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1st Annual Forum Games! - PART 21 - 116 - FINAL PART ON 117 - WE HAVE A "WINNER" - AFTER CREDIT SCENE - Page 119

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We've gotta stick together, guys! This isn't about winning he games anymore. We have to save the world from the potential growth of the capital! This doesn't have to be the end!

I'm all for burning everything down. Let the wind sort out the ashes. 

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It's definitely an issue that needs to be sorted out with patience and care. Like for example, an idea for a BOF-wide member story occurred to me some days ago, something a lot-more narrative driven than pure death-driven (if this is The Hunger Games on a steroid/adrenaline cocktail, mine is like Game of Thrones meets Middle Earth with a coating of franchise fan-service). Then I broadly sketched out the direction of the story and realized it'd be too long to occupy a pinned thread here or in the Speakeasy consistently (because of how unfair it would be to other interested writing members). The upside is that the story is breakable into several chunks, so it could be run as a handful of 8-10 episode "seasons" with some time off in-between each. But that's just an idea that's kicked around my brain. Wouldn't come for a little while regardless of format to avoid being too close to this.

Well, Tele said its all gotta move so we have to respect the authority. What I do propose though is that once we're all in the Speakeasy, we all agree on one story at a time. And then I guess we share a pin there instead. That way we we're not like ABC, NBC, FOX, AND CBS competing for viewership, and it'll make things less jumbled. I also encourage people to only do it if youre reallyyy into it, dont do it just for fun. Dont be like "you know, I havent seen Lost, but members on an island trying survive is dope. Coming soon, BOF Lost!" Like it doesnt really make sense to randomly try BO Avengers when we have BO Knight or BO Battle Royale when we have BO HG or BO Mamma Mia when we have BO Les Mis. Just really think about the material. And us writers can just huddle, break, blue 42, set hike, aka make a great flowing system and provide the entertainment that BOF needs, and the entertainment it deserves. Just gotta advertise! Again my two cents.
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Sorry people, I know I delay more than LAX Airport, but I havent started on 19 yet, other than the intro I posted. My migraines are back in full force, and are painful, and sitting in front of computer screen for hours doesnt help. I'll need a little more time. Itll either be here tomorrow night or Saturday morning. Again Im sorry for delaying more than McDonalds drive thru, but I have to spend a little more time logged off. Thanks for bearing with me, youll enjoy it.

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Well, Tele said its all gotta move so we have to respect the authority. What I do propose though is that once we're all in the Speakeasy, we all agree on one story at a time. And then I guess we share a pin there instead. That way we we're not like ABC, NBC, FOX, AND CBS competing for viewership, and it'll make things less jumbled.I also encourage people to only do it if youre reallyyy into it, dont do it just for fun. Dont be like "you know, I havent seen Lost, but members on an island trying survive is dope. Coming soon, BOF Lost!" Like it doesnt really make sense to randomly try BO Avengers when we have BO Knight or BO Battle Royale when we have BO HG or BO Mamma Mia when we have BO Les Mis. Just really think about the material.And us writers can just huddle, break, blue 42, set hike, aka make a great flowing system and provide the entertainment that BOF needs, and the entertainment it deserves. Just gotta advertise! Again my two cents.

I guess that means we'll never get BOF Presents Mars Needs Moms.  :(

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