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Avatar: The Way of Water | 16 DEC 2022 | Don't worry guys, critics like it

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How big does Kal think  Juggernaut 2016 could be...(welll i think the potential

is deep 4 billion territory--some say 5billion-Damn!)



My predict is 850M Domestic(Hoping for 1 bill domestic tho), 2.8Billion OS.(Highend I think will be 3.2B  OS)



In a nutshel  3.6Billion WW for Avatar 2..Vs 1.4-1.6 b for Avengers 2, 1.4B for SW7

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Lol  Fancy friend that was pretty cool. hah hah at he pic of cameron breakingthe world  deepd

iving  record by a one manned submercible. :)


Damn 2 all time mega game change blockbusters in a row.. The first in history  to do so..

First director I believe to have back to back mega awards all around the world as well.

And he should have gotten best director and best picture at oscars that yr again as well. Robbed him. Now he has the deep diving

record..  Can he be all time again for the 3rd time in a row......? Oh yes its very very possible :)


No actually that's Spielberg with three, Jaws (which was at the time the highest grossing film of all time, and is generally considered to be the first blockbuster), E.T. (which dethroned Star Wars for the title), and Jurassic Park (which beat E.T.).


I don't doubt Cameron's success, but he isn't the first director to have two mega change gaming blockbuster movies. That would be Spielberg.

Edited by Fancyarcher
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You say 3.8B like its a cakewalk, 4.3B WW :what: Funny how you have AOU at 1.6B and Avatar upwards of 2.7B over and you have it over by 2.2B really? Will take bet that Avatar beats AOU by less than 2.2B.

Neo. Enguarde my friend. I will bet you that Avatar wins by at least 1.7Billion over

Avengers :)..... Sig Bet?

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^^^ Also Neo folks are predicting  3.8-4+ billion due  to the first one doing 2billion + OS alone... in a much much much smaller 3d

market  and Imax market. If a  film  not even in the league of Titan and Juggernaut 2009  can do

nealry 900M OS in these new  much larger markets... What do you think the worlds biggest sequel is going to do OS.

IM3 is no Pandora experience...The results of the sequel and fans like myself buying 4-10+ tickets= Godlike results .  Of course

this depends if James doesnt get sloppy.. Its something he has never done with sequels.



Very stoked to see if A2 smashes up my predictions for it bigtime  Neo... I do the sig wager for 2 weeksswit

h your my friend if you take the ass whopping gap a bit down to  1.7 billion spank by Avatar 2 over Avengers 2

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I've never seen it all the way through on TV cause I can't watch it in 3d and that's what really elevated the movie for me. The fact that I felt like I had escaped to another world and was actually in it. Saw it 6 times in the theater in 3d cause of that (4 in IMAX). I don't get that effect on TV and therefore the movie loses a lot of it's wow factor. For me.

Yes its lorded as the greatest movie experience of all time , because James uses

3d for the first time as a vehicle to take us there to Pandora into a leaving and breathing world

not as a gimic movieman.. I enjoy the br Special edition  version, but I agree still one hell of a film, but

nothing can emulate the sheer awe and otherworldly experience seeing this on a giant digital Imax screen

in the 3D the way it was meant to be seen or other 3D  facilties. Not to mention the score music a

nd  jungles come alive with the new sound breakthroughs done with the film. That too cant be

realized at home.. :)

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Nah I just find you entertaining.  :D


OS increase makes sense but 3D isn't as generally prominent as it was for Avatar's run, particularly here.  I'd say something like 550/2.5B, 3B WW right now, but it's still far out so I would hardly put much stock in even my own prediction.

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Your gigantic ranges are annoying, and I'd appreciate it if you didn't talk down on me as if I were a child. And I'd love to see where you got that 300+% 3D screens thing.


Let's see some predictions from you, and some reasoning behind it.


I predict Age of Ultron will do about 580/1200/1780 for the following reasons:

-sequels to movies that grossed over 400m have never grossed more than their immediate predecessor, with one exception, six if you adjust (Catching Fire, Dead Man's Chest, The Two Towers, The Return of the King, Revenge of the Sith, and Return of the Jedi). Even then, most of those movies grossed in the 400-500 range, which is much easier to improve upon than 620

-a larger OW than seems likely, although with slightly weaker legs

-now that the OS audience has been hooked on Marvel (look at IM3's 806 compared to Avengers' 895), I see at least a slight decrease in developed markets (similar to DOM), although a larger increase in developing markets that will make up for it


I predict Avatar 2 will do about 600/1600/2200 for the following reasons:


-sequels to movies that grossed over 400m have never grossed more than their immediate predecessor, with one exception, six if you adjust (Catching Fire, Dead Man's Chest, The Two Towers, The Return of the King, Revenge of the Sith, and Return of the Jedi). Even then, most of those movies grossed in the 400-500 range, which is much easier to improve upon than 760

-there has never been a sequel to a biggest of all time movie that increased in a developed market, so I predict ~20% decreases in most major markets, and although the developing markets will increase, the 3D shares will be lower

-building on that, the 3D craze that the original Avatar started is slowly dying, and by the time the sequel comes out (7 years), 3D may be even less appealing

-building on that, the bigger the gap between installments, usually, the harder it is to match or surpass the original, unadjusted


This isn't about one movie doing better than the other. I accessed both movies individually, and this is what I came up with. So I think your A2 beating AOU by 2.2B thing is bullshit.


