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Jigsaw (2017)

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I was the only one in the theater for the 5:45 show Saturday evening opening weekend. This was not a good sign. (I'll also point out that I got a child ticket not a senior ticket and got in without anyone noticing, but my theater employment days are behind me)


this film serves as a stand alone for those familiar (or not) with the previous movies. It is seen mostly from the perspective of the cops pursuing mastermind and moves forward to the people in a current trap. I know that if the bodies from that trap manage to be left in public places with a note, that the best course of action is to find who put it there. They have cameras everywhere these days, witnesses too. None of that is discussed. Still we follow forensic analysis of the bodies and those clues, and cops suspect each other. There is a big reveal at the end and it is one twist more than I was expecting. We may see sequels from this one, but I will (as in the past) only see this if I have a free afternoon and nothing better to do. 



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I’m not really sure how I felt about this movie. It’s somewhere between “I don’t really see the point of making this movie” and “eh, this movie is okay. Forgettable really”. A lot of this has to do with me really not caring about any of the victims (you really don’t get a chance to care as they’re killed off fairly quickly and get little screentime). Also, I’m a bit confused at the ending. I feel like I get it somewhat? Like, the victims we saw were really past victims? So jigsaw was never there? Eh, too confusing to me, really just made my head hurt. And it was pretty eye rolling watching the movie and having the bodies always set so causully out, yet no one notiiced anything.


I guess for now I’ll give this movie a D. I doubt I’d rate it any higher. It really to me just doesn’t serve any real purpose as to why this movie needed to be made, other than just for more cash. 4/10 for me.

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I enjoyed it more than @K1stpierre but I feel the same way she does about the ending.  It's all in the past?  That's kind of cheap.  This is definitely the kind of movie that you have to suspend all disbelief.  I'll get to that in a minute.  What I did like is that the traps were pretty cool and twisted and some of the gore was well done.  I enjoyed seeing Tobin Bell reprise his role, he's pretty darn awesome as Jigsaw.  


Now, what was pretty ridiculous was how the killer was able to not only make all of these traps like Jigsaw, but was able to afford to make all of this stuff.  Do you know how much it would cost to make all of this shit?  I'm not sure how much but it would be super expensive.  Then he would of had to exhume John's body without anyone knowing and then he would of had the smarts to pull it all off.  Way too much suspension of disbelief. 


But you don't really go see a Saw movie to think of all of this.  You go to see some killings, some gore and some cool shit.  Jigsaw accomplishes this.  And for that reason, I liked it.



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I was pleasantly surprised since after Saw III the sequels i pretty much forgot about and they were pretty much cash grab torture porn.

Jigsaw was actually surprisingly a good movie, and had some decent actors like the two remaining victims(the Woman who had suffocated her kid, and the guy whose stupidity killed his friends) weren’t bad and the the lead actors such as the homicide detective and the(whoops sorry i messed up, i didn’t realize I messed up) but this was a pretty good movie. 


next Jigsaw, and I weirdly thought the Eleanor chick with red hair was kinda cute. But the acting was not bad but not amazing for a film of its kind.


The traps were pretty cool  and if anyone went to the HHN house in Orlando this year two traps are in this movie. I won’t spoil if you’re curious PM me or I”ll spoil it later. And the victims had a reason why they were there, and not just to be random like what Saw IV-Saw 3D felt like. And it was nice to see John Kramer back to life! And Tobin Bell did a good job for the scenes he was in. 


Overall Jigsaw or Saw 8:Legacy, is by far the best Saw entry since Saw III! I like this one quite one a big with decent acting, and actually going to a more horror-Thriller/suspense like the first one or even kinda the second one did instead of the lame torture porn realm. Jigsaw definitely one I would pick for the movie collection, and was a surprisingly pretty good horror sequel. 


Grade B

Edited by Maxmoser3
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Well at least they got rid of the MTV video style ADD editing. Story is still a mess and falls apart as soon as you question the twist at the end.

So they had to play the game exactly as it was for what reason exactly? If so, what are the odds that the characters in the game make the exact same choices as the game from 10 years ago? And if the goal all along was to get the prosecutor/detective (whatever he was) in the barn to make him pay for killing the other guys wife, why not just use any bodies to prove John was back? Why did they have to be tortured the same way?

Oh, because there needed to be some big twist. All of that was for the audience.

Acting is really bad per usual. The monologue the medic guy gives the detective reminded me of Mark from The Room. Greg could have played that part!

Also not sure how women will take to the main female characters crime....

I've never been a fan of this franchise outside of the score but admit that the first two have a lot of quotable lines. I don't even think I've seen the others fully...so this was a step up from them....I guess?

I wasn't bored, so there's that.



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On 01/11/2017 at 12:50 PM, K1stpierre said:

I’m not really sure how I felt about this movie. It’s somewhere between “I don’t really see the point of making this movie” and “eh, this movie is okay. Forgettable really”. A lot of this has to do with me really not caring about any of the victims (you really don’t get a chance to care as they’re killed off fairly quickly and get little screentime). Also, I’m a bit confused at the ending. I feel like I get it somewhat? Like, the victims we saw were really past victims? So jigsaw was never there? Eh, too confusing to me, really just made my head hurt. And it was pretty eye rolling watching the movie and having the bodies always set so causully out, yet no one notiiced anything.


I guess for now I’ll give this movie a D. I doubt I’d rate it any higher. It really to me just doesn’t serve any real purpose as to why this movie needed to be made, other than just for more cash. 4/10 for me.


I know this reply is too late, but many people probably got confused by the time twist. Saw movies have been famous for playing with real time and past.


The movie happens 10 years after Jigsaw's death. The barn game you're seeing, happens when Jigsaw is still alive. The bodies that are being found, belong to new victims playing another game ( which also happens in the barn ).


The only difference is that the coroner dude was a victim in the first barn game ( the one you see in the movie ), survived and started working with Jigsaw. 10 years after Jigsaw's death, he sets up a game with victims that looked like the first victims that played the barn game. 


So, the movie is being played out of order. Only the investigation is happening. Everything else is a flashback, and the present victims found by the cops, are victims from a game that already was played offscreen, but it's ment to trick you into thinking it's the same game you're seeing throughout the movie.

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