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1st Annual Forum Games! - PART 21 - 116 - FINAL PART ON 117 - WE HAVE A "WINNER" - AFTER CREDIT SCENE - Page 119

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What to say about Tele? Certainly, no one could accuse him of having been a loving son, brother, or father. He'd gladly have stolen the shirt off your back and he was generous to a fault with other people's money. Was he a small-time con-man with grandiose schemes? Probably. But another view of him is that he was the most exciting member of his family and of the families he married into. He was a poor man's rhetorician who beguiled certain woman into buying into his promises and dreams. This latter view is lent some support by the fact that he was a BoxOffice Forum admin who passionately trolled the fan-bases of Nolanites, Marvelians, Potheads, Lawsbians, and Bayhem acolytes. It is impossible to say whether or not Tele was actually a fan of any franchise. Anyway, Shawn's name rarely came up when Tele was flush. 

Tele eventually became one of BOF's characters. In the 1970's, he was a poster on Usenet's rec.arts.movies.box-office list-serve, along with his second wife, Michelle. They also started the "WALL-E over 300m club", but never got around to posting it. One of Tele's best stories was about being in his car with his new friend baumer in the seat beside him when it was suddenly surrounded by heavily-armed police officers and a deranged Kal and BKB. This was the beginning of the famous "Kal vs. the world" war of 2009. Some of Tele's favourite watering holes were the Speakeasy, the RTM, and the Mod Forum. Of late, Tele had to travel to and from these places on his senior's scooter, which he drove as recklessly - and sometimes as drunkenly - as he had driven his cars in earlier years. 
Tele was always an optimist about his future. Right up until the aftermath of his last surgery, he hoped that he could get into sufficiently good shape to charm another woman into supporting him, or perhaps invent something that would make him a billionaire or maybe even win the lottery! He never complained about his later lot in life, living cheerfully in a small apartment that was just barely on the right side of the Orange Curtain. 
While Tele did not live well by some people's lights, it should be universally accepted that he did die well. In hospital, two days beforehand, he said he'd finished with the medical procedures he had authorized in a desperate attempt to save his face from that dastardly blow struck by DAR; he said he was 'checking out'. He was completely calm and committed to the decision. The next day, we brought in some beer, toasted his life with him, drank with him, and helped him to make several thoughtful good-bye phone calls. He reminisced a bit and gave us a few unhelpful instructions. He died without pain the next evening, from a lack of face, with his wits about him and a light heart.
Turns out, his timing was impeccable: the next day we found out that he had been racking up ominous forum warning and temp bans. Clearly, his mod powers were about to dry up. In earlier years, Tele would sometimes slip out of a forum after he had accumulated warnings and after the relevant female mod's purse had been snapped shut. But of late, he was in no condition to skip town. And women just don't see old men on scooters as the stuff of their dreams - they see them as impending burdens. Perhaps Tele felt cornered. Perhaps he thought that, under his present circumstances, dying was the only way out. Whatever the story, no one can deny that Tele made his final exit with style and grace.

Edited by Telemachos
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What to say about Tele? Certainly, no one could accuse him of having been a loving son, brother, or father. He'd gladly have stolen the shirt off your back and he was generous to a fault with other people's money. Was he a small-time con-man with grandiose schemes? Probably. But another view of him is that he was the most exciting member of his family and of the families he married into. He was a poor man's rhetorician who beguiled certain woman into buying into his promises and dreams. This latter view is lent some support by the fact that he was a BoxOffice Forum admin who passionately trolled the fan-bases of Nolanites, Marvelians, Potheads, Lawsbians, and Bayhem acolytes. It is impossible to say whether or not Tele was actually a fan of any franchise. Anyway, Shawn's name rarely came up when Tele was flush. 