Let's see your argument.

if  he will do the typical folly of trying to do more of the same and bore audiences a bit , and lose repeat business or soar like an eagle and come up with something new. Where has Whedon proven he can

handle the pressure of mega sequels... The last great stuff he did before avengers

was Buffy, Angel and some TV projects. His film  sequel to series firefly crashed and burned , despite

having immense talent from the original cast. (Whoopsie!)


James audience is built on his reputation of making the greatest audience experiences

and greatest sequels and never letting movies goers down in any genre he tackles.


Hence T2, Aliens, the Abyss, Terminator, True Lies, Titanic and again floored the world

with Avatar I. Courts adjourned Mr. Gokai... I can feel your spine and arguments both

crumbling in my hands.. :)3.Hmm maybe in your illogical mind Avatar I will eventually  sell 50+million copies on HV doesnt mean anything to you , vs a film like Avengers that bare sold 19 million units WW and has been out for awhile now..lol4.. Are you not noticing that the same people that watch Titanic showed up to see  Avatar... Hmm seems  to me its a near lock by the sheer following of James Cameron at this point to blow your decent but way off prediction of 2.2B WW. Audience loss...Again the fanboy talk.. James cameron last film was 13 yrs ago

was unbeatable.  He shows up in 2009 with an original film that finally sinks the Titan.

LMAO... Audience for Avatar or should I say James cameron  going away??? Lol

Perhaps you should look on FB where there are Avatar Fanpages with 30+ million people

with many pandorians  betting who can buy the most tickets  for the sequel.5.. I suggest you do 3D check of how much theaters have increased in the 3D department OS and even domestically.6. Did you miss the points made by me and peers in this thread that if any film may lose its audience its a comic film like avengers, as how much people  will ride this film  again to the extent they rode the first teamup. Im sorry but the team up factor is now over, just like with no joker and no death of health Ledger helping to boost revenue.Batman 3 took a hit bigtime domestically  and adjusted with 3D prices Batman3

failed to capture back it  audiences. Plain and simple.Avengers2 will likely take a hit.7. A2 will  tap golden age audiences and the new which which should in theory further accelerate the domestic and certainly the OS gross. You dare think a decent Comic book sequelcan compete with the audience following the next big epic of James Cameron.Logic over comic fanboy nonsense everytime Gokai.. I'm sorry...Your war is over.


Get ready for Box Office embarrasment and oblivion..LOl  20-30% decrease you say.

Are you looking at Avatar forums and how much merchandise related to James movie was sold.

The suicides because James is taking too long to make the sequel and folks want to get back to Pandora.

Gokai maybe you should understand this is a cultural worldwide event..Folks are speaking navii

and have Pandora communties... Disney is building an Avatarworld with James Cameron as is

China.. Think man! Think! I dont see any comic film  causing folks to commit sucide , because

extreme Pandorians are sad  James will take too long for the sequel and they cant revisit

the one of kind immersive experience that was Pandoria in 3D.. And James promises to do new

thingss and push visuals and story tellling even further.


In short your points are thrown to the wayside, there is not one comic film that hit max audience attendance that retained its market share on the 2nd outing. And if TDK and SM2 cant do it and are a tad better films than Avenger 1 in quality... I must say Gokai, you have some high hopes that Avengers 2

is guranteed to  improve over the first by much(Its more likely to fall off).Avatar 2 by a mile.  James Camerons has been growing his  built in audience for decades now.

He is the only director whos trademark is the yoda, the gift to bodly go where no one 

has before. The unmatched and famous ability to push the envelope further and defy the rules. The sheer numbers of HV sales over Avengers.. This ride is over before the war begins...Factt.Take that to the bank.. I dont even think the domestic battle will be close..lol While Avengers 2 could fall as low as 1.2-1.3b range WW and its max potential is 1.5-1.7B(maybe)...Camerons audience and Fox  Tyransaurus media congolomerate partnership will ensure this is the must see film and ultimate experience and work by James Cameron... Everyone almost is showing up and when you can bring in ages to 6-90+ and have them crying,  you can make box office miracles happen yet again.Avatar 2s  Overseas range on the lowend should be around  2.6-2.8B WW(beating any comic film by

WW gross by at least a billion just from the OS tally..

Now on the highend OS,  we are talking about 2.8(The Originals gross WW gross!) to an astounding  way over 3.2B Overseas potential.

