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Dark Side Final Trailer “Tomorrow”




Trailer is heavily styled and cut in the same method like this trailer:






*O$corp Picture’s Logo Comes Up*


Song Plays:



We see Shekib Samimi lounging on an ottoman in traditional Arab clothing. He smokes a hookah and blows the smoke out of his mouth and nose.


We see Margot Robbie walking toward the camera in loose and flowing clothing wearing high heels. As she gets closer to the camera, she strips off the clothing and is in a scarlet bikini. 


The camera is zoomed on her face and she moves with the camera as it circles her. She has a seductive smirk and then removes her bikini top.


We see her walking across a black stage with only heels and the bottom of her bikini. 


We see Grant Gustin sitting in a hot tub. He smiles at the camera and drinks an Old Fashioned.

We see Margot Robbie climb in with Grant Gustin. She and him clink glasses and smile. 


We see Shekib Samimi, Margot Robbie, and Grant Gustin in formal attire walk across the camera. Their silhouettes are also behind them. 


*The next few frames are stylized frames of the three of them. *


Get Ready


A golden door opens and we see Colton Haynes sitting on a golden throne. Standing next to him with one hand on Colton’s shoulder is Casey Cott. He leans down and whispers something to Colton. Colton smiles at the camera mischievously. 


*As the words flash on the screen, we see stylized frames of the cast.*










We see the cast strike several poses for the camera. During the finale pose, Casey Cott stands in the middle. He winks at the camera.


*The logo appears in solid gold, but melts away revealing black lettering*


Dark Side


See It Tomorrow


Buy Tickets Now!

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From the director of OKJA and SNOWPIERCER comes THE SCOREKEEPERS, a sci-fi/drama about a world where people are sorted by their “actions” and placed into either dystopian or utopian worlds at age 18. When a woman’s (Viola Davis) son (Ashton Sanders) is wrongly placed into the dystopian world, she stops at nothing to set things right.


The film will explore issues of capitalism, race, class, education, and environmental issues and will have a rather large budget. No words on who else is set to star, but it’s sure to be a strong cast. The Scorekeepers releases August Y4.


(I’m aware this is similar to The Good Place. There’s a lot more to it, and I’ll even put Kristen Bell in a brief role)

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| Teaser trailer released online in late November Y2 and attached to Voltron: Rise of Lotor. IMAX version attached to IMAX screenings of RoL. |



[ ] = music

* * = scene descriptions

" " = voiceover dialgoue


Note: The only dialogue in this trailer is spoken from Packer (Jason Isaacs) in voiceover.

* The trailer opens to a wide shot of a field of flowers blowing in the wind. It's dusk, the millions of stars decorate the night sky and the sky itself has a dark plue/purple-ish hue to it. The camera begins tracking a child-size humanoid figure running across the field towards something. She's only seen from behind and clothed in white silk so that one can't make out any distinguishing features of her. The child comes to a stop over a small hill, where both she and we see what appears to be a cluster of meteorites descending towards the earth. The camera cuts to an extreme close-up of the child's eyes with the meteor cluster reflected in her pupils. It is made apparent here that these are not meteors, but a gigantic spaceship burst into flames and breaking into pieces as it plummets towards earth. *

* Cut to black *

"I have seen the kingdom of heaven fall from the sky."



* Fade in to a bruised and beaten Commander Barks (Harry Lennix) sitting on a bench inside some sort of escape pod. *

"I have seen hope itself die..."

* He looks down and the camera follows his line of sight to reveal him cradling two scarred children in his arms. *

"And left only with despair."


* Cookie Pictures logo *

* Fade to shots of a coated Kira (Naomi Scott) walking down a dark alleyway glancing behind her back. *

"I have seen a darkness consuming us all."

 * Shot of Joel (Daniel Henney) solemnly looking at his right arm  where coal black veins are seen stretching all the way to the palm *

"And instead of guiding them to the light..."

* Wide pan of a military hangar with future military craft preparing for departure. Cut to a rally being held by Packer with a large emblem of the H.F.F (Humanity Federation Fleet) seen behind him. *

"I only strayed them further."

* Packer gestures to the crowd. The crowd responds by lining up in military formation and raising their fists in a nazi-esque manner. *

* A cloaked figure is walking down a hallway, given suspicious glances by passerby *

"But do not misunderstand me."

* We're in some kind of apartment. The figure has her headdress to reveal herself to be Tamara (Letitia Wright in mocap). This is our first full look at a "Scavenger" by the way, an anthropomorphic human/bug hybrid with crooked legs, sides coated with wood-like scales and a humanoid face and torso. Tamara is holding her hands up against Joel and Kira who have their weapons aimed at her. She has a look of sadness in her face. *

"For I hold no regret."


