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DAJK's Best and Worst of 2017

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1 hour ago, Tree Billboards said:

Also why didn't Kevin Costner age?

I personally thought Costner looked a bit older. A bit more worn out, grayed, and tired. 


1 hour ago, Tree Billboards said:

and why couldn't idris decide on an accent to use?


answer these questions and I will give you a Like.

Didn't notice the accent change but now that you brought it up I wouldn't mind giving it a second look if I get the chance on my break tomorrow

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On 1/22/2018 at 10:46 AM, Tree Billboards said:

and why couldn't idris decide on an accent to use?


answer these questions and I will give you a Like.

I saw it twice. It was a New York style accent the entire time. I specifically watched out for it after you said this.

And since I saw you ask this in the RTM thread:


And why she was arrested? The film states it numerous times but it was really all a strong arm tactic by the feds to try to game her into giving up information on people playing her game. They thought if they charged her with the highest offense they could prosecute her for, she would fold (pun not intended) and give them the information that they wanted on those people....plus they made a colossal fuck up that Charlie points out at the end, meaning they really have nothing besides the charge she plead guilty for. They still try to go after her in the final sentencing to give up the hard drives and all the information on them and she still refuses to do it over her morals. The judge see's this, see's that she had the opportunity to leak all of the information she had and make a shitload of money and throws everything out besides the illegal gambling charge.


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1 minute ago, somebody85 said:

I saw it twice. It was a New York style accent the entire time. I specifically watched out for it after you said this.

And since I saw you ask this in the RTM thread:
And why she was arrested? The film states it numerous times but it was really all a strong arm tactic by the feds to try to game her into giving up information on people playing her game. They thought if they charged her with the highest offense they could prosecute her for, she would fold (pun not intended) and give them the information that they wanted on those people....plus they made a colossal fuck up that Charlie points out at the end, meaning they have nothing besides the charge she pleads guilty for.

When we first meet Elba, he is doing an English accent. I assumed his character was English. i wondered why his child was American and he was English. His accent changes a lot. I am sticking to my opinion as it really stuck out in the film :P the girl I saw it with said the same thing too. Maybe it's because we're English and you're American?


ANd yeah couldn't really follow the film, didnt see what the big deal was. What you said, wasn't clear at all in the film.


either way I was utterly bored, would have been close to walking out had I not been with my friend.

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23 minutes ago, Tree Billboards said:

When we first meet Elba, he is doing an English accent. I assumed his character was English. i wondered why his child was American and he was English. His accent changes a lot. I am sticking to my opinion as it really stuck out in the film :P the girl I saw it with said the same thing too. Maybe it's because we're English and you're American?


ANd yeah couldn't really follow the film, didnt see what the big deal was. What you said, wasn't clear at all in the film.


either way I was utterly bored, would have been close to walking out had I not been with my friend.

Yeah, it's clearly a New York accent man. Brooklyn sounding. Never really changed.

And the film throws a lot at you but it's explained what she's charged with and what's really going on at the end. 



The prosecutors fuck up was believing that Molly was connected to the Russian Mob due to the use of the word Molly in texts when in reality they were asking about the drug and using slang. At that point they have nothing but still try to strong arm the hard drives out of her for all that information (remember all the stuff Charlie says is on them) and she refuses even when facing a 48 month (?) prison sentence. She wants to continue to plead guilty to that charge to protect that information from getting out there (stuff that could destroy families of the people who played, etc.) when she could walk away with no charges and her 4 million + dollars just by handing those drives over. The judge see's this, realizes she's probably telling the truth and that she didn't have anything to do with the mob and throws everything out besides the illegal gambling charge which she gets probation and community service for.


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HUGE apologies for being late to finish this. Schoolwork became such a huge load that I didn't have time to get around to this, let alone see Post/Shape of Water like I was intending.

I did, however, see a movie that made it into my top 5, so I am having to shift everything else one spot below. So while Molly's Game became my 5a number or whatever, you're just going to have to discredit the number I assigned to it and just think ''each consecutive film was better than the last in DAJK's mind'' regardless of how much I screwed up the numbers by seeing more films. So here goes my top 6.


# 6 Best Movie of 2017

Wonder Woman


Rotten Tomatoes score: 92%

Domestic Box Office: $412.6M


Oh wow the image in that GIF is absolutely magical. Blockbuster filmmaking at its finest. While Wonder Woman may only be my 6th favourite movie this year, that No-Mans-Land scene may just be my favourite individual scene all year. It encapsulates the hope, ability to inspire, and strength that the movie represents. 


On top of being an incredibly entertaining superhero movie, AND a great icon bringing female-led superhero movies to life, Wonder Woman is overall just a great movie. Thre characters are extremely well-realized, the humor works because we actually care about what's going on, and the action has some gravitas to it. I've always thought that if you don't care about the characters or story, the spectacle that surrounds them is just empty. Wonder Woman avoids that by introducing characters that we truly latch onto, through a combination of great acting and sharp writing. The music is beautiful, the action is clean, and the visuals are pretty good despite some heavy CGI during the finale. 