Hence why alot of folks are expecting the worlds first 3 billion to 4billion worldwide megafilm and again

a new milestone by James Cameron. (Wow James Cameron is going to be in 3 spots

back to back on  the all time list---Avengers 2 who?? Good luck with that) :)..Lol max OS potential with the expanded markets for Avengers 2--800-950+ OS,Avatar 2--  Easily will gross around  2.7-3.2+B in the OS market alone... You can take the bet with me Gokai for $50.00 paypal if your Avengers 2 can stay within 800 million of Avata WW gross..Lol 

If you find flaws with my logic over your fiction. I trust you will cower out like your Fanboy in arms

BKB did before you.

Seems your boy BKB backed out of the bet..and after looking silly is still talking BS that I said this film

will make 5billion.. LOL


My predict is 3.6Billion. Plain and simple and I do believe it could go beyond my prediction by more

than 700M..Its going to be an interesting ride :).


Since my predcitic is 1.6  Billion  now for Avengers 2...I think the gap will be over 2billion or at least 1.8B(Which is a severe

ass whooping)


Avengers 540M domestic, 1.06B OS.


James Cameron sequel and the man himself just cant be beat ...

Aka --Avatar 2 wows the world and this forum with the  total destruction of Avengers 2 domestically with a new milestone Domestic of 850M, and blows apart the box office of Avatar 1 WW gross with a new

milestone achievement of OS

of 2.8B (3.6B)

Edited by Superman001
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Nah I just find you entertaining.  :D


OS increase makes sense but 3D isn't as generally prominent as it was for Avatar's run, particularly here.  I'd say something like 550/2.5B, 3B WW right now, but it's still far out so I would hardly put much stock in even my own prediction.

Trust me BKB and Gokai are going to be run out of here in ridicule one thinks

the gap of Juggernaut 2016 will be only 500+M difference(lol-Gokai), his partner in marvel madness Count BKB thinks

Avengers 2 will beat Avatar 2 by at least 500+M  and make welll over 2billion WW.(Spits Drink)


Both of these guys dont understand that Cameron is the brand and the spectacle of Avatar 2. You could

put Speilberg as the director it would come close to 3billion , because nearly all film makers know

James is the pound for pound best of the magnificent film maker of all time. In terms of overal contributions

Speilberg is the best. But to me every gloryfied  James Cameron film has beaten the top  speilberg filmi

n terms of awe quality and story telling... Though props to Steven for Indy, Jaws , JP and ET.


It remains to be scene if  our speilberg can direct a film that draws the masses as did his JP did in the 90s.

Im pretty certain all the crowds of Titan and Avatar 2 and all the comic film fans wont miss

the next thing the living Legend Cameron does.. Thats why a 150-200+M OW for December wont suprise

me for Avatar 2 at all. :)

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^^ I hope with that winded reply I put Gokai and BKBs arguments for Avengers being more than

a a Titan and Juggernaut 2016 wannabee in the trashcan.


The potential for Avengers 2 is pretty immense, but not nearly good enough

to match the 3B+ Goliath coming...Heck Avatar 2 may go on to beat SW7 and Avengers 2 worldwide gross

combined by a mile.


Wont that be something?! Dont ever blaspheme and speak mere mortal films

in our Pandora realm presence....The audience that follows James Cameron is simplythe

 best there was and quite frankly if he doesnt lose his gift. will become the best there ever will be.


If is not already considering Titanic is still the all time one run king.. Bow down  Avengers 2,

SWS7, ID4 2, Transformers 4..Your good at BO receipts but not nearly good enough :worthy:

Edited by Superman001
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No offense once again dude, but you have no concept as to how much $$$ 3B + REALLY is as though you're just tossing numbers around like it's nothing... Because of this, you will have egg in your face over it in the end...

Yes I do  thats why my high end predict for avatar was 2.8b years ago and

regular predict around 1.5b :D



Since most of the audience of Titanic  and comic films show up for James Cameron films , I will just

ssay your mind is addled by putting Avengers 2  in a category it has no place in .


Only film with ranks up in Avatar and Titanic Status , will be the next JAmes Cameron

gmega project with Fox. Battle Angel Triology

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^^ BKB, you havent been in the Boxoffice game long enough if you dont understand what

a special kind of filmmaker James Cameron is.


Even if it the film missed 3billion and it wont.. Your avengers 2 cannot muster the same kind of audiences

A2 will draw in.. 


When fox and James unleashes advertising and another Avatar Day perhaps...OMG, it will be 2009 again.


All the fools that saying JAmes is washed up , how can fox give him that much money to spend on blue cat

people and a gent in a wheelchair...They have all left the building mostly.


I think you need to join the A2 will crush all comic book films ,but the battle of MOS2

vs TA2 vs SW7 vs Heman I should be interesting. :)

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