Tele eventually became one of BOF's characters. In the 1970's, he was a poster on Usenet's rec.arts.movies.box-office list-serve, along with his second wife, Michelle. They also started the "WALL-E over 300m club", but never got around to posting it. One of Tele's best stories was about being in his car with his new friend baumer in the seat beside him when it was suddenly surrounded by heavily-armed police officers and a deranged Kal and BKB. This was the beginning of the famous "Kal vs. the world" war of 2009. Some of Tele's favourite watering holes were the Speakeasy, the RTM, and the Mod Forum. Of late, Tele had to travel to and from these places on his senior's scooter, which he drove as recklessly - and sometimes as drunkenly - as he had driven his cars in earlier years. 
Tele was always an optimist about his future. Right up until the aftermath of his last surgery, he hoped that he could get into sufficiently good shape to charm another woman into supporting him, or perhaps invent something that would make him a billionaire or maybe even win the lottery! He never complained about his later lot in life, living cheerfully in a small apartment that was just barely on the right side of the Orange Curtain. 
While Tele did not live well by some people's lights, it should be universally accepted that he did die well. In hospital, two days beforehand, he said he'd finished with the medical procedures he had authorized in a desperate attempt to save his face from that dastardly blow struck by DAR; he said he was 'checking out'. He was completely calm and committed to the decision. The next day, we brought in some beer, toasted his life with him, drank with him, and helped him to make several thoughtful good-bye phone calls. He reminisced a bit and gave us a few unhelpful instructions. He died without pain the next evening, from a lack of face, with his wits about him and a light heart.
Turns out, his timing was impeccable: the next day we found out that he had been racking up ominous forum warning and temp bans. Clearly, his mod powers were about to dry up. In earlier years, Tele would sometimes slip out of a forum after he had accumulated warnings and after the relevant female mod's purse had been snapped shut. But of late, he was in no condition to skip town. And women just don't see old men on scooters as the stuff of their dreams - they see them as impending burdens. Perhaps Tele felt cornered. Perhaps he thought that, under his present circumstances, dying was the only way out. Whatever the story, no one can deny that Tele made his final exit with style and grace.



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What to say about Tele? Certainly, no one could accuse him of having been a loving son, brother, or father. He'd gladly have stolen the shirt off your back and he was generous to a fault with other people's money. Was he a small-time con-man with grandiose schemes? Probably. But another view of him is that he was the most exciting member of his family and of the families he married into. He was a poor man's rhetorician who beguiled certain woman into buying into his promises and dreams. This latter view is lent some support by the fact that he was a BoxOffice Forum admin who passionately trolled the fan-bases of Nolanites, Marvelians, Potheads, Lawsbians, and Bayhem acolytes. It is impossible to say whether or not Tele was actually a fan of any franchise. Anyway, Shawn's name rarely came up when Tele was flush. 

Tele eventually became one of BOF's characters. In the 1970's, he was a poster on Usenet's rec.arts.movies.box-office list-serve, along with his second wife, Michelle. They also started the "WALL-E over 300m club", but never got around to posting it. One of Tele's best stories was about being in his car with his new friend baumer in the seat beside him when it was suddenly surrounded by heavily-armed police officers and a deranged Kal and BKB. This was the beginning of the famous "Kal vs. the world" war of 2009. Some of Tele's favourite watering holes were the Speakeasy, the RTM, and the Mod Forum. Of late, Tele had to travel to and from these places on his senior's scooter, which he drove as recklessly - and sometimes as drunkenly - as he had driven his cars in earlier years. 
Tele was always an optimist about his future. Right up until the aftermath of his last surgery, he hoped that he could get into sufficiently good shape to charm another woman into supporting him, or perhaps invent something that would make him a billionaire or maybe even win the lottery! He never complained about his later lot in life, living cheerfully in a small apartment that was just barely on the right side of the Orange Curtain. 
While Tele did not live well by some people's lights, it should be universally accepted that he did die well. In hospital, two days beforehand, he said he'd finished with the medical procedures he had authorized in a desperate attempt to save his face from that dastardly blow struck by DAR; he said he was 'checking out'. He was completely calm and committed to the decision. The next day, we brought in some beer, toasted his life with him, drank with him, and helped him to make several thoughtful good-bye phone calls. He reminisced a bit and gave us a few unhelpful instructions. He died without pain the next evening, from a lack of face, with his wits about him and a light heart.
Turns out, his timing was impeccable: the next day we found out that he had been racking up ominous forum warning and temp bans. Clearly, his mod powers were about to dry up. In earlier years, Tele would sometimes slip out of a forum after he had accumulated warnings and after the relevant female mod's purse had been snapped shut. But of late, he was in no condition to skip town. And women just don't see old men on scooters as the stuff of their dreams - they see them as impending burdens. Perhaps Tele felt cornered. Perhaps he thought that, under his present circumstances, dying was the only way out. Whatever the story, no one can deny that Tele made his final exit with style and grace.