While Marvel has primarily focused on the arc of humans learning to be gods, DC focuses a lot on god-like characters learning to be human. And no other film has built this arc better than Wonder Woman. By the end of the film you truly see the changes her character had to make in order to complete her hero's journey, and the film smartly plays on this by making you feel like you are taking the journey with her. It's just an all-around great film with some surprising emotional weight and some great messages that I won't get into for the very few people who may not have seen this yet. But come on, who HASN'T seen this.


I fell in love with this movie.


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# 5 Best Movie of 2017

Baby Driver


Rotten Tomatoes score: 93%

Domestic Box Office: $107.8M


I just had a big thing typed out for this, but I recently got Grammarly on my computer for school and it's been making every forum post I make glitch, and well, it deleted my whole Baby Driver 'speech'. So I deleted it and I'm going to give you the rundown on this movie in 1 sentence because it's 1 in the morning on a Thursday night.



It's fucking awesome.


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Will continue/finish this first thing when I get up in the morning. I have Friday's off school so it'll just be a big study day. But the power kept shutting off all through town this morning and I've been up since 6, so anything I write from here on out until I get some sleep will be utter garbage. 

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# 4 Best Movie of 2017

Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri


Rotten Tomatoes score: 93%

Domestic Box Office: $38.4M as of this writing


The movie that really screwed up my top 5 considering it was such a late addition. But damn if it wasn't worth the wait. This movie feels like a punch to the face and leaves you reeling by the end of it at what you just saw. Sure it's funny, but I didn't exactly laugh the way all the old people in my showing did. I more found it to be extremely riveting and impossible to look away from, even to refill my drink.


The performances are all incredible, and I'm willing to bet money that both Best Actress, Best Supporting Actor, Best Original Screenplay and Best Picture are all going to go to this. While it isn't necessarily my favorite out of the Best Picture nominees, it's such an incredibly well made ''Oscar movie'' that I just can't see the Academy passing it up. The first hour and a half feels like a big middle finger pointed at you, and it's a tone and setting I absolutely loved to see these characters being placed in. 


My only ''gripe'' is with the final 20 minutes, as it somewhat turns into your typical  ''Oscar movie'' with characters talking slowly on the phone, and the plethora of small, tour de force moments. The movie sort of loses its middle-finger tone, and while I wish the film hadn't deviated away from that, it was still a great ending. 

Edited by DAJK
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# 3 Best Movie of 2017



Rotten Tomatoes score: 92%

Domestic Box Office: $188.4M


I'm always going to remember the reactions to Dunkirk's first teaser in my showing of Suicide Squad almost a year and a half ago. It was a big, somewhat rowdy opening night 9PM crowd, and you could have heard a pin drop. The teaser demonstrated a sense for fear, desperation, and hopelessness that gripped you even if you didn't know what it was until the title card. Wow. And what's more, the movie itself delivered.


I don't think Dunkirk is going to win best picture, and I don't even think it should. But this list is my top favourite movies of the year, not necessarily what I think should win Oscars. And Dunkirk had an effect on me like no other movie this year; my knuckles were white even the second time I was seeing it, and my heart was pounding along with the ticking clock the entire movie. And HOLY, I only ever get to see movies in IMAX maybe once every couple years, and this movie in IMAX was just incredible. Every time I go in for an IMAX movie, I forget how much different it is than a regular movie theatre. The picture, the sound, Nolan used it all to perfection with this.


I sat next to a woman who was probably in her 80's, and she would start crying every time the sound of gunfire went off. And it reminded me that people have seen truly horrific things in their lives. If Dunkirk had this effect on me, I can't imagine the effect it would have had on my 95 year old neighbour. It's beautiful filmmaking, and it truly makes us see the heroism of past generations. 

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# 2 Best Movie of 2017

Only the Brave


Rotten Tomatoes score: 88%

Domestic Box Office: $18.3M


Not a lot of GIFS available for this movie. Oh well.


Deepwater Horizon was great. Patriots Day had be holding back tears. Only the Brave had me weeping like a baby. This movie was so emotionally affecting that I could hardly bring myself to see it again. The characters, who I thought were so well established throughout the film, all came together as a unit fighting for others, while still maintaining their individuality. And this is where I think this movie exceeds Deepwater Horizon, that everyone in this feels like the real person they are portraying. Even the people populating the background have a clear defined sense of self, and that's what makes the ending so much harder.


I saw this with a couple friends, one guy and two girls, back when we all had time to do movie nights. I sat on the end, and really made an effort to hide the fact that I was crying. But when the credits rolled, I turned over and realized EVERYONE was crying, so it made me feel a little bit better. Everybody I've talked to who has seen this movie has loved it, and I really wish it had been able to do better at the box office. Coming from someone who lives it British Colombia, one of the many places affected by fires this past summer, it was pleasing to see a film that so respectfully represents those who fight to protect the rest of us from these dangers.


See this film if you haven't already. I really do recommend it.

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