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The Battle of the Badasses: Discussion Thread (Odysseus Wins Tie!)

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Tiebreaker post for


Odysseus vs. Queen Mother


the character to get the most replies with at least two sentences explaining why they would win in the fight wins the tie.  Only one post per member, if you try to make your vote count twice it wont count at all.



As for the other results

Solo, Aang, and Walter White win.

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Odysseus, obviously. The guy sailed to hell and back just to get directions. He regularly killed shit that would curbstomp the Alien Queen. Unless, his foe was a beautiful woman, in which case, he slept with them. In comparison, the Alien Queen is just an oversized bug. Hell, she doesn't even manage to kill a single surviving crew member in Aliens.

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Odysseus over the Alien Queen easily. The Alien Queen is physically imposing and lays a lot of eggs. That's it. Odysseus is not only a skilled warrior, he is one of the most intelligent, clever, and manipulative heroes in fiction. He outsmarts, outplans, outwits, and outlasts almost everyone in Greek mythology. He was Batman before Batman became a thing.

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Odysseus all the way. Dude was the smartest, cleverest guy in the world. Wily, conniving, able to discover an enemy's every weakness and exploit them. He's defeated demi-gods and monsters of all sorts. He killed the Cyclops despite being unarmed and weaponless by using sheep as cover and making new weapons from his surroundings. Nothing about the Alien Queen would phase him. He wouldn't rush into an attack and let her slice him up with her claws, not would he let himself be dissolved by her acid. He'd sit back, observe and analyze, and then make his move, and knowing Odysseus, he'd come up with some ironically appropriate kill: making her drown in her own acid, or something.

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Odysseus wins the tie!


It speaks volumes that no one bothered to spend two sentences to try and support the Alien Queen. Goes to show it was just blind ignorant poll voting with no substance beyond "Hey that big alien looked cool!"

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Hey, I will get the next topic up sometime within the next couple of days, but the last couple days have been long and todays been quite hard on me.


So if anybody wants to make the topic for 

John Matrix vs. Cameron Poe

Po vs. Yoda

Dalek Sec vs. Iron Man

Mufasa vs. King Kong

in the style that I have been doing it in order to get it up earlier you may (and I'd actually be greatful, as it'd keep this running despite my human tiredness).  The locations and match ups are on the front page anyways if you are willing to make the topic and need to find them.



BTW winners of the last round were announced.

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But Mr. Hankey fought with Poo Magic and kicked the celebrities out of South Park. That's street, yo. He also gave presents to children with a lot of fiber in their diets. Didn't give a f*ck what anyone thought.

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