For a moment I thought you used the rant generator again.

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What to say about Tele? Certainly, no one could accuse him of having been a loving son, brother, or father. He'd gladly have stolen the shirt off your back and he was generous to a fault with other people's money. Was he a small-time con-man with grandiose schemes? Probably. But another view of him is that he was the most exciting member of his family and of the families he married into. He was a poor man's rhetorician who beguiled certain woman into buying into his promises and dreams. This latter view is lent some support by the fact that he was a BoxOffice Forum admin who passionately trolled the fan-bases of Nolanites, Marvelians, Potheads, Lawsbians, and Bayhem acolytes. It is impossible to say whether or not Tele was actually a fan of any franchise. Anyway, Shawn's name rarely came up when Tele was flush. 

Tele eventually became one of BOF's characters. In the 1970's, he was a poster on Usenet's rec.arts.movies.box-office list-serve, along with his second wife, Michelle. They also started the "WALL-E over 300m club", but never got around to posting it. One of Tele's best stories was about being in his car with his new friend baumer in the seat beside him when it was suddenly surrounded by heavily-armed police officers and a deranged Kal and BKB. This was the beginning of the famous "Kal vs. the world" war of 2009. Some of Tele's favourite watering holes were the Speakeasy, the RTM, and the Mod Forum. Of late, Tele had to travel to and from these places on his senior's scooter, which he drove as recklessly - and sometimes as drunkenly - as he had driven his cars in earlier years. 
Tele was always an optimist about his future. Right up until the aftermath of his last surgery, he hoped that he could get into sufficiently good shape to charm another woman into supporting him, or perhaps invent something that would make him a billionaire or maybe even win the lottery! He never complained about his later lot in life, living cheerfully in a small apartment that was just barely on the right side of the Orange Curtain. 
While Tele did not live well by some people's lights, it should be universally accepted that he did die well. In hospital, two days beforehand, he said he'd finished with the medical procedures he had authorized in a desperate attempt to save his face from that dastardly blow struck by DAR; he said he was 'checking out'. He was completely calm and committed to the decision. The next day, we brought in some beer, toasted his life with him, drank with him, and helped him to make several thoughtful good-bye phone calls. He reminisced a bit and gave us a few unhelpful instructions. He died without pain the next evening, from a lack of face, with his wits about him and a light heart.
Turns out, his timing was impeccable: the next day we found out that he had been racking up ominous forum warning and temp bans. Clearly, his mod powers were about to dry up. In earlier years, Tele would sometimes slip out of a forum after he had accumulated warnings and after the relevant female mod's purse had been snapped shut. But of late, he was in no condition to skip town. And women just don't see old men on scooters as the stuff of their dreams - they see them as impending burdens. Perhaps Tele felt cornered. Perhaps he thought that, under his present circumstances, dying was the only way out. Whatever the story, no one can deny that Tele made his final exit with style and grace.


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There're 4 clear antagonists among the players: DamienRoc, Empire, Tawasal, and Walt Disney. DamienRoc turned to the Dark Side out of desperation, whereas the other three have been bad to the bone from the start.


There's a handful of other characters I could see going evil if certain chips fall a certain way.


I'm like the least effective and evil of the evil guys.


So I'm likely going to die first. I suppose there's a chance of a redemption arc, but I expect death to happen first.

