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Avatar: The Way of Water | 16 DEC 2022 | Don't worry guys, critics like it

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Why is 75% of this topic Superman0001 fanboying? Also, why do you call it Juggernaut?


I would hate to doubt Cameron, and it would be amazing if he could pull off biggest movie of all time 3 or 4 or 5 times in a row, but I just can't see it happening. Other record breaking movies are record breaking because they do something never before seen, or completely redefine a genre. Avatar 1, as many have already said, was sold on its groundbreaking and amazing VFX and usage of 3D, fully bringing the audience into the world of Pandora. The sequels have Avatar's and Cameron's goodwill going for them, but I doubt that they will offer something groundbreaking or redefining.


Speaking of the 3D, Avatar was the first movie in this 3D craze that we're going through. IIRC, without 3D, Avatar would sit around where TDK is, but that wasn't my math, so that could be wrong. The 3D thing is basically dead in North America, and by 2015, the rest of the world will probably be tired of it as well. As such, there will be a much smaller 3D share for Avatar 2, and thus, lower grosses.


Another thing worth mentioning that I haven't seen mentioned is pop culture. Despite being the biggest movie of all time, I don't see references to it in other media or pop culture like I see with other movies like Titanic, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Batman, etc. I almost feel as if the first movie just made a GIGANTIC splash and then just disappeared. 


Lastly, the gigantic sequel expansion rule. Almost all movies that have made more than 400m DOM adjusted never see their sequel improve upon it. Dead Man's Chest, The Twin Towers, Return of the King, Revenge of the Sith, Return of the Jedi, and soon Catching Fire are the only exceptions to the rule, and even then, 400m is a lot easier to improve on than 750m. But like others have already said, biggest movies of all time have never seen their sequels increase either. OS, I see potential for this increasing due to overseas expansion since 2009, but probably not by much.



TLDR- Avatar 1 was a box office anomaly. To repeat that amount of success is extremely unlikely, if not impossible.


My prediction 3+ years out. 140 OW, 600 DOM, 1600 OS, 2200 WW.

Explain his films Aliens( its still the biggest film of the franchise), Explain the mega jump of T2 from T1....


Did I mention James Cameron is the only director in history to have back to back all time biggest grossing films in history.


He is also the only person to garner such attention in film history and accolades that even studios decided Avatar is so epic we need to build new theaters to accomodate this thing. .James Cameron can and always has defied typical movie performance. To doubt him being able to repeat it with the Juggernaut 2015/2016 is to court destruction :D LOL

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I remember 1 post from kal(Superman0001) in this thread few months ago, he probably didn't think it through completely but, he said Avatar2 will open to $250m DOM and have a 7X multiplier. :lol:

Actually Lex.. I stated Avatar has a chance to have the first 150-250M domestic OW and it will likely have a 6x-7x+ Multiplier.

Terminator 2's multiplier was over 13x times the original..



Best do the research on James Cameron's perfomances for sequels before you try to make arguments for tthe Juggernaut not breaking the mold!!


Pandorians will bring you and the TA2 and SW7 fanboys to your knees!!!  You will once again deal with James Cameron in the top category and very likely becoming the first film to go beyond 3billion  WW :)..


Woooohoo.. My predict is 3.8b, but we could do much more :)

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You know Kal, he's never that specific. 600m+, something like that. He and BJ were the only ones who were even in the ballpark.

Well my highend was right on the money Telemachos.


I had Avatar hitting 750m and maximum 2.7 or 2.8B..  It grossed almost exactly my highend.


Low end was 600Mil and  2.01 billion  I believe.



BJ and a few others were with me saying it might beat Titan by  up to a billion.. Considering so many were ready to hate on Cameron saying flop or this film will be lucky to break even.. 600-700M max..


It was definitely one of the most glorious moments and ultimate expectations realized for a film and director you were ranting would not be matched..


James is simply the king of them all in epic movie making.

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The hero's journey/cycle is the most basic yet hardest thing to pull off perfectly.

We all love it. It's all ingrained in our minds.

Avatar did it perfectly. You don't make close to 3billion just for special effects. That assumption is childish and ridiculous.

Of course it's reasonable to be critical of the movie, and say something about the sequels in terms of potential BO. I myself think it will decrease etc.

But it's tiring to hear some people only talk about sfx = the reason for its success.


The hero's journey/cycle is the most basic yet hardest thing to pull off perfectly.

We all love it. It's all ingrained in our minds.

Avatar did it perfectly. You don't make close to 3billion just for special effects. That assumption is childish and ridiculous.

