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Weeknd Official Est: Apes 2 - 73M | Friday Numbers and Saturday Numbers on Page 1

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Put something in perspectiveLet's say Apes plays like Rise then it's doing 33m,if it's like Malef 23m, if Godz 28mthe dilemmas of sample Thr tracking

Lets hope it plays like Rise then. 

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Put something in perspectiveLet's say Apes plays like Rise then it's doing 33m,if it's like Malef 23m, if Godz 28mthe dilemmas of sample Thr tracking

I don't see how it would play like Rise (even if only by virtue of being a sequel). Neither do I think it would play like Maleficent.


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The film is a little dark but so was the Dark Knight so I don't see how that holds it back. 


Maybe the difference is that Batman is a universally known franchise while Apes isn't.  Every kid in America knows Batman, and a reboot with great WOM and reviews will get plenty of casual moviegoers to go see it.   But not nearly as many are familiar with Apes.  I really had very little prior knowledge about the first Apes movie and the trailers for that first Apes definitely did NOT make me want to go see it (I'm 40 years old so maybe i'm not the target demo?).  I only happened to catch Apes on Fx a few months ago and that's when i ended up getting totally engrossed with it. 


The commercials i've seen for this film make it seem like it's basically a movie about a post apocalyptic war between mankind and apes.  Which will certainly appeal to certain moviegoers.  But will it appeal to the broad audience?  I dunno.  

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Maybe the difference is that Batman is a universally known franchise while Apes isn't.  Every kid in America knows Batman, and a reboot with great WOM and reviews will get plenty of casual moviegoers to go see it.   But not nearly as many are familiar with Apes.  I really had very little prior knowledge about the first Apes movie and the trailers for that first Apes definitely did NOT make me want to go see it (I'm 40 years old so maybe i'm not the target demo?).  I only happened to catch Apes on Fx a few months ago and that's when i ended up getting totally engrossed with it. 


The commercials i've seen for this film make it seem like it's basically a movie about a post apocalyptic war between mankind and apes.  Which will certainly appeal to certain moviegoers.  But will it appeal to the broad audience?  I dunno.  

Hopefully Apes legs will be better than the Dark knights as a result of a smaller opening and being a better movie. 

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Hopefully Apes legs will be better than the Dark knights as a result of a smaller opening and being a better movie. 




I haven't seen it yet, but no matter how good it is, I highly doubt it is better than The Dark Knight. 

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