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What to say about Tele? Certainly, no one could accuse him of having been a loving son, brother, or father. He'd gladly have stolen the shirt off your back and he was generous to a fault with other people's money. Was he a small-time con-man with grandiose schemes? Probably. But another view of him is that he was the most exciting member of his family and of the families he married into. He was a poor man's rhetorician who beguiled certain woman into buying into his promises and dreams. This latter view is lent some support by the fact that he was a BoxOffice Forum admin who passionately trolled the fan-bases of Nolanites, Marvelians, Potheads, Lawsbians, and Bayhem acolytes. It is impossible to say whether or not Tele was actually a fan of any franchise. Anyway, Shawn's name rarely came up when Tele was flush. 


Tele eventually became one of BOF's characters. In the 1970's, he was a poster on Usenet's rec.arts.movies.box-office list-serve, along with his second wife, Michelle. They also started the "WALL-E over 300m club", but never got around to posting it. One of Tele's best stories was about being in his car with his new friend baumer in the seat beside him when it was suddenly surrounded by heavily-armed police officers and a deranged Kal and BKB. This was the beginning of the famous "Kal vs. the world" war of 2009. Some of Tele's favourite watering holes were the Speakeasy, the RTM, and the Mod Forum. Of late, Tele had to travel to and from these places on his senior's scooter, which he drove as recklessly - and sometimes as drunkenly - as he had driven his cars in earlier years. 


Tele was always an optimist about his future. Right up until the aftermath of his last surgery, he hoped that he could get into sufficiently good shape to charm another woman into supporting him, or perhaps invent something that would make him a billionaire or maybe even win the lottery! He never complained about his later lot in life, living cheerfully in a small apartment that was just barely on the right side of the Orange Curtain. 


While Tele did not live well by some people's lights, it should be universally accepted that he did die well. In hospital, two days beforehand, he said he'd finished with the medical procedures he had authorized in a desperate attempt to save his face from that dastardly blow struck by DAR; he said he was 'checking out'. He was completely calm and committed to the decision. The next day, we brought in some beer, toasted his life with him, drank with him, and helped him to make several thoughtful good-bye phone calls. He reminisced a bit and gave us a few unhelpful instructions. He died without pain the next evening, from a lack of face, with his wits about him and a light heart.


Turns out, his timing was impeccable: the next day we found out that he had been racking up ominous forum warning and temp bans. Clearly, his mod powers were about to dry up. In earlier years, Tele would sometimes slip out of a forum after he had accumulated warnings and after the relevant female mod's purse had been snapped shut. But of late, he was in no condition to skip town. And women just don't see old men on scooters as the stuff of their dreams - they see them as impending burdens. Perhaps Tele felt cornered. Perhaps he thought that, under his present circumstances, dying was the only way out. Whatever the story, no one can deny that Tele made his final exit with style and grace.

