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Box Office.com's Top 100 films of All Time (2014 edition)- List Complete! Everyone is Disappointed!

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Wait a minute, I've just realized that this means some of my top 20 might not be on the list at all. I guess I can live with it if Rope doesn't make it since its a little obscure (though amazing), but if Blazing Saddles, Seven Samurai or Dr Strangelove are somehow left off the list entirely then I'm going to stab people.

My number one (Before Sunset) and Before Sunrise both missed so stop complaining.

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My number one (Before Sunset) and Before Sunrise both missed so stop complaining.



They did?  They both definitely missed?


Then its not that I'm complaining too much.  Its that you're not complaining enough.  Its the internet equivalent of drinking yourself into a stupor.

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They did? They both definitely missed?

Then its not that I'm complaining too much. Its that you're not complaining enough. Its the internet equivalent of drinking yourself into a stupor.

Yeah, I looked through some of the posted lists and it while it did get some mentions and high rankings on a few list it wasn't enough to get this high.

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Maybe if we whine a little more people's opinions and tastes will be altered. This is the internet, afterall. That works all the time.


I don't think anyone complaining here is actually trying to change other people's opinion. They're just voicing their own. I mean, that's what the Internet is for anyway.


Nolan is to this list what Mario games were to the BOF Top 100 Video Games List.


Difference is, most of those Mario games deserved to be on that list. ;)

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I don't think anyone complaining here is actually trying to change other people's opinion. They're just voicing their own. I mean, that's what the Internet is for anyway.



Difference is, most of those Mario games deserved to be on that list. ;)


I'm pretty sure we didn't need 4 Mario Kart games on the list.  ;)

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Ahahahahahaha hahahahahaha hahahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahaha hahaha hahahah hahahaha hahahaha hahaha hahahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahahahaha hahaha hahaha hahahaha hahaha hahaha hee hee hahaha hahahaha haha hee hee hee hahaha haw haw hee hee hahaha.

No. No it's not.

(I've also typed the word ha so many times it's now lost all meaning to me.)

it's not nearly as bad as you you make it out to be though
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it's not nearly as bad as you you make it out to be though

Oh yes it is. Believe me, I've written essays on the subject.


Also, next few entries will be up in a bit.

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46. The Social Network (2010) 25 points- 11 votes

"You are probably going to be a very successful computer person. But you're going to go through life thinking that girls don't like you because you're a nerd. And I want you to know, from the bottom of my heart, that that won't be true. It'll be because you're an asshole."




On a fall night in 2003, Harvard undergrad and computer programming genius Mark Zuckerberg sits down at his computer and heatedly begins working on a new idea. In a fury of blogging and programming, what begins in his dorm room soon becomes a global social network and a revolution in communication. A mere six years and 500 million friends later, Mark Zuckerberg is the youngest billionaire in history... but for this entrepreneur, success leads to both personal and legal complications.


Trivia: During one of the depositions, it is mentioned that the invention of Facebook made Mark Zuckerberg "the biggest thing on a campus that included nineteen Nobel Laureates, fifteen Pulitzer Prize winners, two future Olympians, and a movie star." One of the lawyers then asks, "Who was the movie star?" and the response is, "Does it matter?" This movie star was, in fact, Natalie Portman, who was enrolled at Harvard from 1999 to 2003 and helped screenwriter Aaron Sorkin by providing him insider information about goings-on at Harvard at the time Facebook first appeared there.


Ruk's Comments


"Embarassingly this is yet another film I've not seen yet. Hell, I don't even have a Facebook account. I will give it this though. It's held up in public consciousness a hell of a lot better than King's Speech."

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45. Rear Window (1954) 26 points- 11 votes

"Tell me exactly what you saw and what you think it means."




Professional photographer L.B. "Jeff" Jeffries breaks his leg while getting an action shot at an auto race. Confined to his New York apartment, he spends his time looking out of the rear window observing the neighbors. He begins to suspect that a man across the courtyard may have murdered his wife. Jeff enlists the help of his high society fashion-consultant girlfriend Lisa Freemont and his visiting nurse Stella to investigate.


Trivia: According to Georgine Darcy, the scene in which the man and woman on the fire escape struggle in their attempt to get in out of the rain can be attributed to a prank by Alfred Hitchcock. Each actor in the apartment complex facing Jeff's rear window wore an earpiece through which they could receive Hitchcock's directions. Hitchcock told the man to pull the mattress in one direction and told the woman to pull in the opposite direction. Unaware that they had received conflicting directions, the couple began to fight and struggle to get the mattress inside once the crew began filming the scene. The resulting mayhem in which one of the couple is tossed inside the window with the mattress provided humor and a sense of authenticity to the scene which Hitchcock liked. He was so pleased with the result that he did not order another take.


Ruk's Comments


"That's right. This is the second and last Hitchcock on the list. Psycho didn't make it. Vertigo didn't make it. The Birds, Rebecca, Dial M for Murder, Strangers on a Train, none of them came close. Now do you understand why I called Hitchcock one of the most underrepresented directors on this list?


That's not to say Rear Window doesn't deserve to be here because this movie is fantastic. Honestly, it's my favourite Hitchcock film. It's a simple premise and nearly the entire movie takes place in this small lot but, through the intensity of Hitchcock's directing and a near perfect performance from James Stewart it becomes far more nerve-wracking than nearly any horror movie. Chilling.

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Watching Social Network was interesting, because most of my friends were like that in high school (no billionaires but a couple managed to retire while still in their 20s), and while watching it I had the sudden epiphany that about half my high school friends were probably on the autism spectrum.

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44. Beauty and the Beast (1991) 26 points- 13 votes

"I'd like to thank you all for coming to my wedding. But first I'd better go in there and propose to the girl."




Belle is a girl who is dissatisfied with life in a small provincial French town, constantly trying to fend off the misplaced "affections" of conceited Gaston. The Beast is a prince who was placed under a spell because he could not love. A wrong turn taken by Maurice, Belle's father, causes the two to meet.


Trivia: The prologue states that the rose will bloom until the prince is 21. Later, in "Be Our Guest", Lumiere sings "Ten years we've been rusting..." so, if the castle has been enchanted for ten years, and the prince is now 21, then the prince was 11 years old at the time he encountered the enchantress.


Ruk's Comments


"Probably my favourite of the Disney Renaissance, if not my favourite Disney film period. Beauty and the Beast takes tired, worn cliches and breathes new life into them. The characters are loveable, the romance is both believable and interesting to follow, the songs are great and it has Gaston! And who doesn't love Gaston?"

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Okay, I'm going to leave it early for today, because next up there are 4 big sci-fi films in a row and I want to do them all at once.


Feel free to take your guesses at what they might be.

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I'm pretty sure we didn't need 4 Mario Kart games on the list.  ;)


Have you ever played Mario Kart?  Just one round on Rainbow Road and you realize it's artistic masterpiece that must be recognized.

Edited by The Panda
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Wait, neither Vertigo or Psycho made the list?


Yet the Prestige and Batman Begins did?


Do people not realize Nolan (and most modern directors) directly rip off Hitchcock's masterpieces?


Sham.  I mean, Rear Window is great and I am glad it made the list, but without Psycho or Vertigo you don't have modern cinema.

Edited by The Panda
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Wait, neither Vertigo or Psycho made the list?


Yet the Prestige and Batman Begins did?


Do people not realize Nolan (and most modern directors) directly rip off Hitchcock's masterpieces?


Sham.  I mean, Rear Window is great and I am glad it made the list, but without Psycho or Vertigo you don't have modern cinema.


It's the other way around, Hitchcock ripped off Nolan. Think about it.

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