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Baumer's/Tele's/Chas' 25 films that have brainwashed people into mindless adulation (Tele pg 26)

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149th IMDB top 250, Grossed $200M in Japan (5th all time), 1 Oscar Nomination




Just like Meryl Streep could take a role in Scary Movie 6 and still get an Oscar Nomination for it, Studio Ghibli could make an adaptation of a book nobody has probably really really, completely murder it by making a travesty of a film interpretation and still get a best animated film nomination regardless as they are Studio Ghibli... oh wait, that's exactly what happened here!


I've seen 3 Ghibli films, no not a huge number i accept, but enough to know that this film was phoning it in on a Cars 2 level in regards to what a studio is capable of. Maybe it doesn't help that I've actually read the book which was pretty awesome to be honest and so spent my time wandering when the storyline from the book may actually turn up on screen but regardless of that, this is just a boring, mononous, dirge of an animation. It is pretty but it is awful.


Spirited Away and Princess Mononoke both managed to be awesome despite the fact that there were large expanses of the films where very little is essentially happening but this one just made me want to burn things. Liking Studio Ghibli films is probably a sign that you have good taste in animated film, liking Howl's Moving Castle is probably a sign that Studio Ghibli the Japanese Illuminati have control of your soul. 

Edited by chasmmi
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The top 12 is where I start to lose any friends I may still have very very quickly, so I'm preparing myself for that sacrifice right now.



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Goldfinger is 7.8 on IMDB, Thunderball is the 28th biggest grossing film adjusted.




Yeah, I said it! Before Brosnan saved this Joke of a franchise it was nothing, it was dead! And before it died it was nothing but an embarassment to the name of British cinema amidst far superior American films and as a British cinema goer that hurts. That while America was making Godfathers, Aliens and the like, we had a moron in a suit telling bad puns and spreading STDs. Hell even as a parody Austin Powers probably carries more weight as a piece of cinema than 007.


Brosnan turned Bond from an embarassing joke to a damn cool, proper spy movie star and Daniel Craig upped the stakes even more to make it a genuine force in modern film. But before these two.. it was painful.

Edited by chasmmi
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Brosnan turned Bond from an embarassing joke to a damn cool, proper spy movie star...


Whether you like the movies or not, this statement isn't really true. Bond may have fallen on harder times, but he was most definitely a "damn cool, proper spy movie star" to the people of the 60s.

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Nope. And I wouldn't even have said anything if Brosnan's post-GoldenEye movies didn't go from plain bad to utterly unwatchable but you made them look like some masterpieces. I saw the Connery movies recently and most of them hold up very nicely and Goldfinger is brilliant so once more I have to say: nope.


And I'm pretty sure the US had plenty of stupid movies become hits and that they didn't only make Godfathers and Aliens at that time but I don't have the data so Tele will have to back me up there :D

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8.0 ON IMDB, 172nd on the all time WW Box Office, 102nd Domestic, 9th All Time Adjusted,

8 Oscar Nominations, 2 wins, 4 Golden Globes




Not much I can say about this that Baumer didn't already say but for the so-called greatest horror film of all time, this is not only as dull as ditchwater but it is not scary in the slightest. It's pretty laughable actually, probably almost better to watch as an accidental comedy than a horror except that its far too boring for that to work either.


I won't go into a lot more detail over this film as I don't have a lot new to add, but I honestly think that if this was released today it would probably get a reaction similar to Ouija or the first purge.

Edited by chasmmi
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And I'm pretty sure the US had plenty of stupid movies become hits and that they didn't only make Godfathers and Aliens at that time but I don't have the data so Tele will have to back me up there :D


Yeah but I have to use hyperbole as it makes my argument look artificially stronger :)

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Whether you like the movies or not, this statement isn't really true. Bond may have fallen on harder times, but he was most definitely a "damn cool, proper spy movie star" to the people of the 60s.


Ah but that's the nature of this thread, he actually was a joke but everybody had been brainwashed into thinking he was a damn cool proper spy ;)  :ph34r:

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Nope. And I wouldn't even have said anything if Brosnan's post-GoldenEye movies didn't go from plain bad to utterly unwatchable but you made them look like some masterpieces. I saw the Connery movies recently and most of them hold up very nicely and Goldfinger is brilliant so once more I have to say: nope.


And I'm pretty sure the US had plenty of stupid movies become hits and that they didn't only make Godfathers and Aliens at that time but I don't have the data so Tele will have to back me up there :D




471m adjusted.

Edited by Telemachos
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Goldfinger is 7.8 on IMDB, Thunderball is the 28th biggest grossing film adjusted.




Yeah, I said it! Before Brosnan saved this Joke of a franchise it was nothing, it was dead! And before it died it was nothing but an embarassment to the name of British cinema amidst far superior American films and as a British cinema goer that hurts. That while America was making Godfathers, Aliens and the like, we had a moron in a suit telling bad puns and spreading STDs. Hell even as a parody Austin Powers probably carries more weight as a piece of cinema than 007.


Brosnan turned Bond from an embarassing joke to a damn cool, proper spy movie star and Daniel Craig upped the stakes even more to make it a genuine force in modern film. But before these two.. it was painful.



Ludicrous statement, Sean  Connery's Bond invented cool before we knew the exact definition of the word.

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17th IMDB top 250, 79th All Time WW Box Office, 5 Oscar Nominations, hopefully no wins.




So I've already kind of given my opinion on Nolan, but to restate I like him as a director. The Dark Knight was awesone, Prestige was great, Batman Begins was damn good but TDKR was pretty damn terrible. This was even worse than TDKR, it goes from stupid decision to stupid decision with just the mere 163 minutes of empty unneeded space between each scene to guide you towards the ineveitable tedium of death.


However this film is not on this list because I do not like it, I mentioned in post one that there are popualr films I hate which are not here and there are some films on this list I could tolerate sitting through. This film is here as a symbol of how it seems that nomatter how much Nolan misfires on a film, it will still get voted into the top 50 on IMDB, it will still gross 4 billion dollars in Korea for some reason, he is a director that people seem to be blind to the faults of.


We can talk about ambition and this film is damn ambitious, it tries to mix complex 'boring' science with big budget blockbuster mayhem. It has special effects up the kazoo and I can honestly say I respect Nolan for trying to make stuff like this and not just do some bogstandard crowdpleaser that he knows his fans will support regardless. I hope that Nolan tries to make another Interstellar level film in scope next time out and I hope he succeeds, but the fact is this is a massively flawed film that is being paraded as genius and that is why this film is on the list.   

Edited by chasmmi
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Whether you like the movies or not, this statement isn't really true. Bond may have fallen on harder times, but he was most definitely a "damn cool, proper spy movie star" to the people of the 60s.


Agreed, Connery as Bond was the King Of Cool (yeah I said that pffft McQueen) but by Goldeneye it had been about a quarter of a century of uncool Bond movies and actors even though I enjoy several of them.

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