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1st Annual Forum Games! - PART 21 - 116 - FINAL PART ON 117 - WE HAVE A "WINNER" - AFTER CREDIT SCENE - Page 119

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WTF. I let you light someone on fire!? Do you want to be lit on fire?


Can't even make a Dark Knight reference anymore :rolleyes:


Just keep it up, this is awesome, and don't be afraid to sex it up, let the love triangles rip :D

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Jandrew we like what you are doing with the stories, just keep doing what you do best and we are not complaining, but it was fun and made the game even more exciting than it already is and it was already one helluva a game. 

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Part 7!


AHHHHH! The symbiote takes over Jay. Jay drops to the ground, overwhelmed, as the symbiote swallows him up. The symbiote absorbs in his skin and he goes back to his normal looks. He gets up and examines his muscles, his strength, and his newly heightened senses.

Jay Hollywood: Where'd this come from? The power...it feels good. You can lose yourself too it. Jay Hollywood looks up to the sky. Hey, Mods! I know you hear me! I'm sick of this place, I'm not Team Marvel! Do your portal magic and transfer me wherever my team is! (eerie) I want to test this new power out. Greet...some old friends. Jay Hollywood waits for a second, but his wish is granted. A portal opens up front of him and he steps inside.


It's burning down, I'm yelling timberrrr. Hufflepuff is coming down. Firedeep and Kal still lay unconscious as burning beams fall all around them. Jack Nevada, popping through the smoke, grabs them both. He grabs Firedeep and Kal by the collar. He waves his wand at the broken, open window and recites the vanishing spell.

Jack Nevada: (coughing) Evanesco! Poof, they disappear, and Hufflepuff crumbles.


After walking for multiple parts, Films, AndyLL, and Sixteen16 have finally made it up Snow Mountain to Elsa's ice castle. 

AndyLL: We made it. Elsa's castle! 

Films: Should we knock?

AndyLL: Maybe I'll go in, and you guys wait out here for 60 seconds.

Films: I don't have a skull. Or bones. Andy and Sixteen16 stand confused. AndyLL turns back and knocks on the ice-made door. It creaks open and AndyLL peaks inside.

AndyLL: I think it's safe, guys. AndyLL opens the door the whole way and walks in. Films and Sixteen16 follow. They admire the palace. Ice chandeliers, ice stairs, just like in Frozen. I'm in awe! Let's explore this place! In the top room, Jack Nevada, Firedeep, and Kal come spilling out of nowhere.

Kal: (drowsy) What is this? Please tell me Natari's bedroom.

Jack Nevada: Ugh, I know this shit. It's that ice palace from Frozen. 

Firedeep: How'd we get here? Last thing I remember was us in a fight at Hufflepuff.

Jack Nevada: I vanished us out of Hufflepuff. Of course this is where we end up. And where's Tawasal?

Firedeep and Kal: Tawasal! AndyLL, Sixteen16, and Films walk up the ice stairs. AndyLL begins to open the door, but sees the reflections of the other team through the ice. He "shhhhs" Films and Sixteen16 and they move away from the door.

AndyLL: (soft) Someone else is in there. Where is your crossbow, Films? Films pulls it out and hands it too AndyLL. I saw three silhouettes. If this is just like Frozen, then there should be a chandelier hanging in that room. I'm gonna shoot it down. Get all three at once. You guys cover me. They slowly creep towards the door. AndyLL kicks it open. Team No O2, standing around, is frozen in their tracks (punny). Jack Nevada aims his wand - it's useless. AndyLL aims the crossbow and shoots. SNAP, he breaks the ice (get it?) and the chandelier comes hurling down. SHATTER. The icey chandelier breaks, but No O2 has jumped out of the way in time. Films and Sixteen16 come running in. Weaponless, they have to improvise.

Films: Kick the Sven outta them!

