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Rorschach's Reviews 3.0 Year 1

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Spark: Rising


Honestly, I don't know what you were so worried about. This was a really solid and entertaining Sci-Fi film. Sasha Lane as Alexandra Spark was a really well-developed main character and Charlie Heaton is easily the standout as Kozar. Both them easily made the film great for me. The Visuals are top-notch too. The CGI on all the creatures looks great but the world they inhabit looks even greater. The Duffer Brothers really handle the material well and I can't wait to see what they do next. Most of the issues have come in the second half of the story. The climax was a little over the place for me and the actual villain of the story was perhaps a little cliche (though the reveal was rather well done). Overall, it's no masterpiece but Spark Rising is definitely a fun Sci-Fi adventure and I can't wait for the sequel.




I liked it more than Voltron 


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The Rest of July:



A rather mean-spirited and depressing film. The characters are completely unlikeable and the film just leaves you feeling down at the end :sadben:



The Curse of Monkey Island


It's not an action masterpiece or anything like that but films like this are why the summer movie season is so damn enjoyable. 



The Beckinsville Files


It definitely tries a lot harder than a lot of other found footage horror films. It's not memorable but it doesn't do anything particularly bad either.



Mile High






Dangerous Beauty


Just dull and uninteresting. Nothing much else to say



Hive Havoc


A decent family film with some cute antics thrown in. Dug the little mini Drake and Josh reunion between Bell, Peck, and Cosgrove.



The Screaming Planet


Your standard "Emmerich-inspired disaster film" that doesn't do much different. Some of the setpieces were cool eye-candy to watch unfold onscreen but not much else. 




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While it starts off as a relatively creepy thriller, it quickly devolves into a jumbled mess once the third act comes around. 



Public Eye


I have incredibly mixed emotions about this film. Like, I can't decide whether I like or dislike it. For one, I feel it was very ballsy for a film about one of the most violent protests in the past several years and to have the main character of the film be a white police officer. Having read some of the reviews after watching it, I'm not quite sure how I feel. I was not opposed to the fact that the film chose to focus on Josh Hutcherson's character rather than John Boyega's character. If done well, it would've made for a really interesting character study. The main issue though is that the film really adds nothing by choosing to focus on Hutcherson's character. We are stuck with him and the racist cop character through a vast majority of the film. Most of that time is just showing the racist cop character being a dick and Hutcherson's character acting as a bystander. The film wants you to empathize with his character given his struggles between balancing his relationship with John Boyega and his job but I found that to be a monumental task to do. By focusing on him, we don't really learn anything. Nothing to take away, no important messages conveyed, nada. It just left me feeling empty.


That being said, it is not terrible by any stretch of the imagination. The film is competently made and some of the protesting scenes are admittedly quite chilling to watch. Hutcherson and Boyega act well with what they are given. Ultimately, the movie is a bit of an identity crisis.



Flowers for Algernon


Okay, I'm not gonna waste time building up to it. I absolutely LOVED this film. Like, I have absolutely no problems with this film whatsoever. I'm usually pretty hesitant towards giving a movie a perfect score after having immediately watched it but I have no problem in saying that it is perfect. Thought-provoking, emotional, well-written, wonderful, how many words can I use to describe this movie? Perfect. Just perfect.



An Apple a Night


A decent little kids film that I'm pretty sure young kids will grow up remembering fondly. Unfortunately, the film kind of veers off into mediocrity in the final act.





These obscure 80's cartoon adaptations are starting to blend together.





The fight scenes are well done. That's about all I can say.



The Space Pirates


You know, it's completely over-the-top and stupid but at least it knows it's completely over-the-top and stupid. The "Third Act", if you can even classify it as an act to begin with, was a complete waste though.


Edited by Rorschach
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Don't Go Outside


Pretty damn awful. No characters to root for, cliche use of found footage, and a pretty lackluster ending. About as much as I would expect from the guy who directed The Devil Inside.



The Little Engine That Could


For what it is, it's pretty good. Kids will definitely love it and parents will probably find it decent enough.



The Rider


You know what? I actually had a really good time with this film! Mad Max meets Dredd?! Sign me up any day!



No Surrender


Typical sports drama. 3D was pretty pointless. That's all.



Sea of Heroes


Robert Zemeckis is a really good director and the action scenes in the film prove that he can do action really well. Unfortunately, the film really has no characters to relate to. So what you're left with is a barrage of action scenes and no characters anchoring the film. Pretty disappointing.



The Executioner





River of Death


It lost me when it brought ghosts into the story.





Stereotypes galore! What more can you expect from Eli Roth?