Of course it's reasonable to be critical of the movie, and say something about the sequels in terms of potential BO. I myself think it will decrease etc.

But it's tiring to hear some people only talk about sfx = the reason for its success.

LOl most us brothers in arms for James Cameron and all things pandorians, usually say something short and then write them off as knowing nothing what makes Box office analomies happen good buddy... Though it could decrease, going by James Camerons track record with sequels...Heh heh Highly unlikely the sequel wont break Juggernaut I.. Especially worldwide.


Where OS alone Avatar II  will likely surpass the entire gross of Avatar  I.. I mean Japan and China alone could yield up to 650-700+M USD!! That is just pure whoop ass of all the other behemoths..




Pandorians  The energy is here, the stage is oursss... James Cameron and his fans will once again shows the world.." No film will take from Pandora!! " We will  show them this  is our land!!" (Music Playing!!)

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Fak! Disney Recognizes how big Juggernaut 2015/2016 will be..  The Worlds first 3billion, 4billion, 5billion??? Movie


How big is Pandoras epic return and dominaton amongst movie fans in their experience. Its so big Disney has the rights to the worlds first Avatar themed Park!!!


Will decrease you say gang??  I think not! Avatar land goes live just in time for the Juggernauts 2's epic Return!!



Theme park attraction

At Disney's 2013 D23 event, it was announced that a theme park will be based on Avatar, which will be called Avatar Land.[151] It will be a themed area at Disney's Animal Kingdom in Lake Buena Vista, Florida.

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I like his enthusiasm towards the films.

Loves yours too Kayu.. We will send these marvel loonies the message! :P


Now even SWS can match the imminent masscre of behemoths when juggernaut 2 rolls out.. I hope the OW is at least 2 times 83M Juggernaut I debuted with(And with a lil luck we just might get into the 180m-200+M OW) Come on avatar fans. I will be buying 3-5 tickets in advance to help lol


Oh Kayum compadre, you think they will do Avatar 2 Day on such a grand scale as the first.. I think thats a gurantee..


This film is too huge, to not go big and showcasing Jim's new tricks in pushing the movie experience to another level.

Im also glad James Horner is scoring this one as well, dont let the team break up James. :)

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Man, when is The Abyss going to be released on blu-ray?  It's the one Cameron movie I haven't seen and I'd like to see it in HD.


Oh, and as for Avatar 2, it's going to make boatloads, duh.  Doubt Cameron at your own risk.  It's like doubting Nolan, or a Marvel movie with Iron Man.

Zapp we have a few SWs and TA fanboys who just dont get  Cameron's Avatar sagas are in a whole new category of Box Behemoth...other films are like lil play things. Im not even sure any of these films will come close domestically in making it competition, but its going to be interesting to watch.


You know a few folks here are going to breaking out some tissue.. While we just say I mean you  saw T2, Titanic and he didnt stop there with making folks come out to a known story for the ultimate 1 Run king.. He surpassed Titanic with a scifi starring a character whos quadrapledgic jumps into a blue cat body to mingle with other alien feline looking citizens and goes on to nearly 3billion..


Seriously Im still laughing at BKB and others still trying to say Cameron can't do it again. When hes done the impossible back to back.. No film couldnt even come close to Titanic with 3D LOL. His terminator 2 sequel is one the of the biggest sequels increases in history( Has any film ever started with 6 millon and the sequel in one run goes on to make half a billion!?)


Im curious to see if another director has done that cool milestone..


This is James Cameron and other movies have some serious  rethinking and stepping up their game to begin to come close to the Pandorian Playfield...


Did we mention after Avatar, Battle Angel Lolita is poised to do it all again and fill up more all time spaces for James. :wub:

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Loves yours too Kayu.. We will send these marvel loonies the message! :P


Now even SWS can match the imminent masscre of behemoths when juggernaut 2 rolls out.. I hope the OW is at least 2 times 83M Juggernaut I debuted with(And with a lil luck we just might get into the 180m-200+M OW) Come on avatar fans. I will be buying 3-5 tickets in advance to help lol


Oh Kayum compadre, you think they will do Avatar 2 Day on such a grand scale as the first.. I think thats a gurantee..


This film is too huge, to not go big and showcasing Jim's new tricks in pushing the movie experience to another level.