* Joel and Kira appear visibly concerned, eyes shifting in each other's direction. They begin slowly lowering their guns. *

* Tracking shot of a mountainous desert landscape with a clear blue river flowing through it. A small space vessel is navigating around the cliffs. *

"For as the kingdom crumbled..."

* Wide shot of the flower field from the start of the trailer. Joel, Kira and Reese (a human-size robot performed by Terry Notary in mocap) are on the left side of the shot looking at Tamara who stands alone on the right, solemnly gazing into the horizon while her dress blows in the wind. *

* Pan of the six captains of the H.F.F - among them Lucina (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) and Helms (Laurence Fisburne) - sitting at a meeting table listening to Packer *

"I knew the lord would no longer be with me."

* Packer is shown with a close-up to his face, the same black veins Joel had are seen emerging from his neck *


* Shots of the six vessels of the H.F.F (Milky Way, Seyfert, Hoag, Pinwheel, Sunflower, Mayall) gathering, each shot designed to show off the ships' massive scale. *

"And so the only destiny left was my own."

* Joel and Kira are apparently taken captive and paraded around a desert city where Scavenger citizens all react to their presence. Reese is seen free from chains but huddled together with the two humans. *

"And with you as my witness..."

* The robot sees a doll dropped by a Scavenger child and tries to give it back to her before he is pulled away by guards. *

"If it all has to burn..."

* Quick shots of Henry (David Mazouz) assembling T-Bot (a tiny sentient space rover voiced by Keegan Michael-Key), Barks watching with concern as H.F.F military prepares for war, Packer wearing some strange inhaling device leading a raid on an apartment, Joel sharing a moment with Tamara. *

"Then I shall be the first..."

*  More quick shots of Kira fighting in a bar, Barks and Lucina being halted by H.F.F soldiers, Packer watching the sun rising behind Khouga (the black veins have stretched further across his face)*

"To light the fire."


* Henry is running towards something only to be blown back by a large explosion *



* A hovercraft touches ground approaching battle with an opposing force in the distance *



* Quick shots of humans battling Scavenger armies *

[Instead of the music slowing down at 2:40 this version keeps building to reach an almost screeching climax]

* Joel is brought into an arena where it appears he's forced to fight with a brutal Scavenger warrior *

* Quick shots of Barks in a burning captain's deck seemingly attempting to steer a ship, Reese getting into a brawl with H.F.F soldiers, Kira dodging gunfire, Henry attempting to hack into something before looking up, Joel being pinned down by his opponent and screeched at, H.F.F ships seemingly firing at each other. *

* We see Packer surrounded by flames in a hellish scene, slowly turning his head towards the camera wearing the inhaler as the black veins have taken over his body almost entirely. *

* Cut to black *

[Music stops]

* Fade in to city residents on Khouga hearing a loud rumbling noise. They look up towards the sky and we cut to a shot of the capital as a burning H.F.F ship is hurtling towards it at great speed. *

* Cut again to black *




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Teaser attached to Crash Bandicoot


Endless Entertainment 

Endless Animation


Miss Spinster (narration): Love is a very funny thing. It’s like a battlefield. Sometimes you win. Sometimes you lose. 


We see cutscenes of happy couples in the park and we see Elgin creating dolls.


(On a white screen) From the creators of Crash Bandicoot


Miss Spinster: They are great obstacles along the way. But it’s worth it.


We see Old Man McGee making a potion and brings it to Rose’s room with a letter saying (from your BFF, Elgin)


Miss Spinster: However, there’s always help along the way as well.


Old Man McGee accidentally spills the potion onto the dolls. He tries to clean it up to no avail humorously but fails, and leaves. We see Miss Spinster gets up, moving her fingers in astonishment.


Miss Spinster: I’m Alive?


Cherokee gets up as well.


Cherokee: So am I.


Blues Man, Angel, Good Ol Boy, and Crazy Ray get up 


All: We’re alive?!


Abe gets up and walks around the room.


Abe: And I’m Abraham Lincoln.


Abe sees his reflection in the mirror only to see he’s a doll.


Abe: Nevermind then.



This February 


We go through a montage. The dolls being lovingly held by Rose, Angel and Spinster on the runs from an angry hawk in the forest, Cherokee riding a pig, Rose on a date with Herbert and finally Rose and Elgin about to kiss.


Miss Spinster: Love is powerful.


My Peoples


Valentines Day, Y3 in 3D.

