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The Top 100 Film Characters of All Time Countdown Thread - Top 20 incoming!

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28th - Buzz Lightyear - Toy Story - Tim Allen 

68pts - 6 Votes




The Penultimate Pixar character is ready to emerge here as we have one half of the duo that showed folks that 3D computer animated animation was the future.


I remember when I first herd this film was being made and was going to be CGI, I was about 11 years old and expected to be stupid, just like 3D games and VR headsets were. I was also becoming accustomed to the fact that animation was a dying genre now in all forms for me.


However, then I saw the film and wow! It was one of the best animations ever made, with a great story and great characters that made it what it was. Buzz and a second Toy Story Character in the film (let's pretend it is Rex) made this epic and still beloved to this day.

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27th - Yoda - Star Wars (yeah yeah I know) - Frank Oz

69pts - 5 Votes




Character from Star Wars is he. But many places, did he fall. What once, was 8th place, now 27th be he.  Absolute script writing gold right there folks!


Yoda is another of the big 5 beloved characters from the OT of Star Wars and just edges Shrek as being the highest placed green thing on our countdown. Giver of many popular movie quotes and inspirer of many bad impressions (of which the worst can be found two lines up from the sentence), Yoda is certainly somebody who will be remembered years are we are all dead and buried.

Edited by chasmmi
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26th - Emmit Brown - Back To The Future - Christopher Lloyd

69pts - 7 Votes




Now that's more like it. :) Back to the Future is possibly my favourite all round trilogy of all time and the main reason for this is the relationship between Doc Brown and another character/ It was  chemistry of the highest order on screen and sometimes ol' Doc gets overshadowed by other folk in the film. Therefore I'm really happy to see him get such a high rank on our list.


(I also kind of want him to be in the Lego sequel now too :D

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25th - Rose - Titanic - Kate Winslett

70pts - 3 Votes




Titanic - The film everyone is forgetting when arguing about potential films for Jurassic World to beat next month ;)


But there is a reason it made that money. the film was a spectacle of visual wonder, there was some action and great effects too. At the heart of everything though, was a love story. Two characters made this film: Jack scratched his way onto the list down in 102nd, but Rose flew into the top 25.  


A full 10 places above the next highest 3 vote total, Rose received an average of 23.3 points per vote which (apart from the single vote wonders) was the highest of any character in the list bar the winner. Quite impressive.

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But.. 5 year olds playacting Shrek!


Ok fine! but you have been warned. (Please also keep in mind this was a summer camp and we had a total of 3 hours per day for 4 days to prepare this from scratch :) )





And yes I am available still to direct a Marvel Universe film if needed :)

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27th - Yoda - Star Wars (yeah yeah I know) - Frank Oz

69pts - 5 Votes




Character from Star Wars is he. But many places, did he fall. What once, was 8th place, now 27th be he.  Absolute script writing gold right there folks!


Yoda is another of the big 5 beloved characters from the OT of Star Wars and just edges Shrek as being the highest placed green thing on our countdown. Giver of many popular movie quotes and inspirer of many bad impressions (of which the worst can be found two lines up from the sentence), Yoda is certainly somebody who will be remembered years are we are all dead and buried.


So the broccoli won over Gandalf...

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24th - Jules Winnfield - Pulp Fiction - Samuel L Jackson

76pts - 5 Votes




So onto the highest placing Tarentino character and also the highest placed black character too. Samuel Jackson is an actor that can make any film better just by being in it. He does make the odd questionable choice and the odd hilarious choice (snakes on planes for example), but when he is on form and in the right film... well you get this: the most remembered, quotable and popular character in the Tarentinoverse.


Jackson also receieved votes for Elijah Price (224th, Nick Fury 270th and Carl Leee Hailey 414th)

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23rd - Anna - Frozen - Kristen Bell

77pts - 6 Votes




And we return to animation and we all knew that this was coming at some point. The love of Frozen seems to divide a lot of people in this forum and beyond. Some believe it to be the greatest animated thing ever (and for somebody under 20 at least I can kind of see how one could feel that way), others hate it (which I think is down to overexposure in most cases than lack of quality).


Anyhow, the turth of the matter is that Frozen is a very very competently put together film. The songs are good to great, the characters are fun and it is a good watch. The two sisters angle felt fresh to people accustomed to the Disney girl just needing to be rescued and married and it had the awareness to laugh at itself which I also like.


I like Anna and I like Frozen, not top 20 like but I'm not angry to see her this high like I would be if say Aurora or Nemo were here, but that is subjectivity for you.  Anna is the 3rd highest ranked animated character.

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22nd - Jason Bourne - The Bourne Trilogy - Matt Damon

79pts - 7 Votes




They we go: Bourne beats Bond and Hunt. One of the few trilogies that doesn't have a weak entry in the series, this was the film that made shaky cam work. Damon is so good in this role and it's great to know he will be returning to it as this is kind of the American Bond in my eyes (even though they are both completely different).


Damon also received votes for Will Hunting (251st) and Rudy Bayler (465th), but sadly received no praise for his work on We Bought a Zoo :(

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21st - Sarah Connor - The Terminator - Linda Hamilton

80pts - 6 Votes




Another character who can sometimes get overshadowed by biggest personality in the film, Hamilton's Connor is arguably the second best action movie female ever put to screen (totally subjectively :) ), She plays the role so well as a woman caught in some future war she has never seen or experienced in real life. Trying to fight the impossible fight, keep her son alive and learn to flee/trust robots designed only to kill.


It's a great role played by a great actress.

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Its a shame because Anna was a much better character. Elsa wasn't bad but she wasn't that great either


I agree that Anna is highly overlooked and is easily the most well-rounded Disney Princess and also one of the most fleshed out female characters in Western animation. But the impact Elsa has had on a number of people going through their own emotional turmoil like her cannot be understated either.

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