funny one to boot. I don't know if it's because it takes its ludicrous script and events so seriously or because it's a legitimate parody, but I had fun with this movie.

Glad to see I'm not the only one to think this.

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Stephen King's It: Part 2It's atmospheric and tense, but it never really seems to break free and differentiate itself from the original miniseries' interpretation. My issue is with the casting of the movie. Ryan Gosling's role is a minor one-note villain who has only 3-4 scenes. Henry Cavill dies in the first 10 minutes. Both of these actors have become major stars in CAYOM land (Gosling won Best Actor in Year 6!) but here they are utterly wasted and are there just to add their names to the advertising to try and lure people in. Especially since the two actors chosen as the leads are very unremarkable (one is at least 10+ years too young for his role to boot).Next Vegas


The film really doesn't take the concept of cyberpunk future Vegas as far as it should. I was expecting lots more debauchery and sin exploration than this generic PG-13 thriller dished out.

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Happy Tree Friends


The fun and novelty wears off quickly.Move


There are some good song and dance numbers, but the plot and characters are kind of a mess.Run and Gun


It's a premise similar to The Running Man but the film ably enough tries to set its own pace and pattern. The action is effective though the characters are pretty slim. Enjoyable but forgettable.

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StarCraft: Brood War


This is StarCraft: Brood War, a movie. There are characters in it. Some are live-action, some are motion-capture. It takes place in deep outer space. Things blow up and other things bleed. The end.

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ChristineIt's about the same as the first CAYOM adaptation of it some years earlier. Decent and suspenseful, but nothing too special.The AcademySince it is unaltered from its Festival debut, please refer yourself to the following link:http://forums.boxoffice.com/index.php?/topic/9248-cayom-festival-year-7-three-month-funeral-triumphs/?p=692822

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Stranger in a Strange LandI'm a bit confused. The film is classified as Sci-Fi/Action but there is hardly any action in it aside from a few small bits in the last act. The budget is $220 million but aside from the occasional delicious set or burst of CGI it seems to all be a sunk cost. So it seems like a lot of money has been spent marketing this movie to be something different in people's minds than it is entirely. Ryan Reynolds is an affable leading man with charisma, but he doesn't have the chops to pull off the nature of the role he is tasked with. Also, the PG-13 rating neuters a lot of the hedonism and pleasure-seeking the film's plot and characters are imbued with. But also, I simply was not a fan of the source material's plot progressions and themes, so the film, by staying true to it, simply doesn't work that well for me all other issues aside.Digimon: World InvasionPokémon > Digimon :PBut in all serious, I know nothing about Digimon, so the plot and characters of the movie seemed to be a giant jumble and blur to me. The visuals and action are stellar, I just wasn't able to get hooked in.

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The Dresden Files: Stormfront


Five years after teaming up for Year 3's crime caper Fatal Rendezvous, Shane Black and Robert Downey Jr. reunite for an adaptation of the Harry Dresden series. A fantasy story about magicians and otherworldly phenomena, Stormfront mixes it with a good dash of murder-mystery and noir sensibilities, something Black's style is good at emulating. That's not to say that there aren't some bumps in the plot or the pacing, but the acting is good, the dialogue is sharp, and the atmosphere is fresh. All in all, a good time at the cinema.




Candy crush


The first half is pure little kid lights, sounds, and action. Then the second half happens, introducing all these weird cameos and the already thin plot going totally off the rails.

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Hand Drawn Heroes


An entertaining and innovative film that mashes up the history of cartoon legends with winks and nods to some of the famous animated films of the CAYOM 2.0 era. It's sharp and funny, though some of the plot gets tangled up a bit messily in the middle. My only wish is that we got more focus on the CAYOM animated universe.




Interconnected: An Empire Risen


After being off the radar for a few years, the Interconnected franchise returns with a new outing. The whole cast is back, with a handful of new names popping in. The production values are good, but I didn't much of a sense of urgency or energy from the plot, it all seemed a lot more mellow and ponderous compared to the previous films, with a lot of time simply setting up plot points and mythology questions that I assume will be paid off in the next outing. In the words of Elvis Presley, I wished there had been


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