Edited by YourMother the Edgelord
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Letitia Wright, Micheal B Jordan, Charlize Theron, and Tom Cruise to star in Endless Entertainment’s Isle Of The Lost. Wright stars as Harriet, an aspiring zoologist who goes on the expedition of a lifetime, to an uncharted island full of surprises to retrieve species and study. However things take a turn for the worse when she and her crew become trapped on the island learning dark secrets about the creatures and each other. Jordan stars as Hunter, Harriet’s older brother, and as the name suggests a hunter, Theron stars as Emilia, the captain of the expedition, and Cruise stars as Keith, a man who’s lived on the island for the past 20 years.


Robert Downey Jr, Michael Fassbender, Kristen Wiig, and Danny Trejo are also starring in the film.


Isle Of The Lost is set to hit theaters July Y4, with Gareth Edwards directing.

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Breaking News: The GameVerse finds it’s Battletoads. Charlie Day, Chris Pratt and Donald Glover will voice the titular Battletoads. Battletoads will arrive to theaters, March Y4. 

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GameVerse: Phase 1 (Franchise Goals)

Crash Bandicoot: 9/14/Y2

Spyro: Dragonheart: 12/14/Y2

Battletoads: March Y4

Crash Bandicoot: The Sequel: September Y4

Skylanders: Summer Y5

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On 3/18/2018 at 10:46 PM, cookie said:

| Teaser trailer released online in late November Y2 and attached to Voltron: Rise of Lotor. IMAX version attached to IMAX screenings of RoL. |


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If this film lives up the hype the Duffer bros will be top tier gods in the CAYOM world 

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57 minutes ago, Isle of Pasta said:



Kendrick Lamar joins BLOOD AND FUR: OUTFOXED. Role unspecified at the moment.

The boy Kendrick is in two movies this year.

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3 minutes ago, YourMother the Edgelord said:

The boy Kendrick is in two movies this year.

So the final cast for BAF3 is....


Al Pacino

Vanessa Bayer

Kate McKinnon

Danny Pudi

Alexandra Shipp

Pete Davidson

Jillian Bell

Tyler Labine

Jesse Plemons

Timothee Chalamet

Kendrick Lamar

Leslie Jones


It will be INSANE.

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16 minutes ago, 4815162342 said:

@Numerator Pictures

"Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph."

#Fortnight#Christmas Year 4

I feel like for some strange reason, teens and gamers will flock to this thinking it’s the game.

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1 minute ago, YourMother the Edgelord said:

I feel like for some strange reason, teens and gamers will flock to this thinking it’s the game.


Well in real life they'd be disabused of that notion the minute the first poster/trailer was released :hahaha:

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3 hours ago, Isle of Pasta said:

So the final cast for BAF3 is....


Al Pacino

Vanessa Bayer

Kate McKinnon

Danny Pudi

Alexandra Shipp

Pete Davidson

Jillian Bell

Tyler Labine

Jesse Plemons

Timothee Chalamet

Kendrick Lamar

Leslie Jones


It will be INSANE.

Cookie’s Corner’s Preliminary Review of Blood and Fur 3


Al Pacino is back. That is all you need to know.



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Meet the cast of The Retreat:


Kevin Hart is MATT BRODY, a software engineer eager to leave his small town job and make it to the city. Optimistic, driven, and mildly awkward, he knows he won’t find enough here. It also help that he needs to escape...


Maya Rudolph is LUCY WALDEN, Matt’s ex girlfriend who is now a satisfied married mother who works in data analysis. She’s been jumping around so much and just wants to find a place to settle.


Saoirse Ronan as EMILY VAN KAMPEN, a young intern trying to figure her life out, struggling to find where exactly her passion is. She feels a bit out of place due to her age.


Jason Statham as ERNEST CRANE, a deeply religious and wholesome family man with an awkward combover, but his past may be questionable. He works in HR.


Michael Shannon as DOUG HOLLISCHMANN, a janitor and stoner, often conjuring up bizarre stories and anecdotes. He may be on to something.


KATE MCKINNON as ELAINE SMITH, a 79-year old Marketing employee who knows the company inside and out. (Makeup is used extensively)

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Endless Entertainment and Marvel Entertainment team up for Howling Commandos.


Howling Commandos directed by James Gunn, starring Millie Bobby Brown, Chewitel Ejiofor, Chris Evans, Tiffany Hadish, Benedict Cumberbatch, Mark Strong, Emily Blunt, Channing Tatum, John Cena, Bill Skarsgärd, Cara Delevinge and Alex Hirsch, is a story about a group of “monsters” sent by the government to track down and stop Merlin from sending the world back to medieval times.


Howling Commandos will release July 3rd, Y3 in 3D, IMAX 3D and Dolby Cinema replacing Alpha Flight, which will now be released on September 6th instead. FlyingCapes’ Conductive has been moved up to MLK Weekend Y3 in 3D and IMAX.

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