Im also glad James Horner is scoring this one as well, dont let the team break up James. :)


I'll buy 4 tickets. Take that! lol

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Seriously, your 4 Billion prediction for this is more ridiculous than anything I've ever predicted and got wrong including THOR 2.. I can't help but to think you're having fun here and not serious about this cause if you are, then you really need to put down the bong and get some air.. Not only is AVATAR irelevant now and not even referred to in any reference pop culture wise, hell, not even spoofed and completely forgotten, but TA2 stands more of a chance at achieving 1.5 to 2 Billion WW than a forgotten property like AVATAR and I'm so 100% certain of this that I'll bet ya anything on it just to make ya look like a jackass in the end over it..

Will bet that Avatar 2 does at least 1.5B.

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Explain his films Aliens( its still the biggest film of the franchise), Explain the mega jump of T2 from T1....


Did I mention James Cameron is the only director in history to have back to back all time biggest grossing films in history.


He is also the only person to garner such attention in film history and accolades that even studios decided Avatar is so epic we need to build new theaters to accomodate this thing. .James Cameron can and always has defied typical movie performance. To doubt him being able to repeat it with the Juggernaut 2015/2016 is to court destruction :D LOL

The Alien franchise isn't nearly as big as Titanic/Avatar. And adjusted, Alien made more than Aliens. I don't know what the point of bringing this up was though. And I don't understand what you brought up Terminator for either. They're both by Cameron, so that just proves he can make low grossing movies too. But still, T1's adjusted 91m is extremely easy to improve on.


If you really expect him to pull off another biggest of all time movie, you're setting yourself up to be disappointed. I''m not saying it can't happen, I'm saying you shouldn't expect it to happen. If you don't expect it to happen, and it does happen, then that's a pleasant surprise. If you don't expect it to happen, and it doesn't, then oh well, that's what you expected.

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Well of course it will Neo, but under no circumstances is this sequel to a basically forgotten movie going to make no 4B WW much less 3B.. I appreicate the dudes passion for this, but this so called "juggernaught" stuff is getting or has become a bunch of nonsense..


You're probably right, BKB. But, on the other hand, it *is* Cameron..... and you never know. ;)

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I do know and know that unless Lord Cameron plans to outtop the concept of 3D to put the sequel over the top, it's not happening and even Cameron himself would laugh at the thought of one of his movies making 3-4B WW like Kal goes on about.. Like I said, I appreciate the dudes over passion for anything and everything that is James Cameron, but come on already..


I agree. But then again, back in Oct '09 I would've sworn up and down and sideways that AVATAR would *never* gross 2.5b WW. What an utterly absurd concept. ;)

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It was the concept of 3D that we had never beeen introduced before that sold the movie more than the actual movie itself and again, unless he plans on inventing something that replaces 3D, It's not happening.. Honestly, for a movie that made so much $$$, you never hear a peep about it anymore and there's a reason why for this.. The whole movie was nothing more than a gimmick for 3D..


:lol: You know that's not true as well as I do.

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I'm sorry, but yu're just wrong on this and prove me wrong: Show me where AVATAR after 4 years now of release, is being mentioned, hell, even referenced since then?? It's a forgotten movie that was sold on the sweeping 3D FX and you and everyone know it who dumped tons of $$$$ into this.. You can laugh, but it really is true.. You take away the 3D that sold this movie and it wouldn't have made a fraction of what it did.. Cameron inshort gave us a technology that we had never experienced and it was that experience that really did sell the movie and not the dumb storyline..


Sorry, BKB. You don't make 2.7b WW on a gimmick. You don't do $760m domestic on a gimmick. Face it, for better or worse, audiences really connected with the story it told, the characters, and the world that was created.

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Oh for God sake, BULLSHIT and I'll prove it wrong.. Give me a moment:




And there you go, just like I said.. Read it and weep folks and once again, unless somerhing comes along better than the 3D concept, then it won't be any better than the standard sequel, excluding TA2..


Why should I accept FilmJunk's opinion as objective fact? It was *a* factor... but if that's the case, how come NO 3-D films had any sort of impact whatsoever prior to AVATAR?


It's like saying the only reason TITANIC made 600m is because teenage girls saw it non-stop. While it's true that repeat viewings helped, it reached all demographics in a very emotional way.


If AVATAR made half of what it did, then maybe I'd buy the 3D argument. But it so completely crushed every other film, it's not remotely the reason.


Worldwide, AVATAR outgrossed TA and TDK combined. C'mon now.

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These articles aren't saying what you think they are. No one is denying that AVATAR proved 3D was a powerful technology capable of generating a lot of interest. But that's not the single, primary, or even major reason why it made as much as it did.


But keep believing that, if you want to.

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