Jack Nevada keeps waving his wand, but it's no use in Snow Mountain. He charges at AndyLL, thrusting the wand like a shank. AndyLL ducks and kicks the wand out of Jack Nevada's hand. They engage in a fist fight. Films picks up the wand, but he is jumped by Firedeep. Kal goes all Navi on Sixteen16. He picks up shards of ice and slashes Sixteen16 in the arm and face. Sixteen16 grabs Kal and throws him through a wall of ice. Firedeep is choking out Films. He falls unconsious and Firedeep grabs the wand. He raises, but is knocked over by Sixteen16. Firedeep gets up and swings the wand, but Sixteen16 takes a shard of glass and bashes Firedeep in the side of the face, causing him to drop the wand.

Firedep: AHH! Firedeep stumbles out of the room. Sixteen16 comes running out and pierces Firedeep in temple with the wand. He kicks Firedeep over the ledge and Firedeep goes falling to the icey ground below. Nevada grabs AndyLL, and knees him in the face. Sixteen16 runs back in and jumps onto Jack Nevada. AndyLL, holding his bloody nose, gets up and Sixteen16 and AndyLL take Jack and drag him outside to the ledge.

Sixteen16: I'm sick of this! Let's dump him! Let him go! BOOM! They hear a loud crash behind them and they turn around sharply. They look back...then look up. MARSHMALLOW. RAWRRRRR. Marshmallow smashes his fist down. Sixteen16 falls to the left and Jack and AndyLL fall to the right. The ice cracks. Marshmallow picks up Sixteen16, AndyLL, and Jack Nevada and holds them over the edge. 

Marshmallow: Don't-come-backkkkkk!!! NO! Kal jumps on Marshmallow, clawing at his eyes. Marshmallow drops the trio and pulls Kal off of his back. Marshmallow throws Kal hard back in the castle. SMASH, SMASH, Kal goes smashing through the ice room. The trio tries to crawl away, but Marshmallow scoops them back up. He tosses the trio away and goes storming into the castle. He sees Films laying unconscious. STOMP. STOMP. STOMP. He raises his foot and brings it down. SNATCH, Kal pulls Films away with milliseconds to spare. Marshmallow nearly breaks the ice. Kal bitch slaps Films and shakes him.

Kal: Wake up, buddy! We have to go! Kal takes Films by the arm and they run out of the room. They run down the cracking steps, with Marshmallow in pursuit. Marshallow breaks off a huge chunk of ice and throws it at the stairs. The ice lands right in front of Kal and Films. The stairs collapse and they go falling. The land and Kal bangs his head on the icey steps. Injured, Kal pulls Films from the slushy mesh and they slip and slide out of the ice palace. They slide past Firedeep. Kal pulls the wand out of him and they slide out. Marshmallow comes to the front and slams the door.


The next day, teams Shawrama and Black/Dark Grey are still in Wayne Manor. They are practicing fight moves in Bruce Wayne's indoor gym. Sam is testing out glocks, looking like Scar Jo. Ecstacy, looking like Emily Blunt in EOT, walks up. 

Ecstacy: (to Sam) Do you think we should sneak back to Marvel? Maybe this alliance is a bad idea. I feel like theres some secrets with this team.

Sam: You should know about secrets. Sam walks off and E stands confused. She runs up to Sam and grabs her by the arm. Sam stops, but looks in the corner. Jay sees the teams training through the window. He stands baffled, but decides to run down after seeing Shawrama.

Ecstacy: (running up to Sam) Sam...Sam...stop. What's with you?

Jay Hollywood: (offscreen) Guys! They stop and look. Jay is here! Team Black raises their weapons, but Shawrama waves them down.

Spazz91/Punishment/Empire: Whoa, whoa, whoa!/He's our teammate/Relax!

Sam: Jay!? How'd you get here?

Jay Hollywood:...I don't know, Sam. I don't know. He hugs Sam, then E, then Blankments, etc.

Blankments: You have a lot of catching up to do. Meet our new teammates.

Punishment: You're gonna be surprised at what all has happened.

Jay Hollywood: Oh, I have some surprises in store as well.


On the other end of the zone in Arendelle, Bay, okay? bursts into Arendelle castle.