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Part 16! I admit 15 sucked, I didn't really put much effort into. It deserved to get a low amount of likes, but I went in on 16, hopefully you'll enjoy. As you can see, my name has changed, but I'll still refer to myself as Jandrew in the Games to avoid confusion and keep it uniform. If you have not checked them out, more character poster on page 76. Likes and comments appreciated. Also, Punishment, I'm sorry. I noticed I've barely included you lately, if at all. That's my bad. I will be sure to retroactively write you in 11-15. And always check on page 1.AndyLL and Blankments are traveling through Skull Island. AndyLL looks down at his timer. AndyLL: We have 42 minutes left.Blankments: Let's try not to count down, okay?AndyLL: Stop.Blankments: What? I'm just trying not to be pessimistic. AndyLL grabs Blankments arm and stops him. He points and Blank looks up. A pair of velociraptors are staring them down.AndyLL: (soft) They're like dogs. They'll only chase if you run. The raptors chase. Run! They run through the dense jungle of Skull Island. The raptors get closer and closer and snap. AndyLL notices a huge tree. Up this tree! AndyLL grabs on to a limb and pulls himself up. Blankments grabs on does the same. They climb. They can't get us up here! Blankments: But how are we gonna get down? We have 40 minutes; we just gonna chill up here until then, then one of us just throws the other down into the pit of raptors? AndyLL: The vines! Swing on the vines like Tarzan! Blankments: What!? AndyLL takes a vine and swings. He lets go of that vine and grabs another. Isn't he like 40? How is he doing that? Blank grabs the vine and does the same. They swing and swing. The raptors chase, but cant keep up. They grow tired of chasing and fall back. AndyLL drops from the vine and Blank does the same.AndyLL: Okay. We lost em.Tawasal lands on a dimly lit city street. He looks around, trying to figure out where he is. Gotham. Walt Disney comes falling out of a portal on top of a tractor trailer. His Olaf is gone. He gets up and looks around. They then eye each other. Just blocks apart.BK007, another player who wasn't purged for the Games, crawls through an air vent in the Admin Capital.Walt Disney slowly gets into the truck and starts the engine. Tawasal looks around trying to find a weapon. He's sees the Batmobile leaning on a street light. Walt Disney revs up the engine. Tawasal runs over to the bike and hops on. Vroom! Walt Disney: Now there's the Tawasal. They brace for a game of chicken. Vroom, Taswasal speeds towards Walt and Walt speeds Tawasal. 5 blocks...4 blocks...the bike and truck speed closer... Oh you wanna play? Come on, come on! 3 blocks...2 blocks...Tawasal opens up a grapple on the Batmobile. 1 block...1/2 block...swoosh, Tawasal attaches a cable to the grill of the truck and rides under the trailer. Walt Disney looks back in surprise. Tawasal goes weaving between light poles and detaches the cable. Did he miss? Walt Disney sees the light poles uproot from the ground and braces himself. YANK...everything becomes silent in the brisk night air, the truck does a cinematic 180, only the sound of the truck axles being heard. CRASH. Tawasal stops the mobile and turns around. After a few seconds, Walt Disney, bloody, stumbles out.Tawasal: Hm.Walt Disney: (stumbling) AH! He gets up and wipes the blood off his face. He stands in the middle of the empty road, weaponless. Tawasal goes speeding after him. Come on, I want you to do it. I want you to do it. Vroommm, Tawasal is speeding closer. I want you to do it. Hit me. Hit me! 20 feet...16 feet... I want you to do it! Come on, come on, come on! 14 feet...12 feet...Come on, hit! Hit me! ...10 feet...6 feet... HIT ME!Tawasal: AH! Tawasal swerves out of the way just in time and crashes the batmobile on a building wall. Walt Disney turns his head sharply. Tawasal slowly gets up. Walt Disney: Why didn't you hit me?Tawasal: (collecting himself) I was corrupted. Before the Games, I was very pacifist. Then I let the member MovieMan89 get the best of me. I'm going to fight you like a man. Fist to fist. Tawasal goes trotting towards Walt Disney with his fists clinched.Walt Disney: Introduce a little anarchy. Tawasal swings and Disney ducks. Disney knees him in the gut and throws him to the ground. Tawasal