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Official Weekend Estimates: Straigth Outta Compton - 56.1M; The Man From UNCLE - 13.5M; MI5 - 17.3M; Fantastic Four - 8M

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SOLD.. This sounds a lot like what they're trying to so right now with NASA trying to put together a manned mission to the red planet, except of course, it's a 1 way Journey and you're never coming back.. Would you do it?? How about it folks: If given the Opportunity to go to Mars knowing you wouldn't come back, would you go???

Did anyone else think this would be an awesome real life tv show? Just take cameras with them and see how starting a civilization happens and all the drama that goes with it. It would be the highest watched show other then sports out there.

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The Martian is partially set on Mars and it announces that in its title. That alone dooms it at the BO. Then add Ridley into the mix and could be an epic bomb.


You seem really intent on hammering home that this movie is likely going to be a bomb or under perform at the least.  The budget is not that big(100m) and this is definitely not Exodus with meh trailers and where it was completely shrouded in controversy from the very beginning over the casting.

Edited by Ozymandias
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Whenever Avatar is brought up its immediately accompanied by some user saying it didn't deserve that much, it was a rip off of other movies and that the only reason it made money was because of 3D. Watch next time it gets brought up and you'll see.

2 for 3 in 2 posts about Avatar. Now do you see what I mean CJohn? :lol:

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Did anyone else think this would be an awesome real life tv show? Just take cameras with them and see how starting a civilization happens and all the drama that goes with it. It would be the highest watched show other then sports out there.

Mars One is already trying to do that.

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Did anyone else think this would be an awesome real life tv show? Just take cameras with them and see how starting a civilization happens and all the drama that goes with it. It would be the highest watched show other then sports out there.




Anyway, got caught up on the thread much faster than I thought, even the derailments seemed weak and actual numbers discussions were nowhere to be found  :P

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Did anyone else think this would be an awesome real life tv show? Just take cameras with them and see how starting a civilization happens and all the drama that goes with it. It would be the highest watched show other then sports out there.

Astronauts may be geniuses but they would make boring as shit reality show stars.

Maybe if they can find a slutty astronaut with a drug problem.

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That's pretty bad.

They need Avatar 2 to happen immediately.

When Fox does Avatar 2 they'll make enough money from it alone to be a top 5 studio for the year. They still have tons left over from how much the first film made. What other studio can say if they release a film it's guaranteed to make at least 2 billion WW? They are fine, though without Avatar they'd be in huge trouble.

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Anyway, got caught up on the thread much faster than I thought, even the derailments seemed weak and actual numbers discussions were nowhere to be found  :P

Weak? You clearly weren't here when everything was falling apart :lol:

Edited by CJohn
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Mars One is already trying to do that.

In real life? I meant I thought it'd be cool to have an actual real version to see all the decisions and planning over starting a civilization. None of us on this planet were ever here to see that evolve from nothing. I think it'd be cool and of course people have different thoughts and opinions so it could get interesting.

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When Fox does Avatar 2 they'll make enough money from it alone to be a top 5 studio for the year. They still have tons left over from how much the first film made. What other studio can say if they release a film it's guaranteed to make at least 2 billion WW? They are fine, though without Avatar they'd be in huge trouble.

How much does Avatar need to make to avoid people claiming the franchise is crumbling?

Anything under 600 m DOM and 2 billion WW will probably be mocked as a disappointment.

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He's part of a NASA mission in the semi-near future... what's so far-fetched about that?


I'm not sure if you're being semi-sarcastic or not, but I remember reading how we would have a manned mission to Mars by 2017 or 2018 in the 90s... Now it's like 2035 if everything goes to plan/wishes of the Mars dreamers and with private industry contribution. NASA's budget is always looking more dismal as well. Best bet is if the Chinese are serious about establishing a moon base to rekindle that Soviet space race dynamic. I had to quickly google this stuff because I haven't paid attention in a few years but launch/resupply windows are ~500 days (not factoring in how to leave Mars, radiation effects, etc..). Getting to Mars has always reminded me of fusion power... Always two or three decades away.


I'll still watch the trailers to see if I can buy into this, but I think I'm still trying to get those... Depp and Kilmer movies out of my head? Forgettable anyway. I skipped Gravity when I kept getting people to tell me to see it. I responded that if it was anything like "Castaway in Space," I don't think I'll like it much, and people were just like, "nevermind then." I thought Apollo 13 was alright, but I haven't seen it since... the 90s?


I guess I need to start hyping myself for this one if I'm going to indeed find hype for it.

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The Cameron-Avatar silence is a bit deafening.


Also, how they are gonna work out Saldana 's schedule ?

She s probably the most important Avatar character, she s doing Trek right now, next is Guardians too ... 

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Did anyone read the book for The Martian? 


I don't know if Ridley Scott being attached to this is a good thing or bad thing anymore.


Watching the trailer, I do remember seeing this a while back. It looks like a serious movie, anyway. I might wait for the RT score and to read critic reviews when this comes out. Is there huge anticipation for the second trailer dropping? 

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