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3 Days to Kill (2014)


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There is one really awesome line on the movie.  Kevin Costner says to Amber Heard, when she seems to be coming onto him, "You're not my type."  She replies, with a smirk, "I'm everyone's type."  I love hearing great one liners.  This qualifies as one.


The film is interesting.  The problem I have with it is that it is too much of a family film.  There's a great story about CIA operatives trying to get the bad guys but that takes a back seat to Costner trying to reconnect with his daughter and his wife, who he has been away from for 5 years.  The beginning of the film is really well done and it kind of sets you up for what you hope is to come but then the spy stuff takes a very big back seat to the family stuff.  And this stuff is fine, there is some really good stuff between Costner and Hailee Steinfeld, who plays his daughter, as they try to find each other again.  But again, imo, there's too much focus on their relationship and not enough on the action.  


Amber Heard is also criminally underused.  I love her in everything and the film would have benefited from more Heard and less family dynamic.  Shame



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I found this to be mostly enjoyable but like most of Besson's scripts, and for that matter McG's direction, for all the good, it fails to get beyond a certain level of entertainment to be something great. Still, the action is well done and Costner is fantastic and if not for him, this would've been a completely forgettable film...


Oh, and I agree with Baumer, Heard was woefully underused. Have you seen Syrup? Not a movie a lot of people liked (I did), but she was incredible in it, the first and only time her talents were actually utilized.


***/*****, (C+, 6.2/10, 2.5/4)

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Felt like 3 movies jammed in one. And none of them any good.

Probably the storyline about the African family leaving in his house was the best one but it felt like a completely different film and it had the least screen time. Most of it was about Costner and his daughter which was cliche after cliche, uninteresting, badly written and it drags the movie down. It's pretty boring actually. At least the action was energetic but the plot didn't make any sense or it was just silly. I mean how many times did the drug started kicking in when he was about to finish his mission? Every time! Heard's character was from a different film also and made no sense either. She was acting like she had a secret and she was hidding something but nothing happend with her character. Costner was good at least.

I was looking for some fun action flick but i got a boring mess.

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Too many flaws and the whole daughter story line was annoying example changing the cell phone ring tone. The movie could have been 5-10 minutes shorter imo. The movie just has too many boring scenes. Some action was decent and Costner was fun to watch. 


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I love this film.

The opening scene was shot interestingly and then you get into the stuff with the family and it gets really good.i was totally invested in Costner's relationship with his daughter. Also this movie is fucking hillarious.. It kinda drags when it gets back into the spy stuff. Vut the very end is awsome.


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