SWAT Kats: The Radical Squadron


It's fine for what it is but the fact we've gotten so many 80s cartoon style movies so far this year has grown pretty tiring at this point. Still, at least this film was animated so it very much felt like something out of that era.



White Hurricane


Aside from some really odd casting choices (Chris Hemsworth as the son of Christian Bale and Sandra Bullock? :hahaha: ) and Christoph Waltz is a little over-the-top at times, this was an incredibly well-done film. Everything from the effects, the kinetic editing, and the grade A production design was fantastic. You really feel for these characters when the climax starts to ramp up (oh yeah Jamie Foxx is the big standout in the film for me). The IMAX also made the film feel so much more massive and breathtaking at times. Really reminded me of when I saw the 2015 Everest movie in theaters. An extremely well-done film that I'm only taking points off for the odd casting choices. 


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The Provider


While it does have a few interesting ideas, I just couldn't find myself getting into the story. The film just felt wildly unfocused for me. That being said, it's definitely not bad. Gugu Mbtha-Raw and Steven Yeun give some pretty great performances and some of the action set-pieces are entertaining. Not bad but I just wish it grabbed my attention a bit more.








The Haunting in Wisconsin


Damn. Sam Raimi really let himself go, didn't he?



Secret Searchers


It has a few funny jokes to provide but not enough to make sitting through it worthwhile.





A rather interesting documentary. I always love it when a documentary can touch upon something I already know and teach me something new that I never thought of before. Should be an easy pick for Best Documentary Feature come, Oscar season.



A Family of Families


Nothing special but at least it's not God's Not Dead levels of awfulness.



Life is Strange


It took me a little while to warm up to it but once I did, I sat back and enjoyed watching the reality-changing experience happen before my eyes. Winstead and Page work so well on-screen together and the story really doesn't work as well when both aren't together at the same time. Definitely not for everyone (as evident by your guys' split reviews :lol:) but it worked well for me.



Bad Cop





Kelsey Came Home


You know, for what it's worth, having to sit through so many bad horror films this year, this felt surprisingly refreshing. The ending especially made the movie bump up at least one or two grades alone.



Trump's America


At this point, Michael Moore is just stating the blatantly obvious. 





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The Damsel


Standard Rom-Com fare. Interesting to see Grant Gustin play a villain tho.



Love at First Sight


It's a shame because David Mazouz as Lip is actually really good in the film. The probably is the movie around him is fairly bland and predictable.



Project Classified


Color me crazy but I actually found parts of this film to be genuinely thrilling and engaging. Unfortunately, the movie takes a nose-dive in the final act with the lazy villain reveal.



The Whale


A modern take of Moby Dick would be fairly interesting and a nice deviation from typical found footage movies of this day. The film, however, does neither of these by sticking way too close to the source material and not changing much at all (You couldn't have at least changed the characters' names to something more modern?).



Hidden World


Tom Holland is pretty good in the lead role but the movie around him suffers from too much world-building and not enough plot. The reveal at the end was genuinely surprising though.





A fun animated-adventure film that's not afraid to take risks every now and then. Millie Bobby Brown and Sam Rockwell's performances are particularly fantastic and the rest of the voice cast brings their A-game as well. It's a little too overstuffed and I think shaving off a bit of the opening would've benefited the film a lot more. As is, its still one of the best-animated flicks of the year so far. 





With no real plot to speak of, the film just meanders for a while then completely flatlines at the end with no warning whatsoever.


Edited by Rorschach
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Just now, Ethan Hunt said:

I also hated BatB and I thought Hunchback was pretty good

I know the two are fairly different - BatB doesn't stray much from the original while my Hunchback remake does some fairly large changes at spots. Probably helps too that Hunchback outside of its devoted fanbase (like me) isn't looked nearly as fondly upon as BatB.

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1 minute ago, cookie said:

I know the two are fairly different - BatB doesn't stray much from the original while my Hunchback remake does some fairly large changes at spots. Probably helps too that Hunchback outside of its devoted fanbase (like me) isn't looked nearly as fondly upon as BatB.

Generally better director and casting choices and actually managesee to execute  the emotional core (where I feel BatB totally whifs) 

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4 hours ago, cookie said:

I'm kinda nervous about your Hunchback review since you trashed BatB in the CC thread :kitschjob:


4 hours ago, cookie said:

I know the two are fairly different - BatB doesn't stray much from the original while my Hunchback remake does some fairly large changes at spots. Probably helps too that Hunchback outside of its devoted fanbase (like me) isn't looked nearly as fondly upon as BatB.


If the changes you made bettered the story instead of creating filler like BatB did, then I probably won't have a problem with it :)

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