gets up. He swings and swings like Ali, but Disney ducks. Disney takes a swing at Tawasal, but Tawasal ducks, and lands a combo on Disney. Disney falls on his knees and Tawasal goes GTA, kicking him in the ribs. Disney coughs, and Tawasal kicks again. Tawasal tries to kick once more, and Disney grabs his leg and throws it back. Tawasal falls and Disney jumps on top of him. They exchange punches and Tawasal rolls Disney over. Disney spits in Tawasal's face and he goes blind. Disney lands one good punch on Tawasal's ear. Tawasal rolls off Disney and Disney gets up. Disney picks up Tawasal and puts him in a headlock. You shouldn't have brought back your pacifist ways. Tawasal is choking. Just like blondes, villains have more fun. Disney extends his leg, holds Tawasal's head with one hand and his chest with the other, and throws Tawasal down. SNAP. Tawasal's neck snaps on his thigh. Like Batman's back, but Tawasal's neck. Disney drops Tawasal and looks down at his timer, an extra hour is then added.Everyone stands in the control room shocked and open-mouthed.Baumer: (soft) Wow...that was incredible. That's what the Games are supposed to be about. I need more of that. Stop the isolation, get the players together. IJack: Baumer, the motion detectors have gone off in Hall F. Baumer: Check it out. (to Neo) Neo. More portals. Get them together. Neo types on the keyboard.Portals begin to open and remaining players begin to fall in where they are. Damien Roc, Fancyarcher, Numbers, Alfredstellar, Empire, WileECoyote, Sixteen16, Stingray, Tarzan, Punishment, AndyLL, and Blankments all land in Gotham. Walt Disney sees the portals opening in the sky and players falling out. Disney takes the Batmobile and drives off. They all land, get up, and survey the area.Numbers: What the hell? Where is this? Gotham City. Empire falls on top of his snowmobile, bruising his ribs. Empire: Ouch! Empire is holding his ribs. He gets on the snowmobile and tries to ride off, but the concrete of the city proves a worthy adversary. He gets off and runs with the staff. Bags drop from the sky, full of weapons. Punishment pulls out Batman's strobe light gun thing, Tarzan pulls out a Bane mask, and Sixteen pulls open his bag and finds a pencil. Numbers still has Westeros weapons.Punishment: Gotham? Punishment notices something, and runs. Sixteen16 is not happy with his little number 2 pencil. He also notices something and walks out of picture.Sixteen16: What is this!? Pew Pew. Glass on the office building behind Tarzan breaks. He drops and looks up. He looks up and sees Alfredstellar on a ledge with the TF4 alien gun. Tarzan runs and Alfredstellar follows on the ledge. Numbers notices the commotion and runs the other way. Alfredstellar: Stop running! Pew! Pew! Alfredstellar keeps shooting. He shoots and Tarzan dives behind a car. SWOOSH, SWOOSH, SWOOSH, they all look up. Sixteen16 is coming in hot in a Gotham City police helicopter. Alfredstellar shoots and the laser hits the blades. The helicopter goes out of control and the tail crashes into an office building, mutilating the glass. The helicopter comes towards Alfredstellar. Sixteen16 jumps out of the helicopter in mid air. Sixteen16: AHHH! Sixteen16, holding the sharpened pencil, lands on Alfredstellar, jamming the pencil in his eye socket. They land and Sixteen16 gets up. He leaves the pencil in Alfredstellar's eye socket. Ta-da. BOOM! The helicopter explodes in the background. The players notice the explosion and keep running. Sixteen16 sees an extra hour added to his tick.In the Admin Capital, the group jumps out of the way of the camera.K1stpierre: Do you think they saw us? Pink: Who knows. We need to get out of here.Heretic: We need a plan. We need to split up. How about (pointing) me, Kelli, Films go down that corridor. Ed, Pink, Reddevil, and Sam down that corridor, and Ecstacy, Snoopy, Mango, Dragon, and Spaghetti down that one. Ed: Maybe Ecstacy should come with us?Pink, Heretic, and Ecstacy: Why?Ed: I mean we were all together before. Maybe it'll help us with chemistry?Reddevil: What, you don't trust us?Pink: What is your deal, Ed? Back on Ecstacy I see.Ed: What?Dragon: Um, guys--Pink: Today is my birthday! I didn't even get a happy birthday from you!Ed: Pink, now's not the time.Pink: It's never the time!Spaghetti: Guys stop! We're drawing attention!Sam: