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Baumer's/Tele's/Chas' 25 films that have brainwashed people into mindless adulation (Tele pg 26)

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A Clockwork Orange was never banned anywhere except in Britain, and even there it was Kubrick himself who asked to withdraw it from distribution due to personal threats. At least check your facts.


Fair enough, but I am from Britain so for me it was this infamous banned film and that led to why I saw it. So the banned film situation is relevant to my situation of watching it.


Didn't know it was a UK only thing.

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If Wizard of Oz on here.....


No wizard as even though I don't really like it, that's more becuase i'm not a fan of the early cinema musicals and the singing styles they used.


I get why they are popular with people though,. Same reason I forced myself not to put Sound of music as even those I despise that film, I accept why it appeals.


Don't worry though, there's plenty here that is gonna make you push for my instant banning and removal from ever hosting the winter game again,


Edited by chasmmi
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8.0 on IMDB, 14 Osc... oh lol of course not.




There is probably more entertainment to be had in that 30 second advert (which is awesomeness in a can by the way) than there is in the whole of Night of the Living dead. I just remember watching it and thinking: why are there zombies? Who are these people? Why did they wander off again? It was just baffling how a film can get away with bothering with a plot of any kind and just subject you to 90 minutes of zombies staggering slowly and tbh not really doing that much damage on screen for a zombie film.


I'm all for low budget films, B Movies, and flat out bad films (The Room) getting cult followings, but this sod has an 8.0 rating. How?!?!

Edited by chasmmi
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112th all time WW Box Office, 120th all time domestic Box Office,

4 Oscar Nominations, 3 wins, 1 BAFTA win




Let me make things clear, I love 85% of the LOTR trilogy, it's almost entirely awesome. However this film is a major factor into why I have not seen one second of the Hobbit trilogy to date and have no real desire to. Watching this film was possibly the guiltiest I have ever felt watching a film as I knew going in that remaking King Kong was one of his life long dreams and thanks to the Rings he was able to live out his dream and what did I do? Laugh out loud at the stupidity I was watching on screen and I felt bad for doing it.


LEt's ignore the questionable casting, let's ignore the fact it could be about 400 minutes shorter and be better for it, lets ignore the fact King Kong takes 14 days to appear on screen. The fact is that this is a big budget action monster movie that bores you to tears. It drags and drags and drags. It's like somebody decided it was a good idea to remake Titanic but cast Kate winslett as a giant monkey and the ship as the Empire State building. It was trying to be something it was never going to achieve with a giant chimp abling aroud the screen all the time and by the time the last 40 minutes came around it was almost a losing battle to stay awake through it, but I somehow succeeded.


This commits the biggest crime of a 3 hour long film, it is as boring as arse.

Edited by chasmmi
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