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Alien: Covenant | 5/19/2017 | Who needs mystery?

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Technically it is. It's an original screenplay and requires no viewing of Alien to understand the plot.


Yes, I understand. However, given that it's playing out in an existing (and already established) universe, in some ways it has both benefits and baggage. (While people would've still be disappointed, I doubt the full-on 'net rage would've happened if it was an entirely original creation.)

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Has there ever been a successful sequel made to an original film that received as mixed a reception as Prometheus?

Prometheus wasn't original but I get what you are trying to say.

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Has there ever been a successful sequel made to an original film that received as mixed a reception as Prometheus?


It's already been said, but Prometheus isn't an original film. It's very much part of the ALIEN universe and despite some 'this is not a prequel/ sequel' talk from writer and director it was very much marketed as being part of the ALIEN series. Even the trailers defining moments were direct references to the first Alien film (a Space Jockey chair rising in a giger-esque chamber/ a crashed alien ship set against an alien landscape).


Technically it's a prequel (in that it's simply set before Alien) but really Prometheus is simply a spin-off/ off-shot from the ALIEN series. The audience is certainly split (though even the recent Empire 301 Greatest Films poll tells you that the film clearly has it's vocal fans) but I don't see why the sequel can't do similar or better numbers providing it improves on Prometheus. To use an example of a similar scenario of a sequel to a film in a spin-off series, X-Men Origins: Wolverine received a toxic reception but the following film, The Wolverine did better at the box office worldwide and also surprisingly well with critics too.


It's certainly well within Scott/ Fox's grasp to improve on Prometheus but whether they will is certainly up for debate. As a fan of Prometheus but a recogniser of it's many flaws, I remain cautiously optimistic. The roll Fox are on with the X-Men and (hopefully) the Planet of the Apes series gives me hope that things are improving there for franchise films. 

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