Just let them be together. I know it's what Ecstacy wants.Ecstacy: What the hell, Sam?Snoopy of Suburbia: Wait, Ecstacy, you've hooked up with someone?Ecstacy: It was a mistake!Reddevil: How about a hot and wild, make up orgy!?Mango: Fuck this, I'm not about to die! Mango leaves. Dragon, Heretic, Films, Spaghetti and K1stpierre follow.Ed: All I suggested was Ecstacy be on our team!? Why am I the bad guy?Pink: That's it Ed. I Joss Whedon you.Ed: Dafuq? Pink! Pink: You're not worthy of me, or Nolan! Maybe Joss will take you though.Sam: Yeah, I don't need Ecstacy around me either.Ecstacy: And what's your problem!?Sam: How could you not tell me about it? Snoopy of Suburbia: Or me!Ecstacy: (to Snoopy) Why would I tell you?Snoopy of Suburbia: You know what? Forget it. Snoopy walks off. Reddevil limps away as well.Reddevil: Wait up! Pink: You see what you've done, Ed.Ed: All of Me, Pink. All of Me...Pink: (nodding) No. None of me. None of me wants to deal with you again. (to Sam) Sam? Wanna try to find the others? Sam: My pleasure. Sam and Pink leave. Ecstacy and Ed stand shocked. Ed takes out a birthday card he got for Pink in the Capital gift shop. There's a picture of Nolan's face photoshopped onto some hot, buff guys body, with a Batman joke inside. Ed rips up the card. Him and Ecstacy awkwardly glance at each other, not sure what next.Sixteen16 is back on the street, loaded with the TF4 alien gun and throwing knives. He begins to notice something strapped to the ground of all the light poles. He squints and looks hard and sees Blankments and AndyLL standing in the intersection.Spaghetti: (to himself) Double kill.Blankments: (yelling) It's time for you to go mobile! Sixteen16 sees the trigger in Blankments' hand. He then realizes what the bags are. He runs away, but BOOM, an explosion blocks his path. He turns and runs back up the street towards Andy and Blank. BOOM, BOOM, BOOM, the street begins to collapsing behind him. He tries to run faster. He shoots the lasers at Andy and Blank, but they run away out of sight. Sixteen16 runs and runs as the collapse ground gets closer. He dives for the intersection as the last bit of the street collapses. He lands in the safe intersection. He looks over and sees AndyLL and Blank hiding behind a car. Not mobile enough. Blank presses the trigger again. Sixteen16 tries to get up, but the intersection collapses into the subterrain below. Blank and AndyLL run up to the edge. Sixteen16 is buried under sediment. They see an extra hour added to both of their ticks. AndyLL: We got more time! Now we need to leave before someone else comes! They run off. Stingray hears the collapse and looks back.Stingray: What was that? Tarzan runs into Gotham General. WileECoyote, Fancyarcher, and Punshment run in through another entrance.Drama has settled down in the Admin Capital dark hallway.Heretic: Okay, now that we left the drama, now we should split?Mango: Sounds like a plan. Me and Dragon and Spaghetti can take this way, and you and Kelli and Films can take that way.Heretic: Sounds good.Mango: Page us if you find anything. They all split.Heretic, K1stpierre, and Films are walking down the corridor. They see a light coming from a room. They look through the glass and see Jandrew (aka Ayy Lmao) sitting in an all white room, chained. Jandrew notices them.Jandrew: Hey! Hey! Help! K1stpierre: JANDREW! They stand in shock and disbelief.Heretic: What the fuck? Why is he locked up? Does this mean the Games are over?Films: All of this is his fault! We need to give him a peace of our mind! Flims goes and jiggles the door handle, trying to get it open.Jandrew: No! Don't do that! They can't make out what Jandrew is saying through the glass. No! Stop! You need a key card! Film's jiggles it harder, ZAPPPPPP, a current of electricity flows through Films. He seizes and they watch in shock. He falls to the ground lifeless. Blue light begins to emit from the electrical socket by the door. A blue figure flies out and forms. IJack. They stand in shock. No pun intended.IJack: This isn't a zone for you. IJack pulls out his glider and snatches K1stpierre and flies down the hall.Heretic/IJack: Kelli, no!/Helppp! Heretic drops.Ding dong...Sixteen16, Films, Alfredstellar, Claire Holt, Lady Evanstar, Tawasal.

Edited by Ayy Lmao
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