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1st Annual Forum Games! - PART 21 - 116 - FINAL PART ON 117 - WE HAVE A "WINNER" - AFTER CREDIT SCENE - Page 119

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I frigging HATE technology. I miss the old days where it all was so simple, but they make it all too damn complex now. I was more than halfway done with the first story, but for some in-explainable reason without warning, this Windows 8 computer decided to update itself, then it spent an hour on the "almost done" screen. So yeah, i've lost patience for tonight and everything I typed, but I'll have it sometime tomorrow. Kinda bummed, but hey it's Microsoft.


And if you die early on, I apologize, it's not personal, just random chance. Please don't hate me. Toss a brother a like and continue to read, like I said I could possibly bring you back, but if I don't, it'll still be entertaining. And if you guys really like this I'll do more in the future, so you'll have more chances to be Katniss. But I hope you all enjoy. Pray this shit is done updating though, I can't have that again. 


Just someone please explain why back in 2004, you could use Windows XP, not have it update ever, but it worked perfectly forever, but in 2014, you have Windows 8 (or iphone or Xbox or whatever) and the crap requires a million updates a month just to show its logo? Ehg, nevermind. Night night all.


Ps. Remember the standings will always be on p.1, and the trailer is on p.4 if you haven't checked it out, and also remember that this is supposed to be moved to the Speakeasy at some point, so don't forget! Ok night forreal.

Edited by Jandrew
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Why in seven hells am I in the monster team? I basically hate monster movies and I haven't even seen Godzilla :rolleyes:


Ahh, okay then, if I live long enough, make sure I betray them :P


Why is everyone slowly moving away from me? Seriously, does anyone have an alliance I could join?! I'm really loyal!

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Edited by darkelf
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Team Ice and (Catching) Fire

Numbers ALIVE

K1stpierre ALIVE


Iceroll ALIVE

Blink23 ALIVE

Lady Daenerys ALIVE

Clairezilla ALIVE


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We'll lure them in with you telling an intriguing personal story to soften their hearts, and then when their guard is down Claire will unload 3286858 gifs of angry women punching and slapping at them.

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So I am on a Harry Potter team,


Does this mean I will start off well, get better and better over time to the point of awesomeness only to have a long, drawn out and ultimately mind-numbingly boring demise?

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Why am I team O2?And what is team O2?

I couldnt figure out which franchise you liked best. And no o2 means No Oxygen. Do you want to change?

Why in seven hells am I in the monster team? I basically hate monster movies and I haven't even seen Godzilla

Same as above, what would you prefer? Edited by Jandrew
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Still not getting it... :mellow:

...Each team is based off one of the zones, which is based off a franchise. No Oxygen means Pandora from Avatar, since it literally had no oxygen. Youll still die if your name gets pulled, but the Pandora zone youll have the easiest time in. Would you like to switch?
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...Each team is based off one of the zones, which is based off a franchise. No Oxygen means Pandora from Avatar, since it literally had no oxygen. Youll still die if your name gets pulled, but the Pandora zone youll have the easiest time in. Would you like to switch?

Yeah, sorry, I didn't get the fact that it stood for Avatar. I'm indifferent to that. Put me in Gotham if possible. If not, I'd be happy to die in a Baysplosion.

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