Alfredstellar: This place is huge!

Telemachos: Weapons! Swords, knives, maces. Arendelle was more medieval than we thought. Bay, okay? loads up.

Mattrek: Now what do we do?...Hey, do you guys hear something? Vroommmmmmm....it grows louder. Walt Disney comes flying in. He hops off the speeding snowmobile. Everyone jumps out of the way, but Mattrek unfortunately doesn't get the memo. The snowmobile crushes him against the wall, breaking the wall, and making it cave in. Mattrek spews blood from his mouth at least 10 feet. (3 meters).

Walt Disney: Do you wanna build a snowmannn?

Walt Disney runs off down the hallway. Jesus and Water Bottle stay back and check on Mattrek, while Tele, Stingray, and Alfredstellar pursue Disney. Disney turns down the hall and runs into a room. Anna's room. He hides under Anna's bed. Pitter patter, pitter, patter, he here's the team run by. He creaks the door open and peaks through. He sees the hallway is empty and runs back down the other way. He runs into the other room and closes the door. He turns on the light and spots a giant push Olaf toy. To his surprise, there is a laser gun sewn inside.


Team Monstars is walking through frigid Snow Mountain (damn, everybody and their mom is in this zone right now) and they spot a sauna shop.

Dar: Sauna shop and trading post! They'll have shelter, heat, and maybe weapons. Let's go! They run up to the sauna and barge in. 

Oaken: (in a Scandinavian accent) Helloooo. Welcome. Can I interest you in a sauna? 

Tarzan: We need weapons. Do you have them?

Oaken: Oh ya. They're all over dere.


Films and Kal stand outside of the castle, both confused.

Films: What was that?
Kal: What, friend?

Films: Why did you save me? I could've been crushed to death, twice. We're not teammates. Why did you help me? Kal ponders. 

Kal: My own teammate tried to kill me, buddy. In the same exact way. I couldn't leave you there or I'd be a hypocrite.

Films: Well...thank you.

Kal: No problem, buddy.

Films: It looks like we're alone now. Maybe we should stick together?

Kal: Let's. They handshake.

Films: I like warm hugs and summer.


Back in Oakens, Team Monstars puts a pile of weapons on the counter. 

Dar: We'll be taking all of these.

Oaken: Ya sounds good. And remember, with purchases of $200 or more, you get a half off coupon to the sauna. 

BoxOfficeZ: Yeah, yeah, we're in a death match, we don't have time to relieve our pores. Just give us these weapons. 

Oaken: (pointing) These weapons, ya?

Dar: Yes, those. Whistleeeeeee. Oaken turns around, the tea kettle is steaming over.

Oaken: Would you all like some tea? It's nice and hot. 

Dar: Okay, we're taking these weapons. Taking them.They snatch the weapons off the counter and aim. BoxOfficeZ shoots the crossbow right at Oaken's face. The arrow smacks Oaken in the face, but bounces right off. It's a Nerf dart! Monstars realizes the weapons are fake.

Oaken: Woohoo! What do you think you're doing!? Is that how you say no to tea!? Oaken opens the lid of the kettle and throws the hot tea in BoxOfficeZ's face. Sizzzlllleee.

BoxOfficeZ: AHHH, God! Ahh! BoxOfficeZ grabs his face: it's blistering and peeling off. Oaken bashes BoxOfficeZ across the face with the kettle, spewing blood and skin across the room, and BoxOfficeZ drops. The rest of Monstars stumbles out quickly. Oaken doesn't follow. He moves from behind the counter and hovers over BoxOfficeZ. I'm not even gonna describe his face...Oaken closes the door, and starts to peel himself apart, removing false skin. It's not Oaken...it's Spidey Freak.

Spidey Freak: Frozenites, bitch. Spidey Freak looks through the window at Monstars running off. He turns back around and takes an ice ax from the wall. Big brother Disney, you're next.


Ding dong...Mattrek (I'm so sorry!), BoxOfficeZ, Firedeep, Water, CoolEric258...



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