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1st Annual Forum Games! - PART 21 - 116 - FINAL PART ON 117 - WE HAVE A "WINNER" - AFTER CREDIT SCENE - Page 119

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iJack is in the system. That's a Code Red.



Prediction: A specialist is hired to remove iJack: Baumer


A fearless mercenary specializing in killing tactics he learned from horror movies.

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Enjoying all of this so far and all the feedback. 7 parts in. Thanks again Numbers for these stats. I'm gonna copy and paste it to Page 1. Ive been sitting down and thinking and theres a couple things ive wanted to implement that youll finally see. All I can say is Part 8 will be MASSIVE. Trust me. So big that if its too big, it'll be back-to-back with Part 9. Lots of new things in store...I will put everything in this spoiler, just in case you wanna be completely surprised, but heres what to expect...

- The Baysphere zone will finally be extensively visited.- Westeros and Skull Island will get major screen time.- Natural forces will be introduced.- Many deaths.- Everyone that is still left will have a line again. Repeat, everyone gets a line.- A zone may be destroyed.- Like Jay, there may be multiple personalities from others.- Ijack will be back, and he will be a factor.- Cherry cheesecake will be served.- The Admin Capital will do some intervening.- Part 8 will have a massive action set piece not yet seen.- The Admin Capital will have some action/drama.- Another player will rise from the dead.- There will be a $200M budget. Not including marketing.- Iggy Azalea will head the soundtrack. - Lots and lots of trickery. - Many true colors will be shown.- There could, not will, be a Bollywood style dance number. Seriously, Ive been pondering this. - There will be a

major shake up that will affect Part 9 and onwards.

Please spoiler tag anything specific related to this, just in case some members choose the wait and see approach. This should boost the ratings back up. And make some of you cry.

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Sounds brilliant Jandrew.



New crackpot prediction: After Numbers falls in combat, the Capitol harvests his brain and wires it into a computer system to create a new analysis machine that can predict and evaluate player movements for maximum intervention potential.


Then, it goes Skynet.  :ph34r:

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Enjoying all of this so far and all the feedback. 7 parts in. Thanks again Numbers for these stats. I'm gonna copy and paste it to Page 1. Ive been sitting down and thinking and theres a couple things ive wanted to implement that youll finally see. All I can say is Part 8 will be MASSIVE. Trust me. So big that if its too big, it'll be back-to-back with Part 9. Lots of new things in store...

I will put everything in this spoiler, just in case you wanna be completely surprised, but heres what to expect...

- The Baysphere zone will finally be extensively visited.

- Westeros and Skull Island will get major screen time.

- Natural forces will be introduced.

- Many deaths.

- Everyone that is still left will have a line again. Repeat, everyone gets a line.

- A zone may be destroyed.

- Like Jay, there may be multiple personalities from others.

- Ijack will be back, and he will be a factor.

- Cherry cheesecake will be served.

- The Admin Capital will do some intervening.

- Part 8 will have a massive action set piece not yet seen.

- The Admin Capital will have some action/drama.

- Another player will rise from the dead.

- There will be a $200M budget. Not including marketing.

- Iggy Azalea will head the soundtrack.

- Lots and lots of trickery.

- Many true colors will be shown.

- There could, not will, be a Bollywood style dance number. Seriously, Ive been pondering this.

- There will be a major shake up that will affect Part 9 and onwards.

Please spoiler tag anything specific related to this, just in case some members choose the wait and see approach. This should boost the ratings back up. And make some of you cry.

It better be me.

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Tarzan Pictures Inc. has announced plans to distribute the BOF Hunger Games, through it's Lionsgate division. They are projecting a billion dollar gross worldwide. The marketing budget is said to be at 150 mil. Plans for a franchise are underway, plus many merchandise. The marketing team has decided to place K1stpierre, Films, and Kal as the main characters in the marketing campaign.

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Tarzan Pictures Inc. has announced plans to distribute the BOF Hunger Games, through it's Lionsgate division. They are projecting a billion dollar gross worldwide. The marketing budget is said to be at 150 mil. Plans for a franchise are underway, plus many merchandise. The marketing team has decided to place K1stpierre, Films, and Kal as the main characters in the marketing campaign.


It's ON now!


Posted Image

Edited by Walt Disney
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Tarzan Pictures Inc. has announced plans to distribute the BOF Hunger Games, through it's Lionsgate division. They are projecting a billion dollar gross worldwide. The marketing budget is said to be at 150 mil. Plans for a franchise are underway, plus many merchandise. The marketing team has decided to place K1stpierre, Films, and Kal as the main characters in the marketing campaign.

I like this...but Lionsgate? LIONSGATE?

Posted Image

Universal, or Universal.

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Breaking news:After the film flopped on opening weekend, grossing only 35 mil, Tarzan Pictures has gone into bankruptcy, as well as all of it's hundreds of divisions, plus every major corporation that had a promotion with the film. Luckily for President of Tarzan Pictures, Tarzan, he embezzled billions of dollars from employees and has left the country to Switzerland.

Just kidding.


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Anyway, here is the summary of the anticipated Box Office Forums video game, which will arrive on the PC, Playstation 4, and Wii U:Play as Box Office Forums finest, including Tarzan, Films, Kal, and K1stpierre as they fight for survival. With nine worlds, hundreds of quests, and jaw dropping visuals, expect this game to arrive on September 14th. Plus, preorder now, and you will get a bonus character Jandrew, the strongest character in the game, and a bonus world called "the shrine", dedicated to the supernatural.

Edited by Captain Jack Sparrow
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