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Ethan Hunt

Ethan Hunt Reviews: Year 2

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Mostly Human- Ken Watanabe brings a solid performance. And it's generally a fine if uninspired dystonian flick. Until the ending. The ending is dumb- D+


Bloody Mary- Not scary. Strong cast does what they can but ultimately they aren't given much to do- C-


January Gem- A slight comedy that is ironically about the attempt to release a good and meaningful movie in the month of January- C-


Timmy's Winter Vacation 2- I...what. I'm all for sequels setting out to do something different from their predecessor... but what- D-


Last Chapter- movie would benefit from more focus on the romance. all the performances are nice enough- C


 Sasquatch 3D- Pretty standard family film. Carrey does strong voice work- C+



Edited by Ethan Hunt
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Night Light- pretty decent horror flick. Does a good job of creating tension though I'm not sure the conclusion is satisfying- B-


The Human Revolution- Convoluted at times but always exciting . Cast across the board is uniformly excellent especially Isaacs and Chopra. Provides great action, intriguing mystery and solid character work. An early favorite for sure- A 


Truth Is- Let me say this as probably the biggest fan of the original on here... This is terrible. The moral dilemmas that made the first one interesting are gone in favor of a fairy tale love story that seems contradictory to pretty much everything in the first movie. Nicole's mid film character flip is fucking hilarious. Tyler also undergoes a complete unexplained 180 halfway through the film. None of the characters introduced in the first half matter to the second half at all. Ending is hilarious when compared to the stark nature that the first one ended upon. what a letdown- F


Bionicle: Trials of the Toa- Visually stunning, fairly empty, occasionally fun- C+


The Twenty-One Balloons- Pleasant at times but mostly meandering without much meaning- C


Danger Calling- Harrington and O'Brien are both fun here. Film manages to not take itself too seriously- B-





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16 minutes ago, Ethan Hunt said:



Night Light- pretty decent horror flick. Does a good job of creating tension though I'm not sure the conclusion is satisfying- B-


The Human Revolution- Convoluted at times but always exciting . Cast across the board is uniformly excellent especially Isaacs and Chopra. Provides great action, intriguing mystery and solid character work. An early favorite for sure- A 


Truth Is- Let me say this as probably the biggest fan of the original on here... This is terrible. The moral dilemmas that made the first one interesting are gone in favor of a fairy tale love story that seems contradictory to pretty much everything in the first movie. Nicole's mid film character flip is fucking hilarious. Tyler also undergoes a complete unexplained 180 halfway through the film. None of the characters introduced in the first half matter to the second half at all. Ending is hilarious when compared to the stark nature that the first one ended upon. what a letdown- F


Bionicle: Trials of the Toa- Visually stunning, fairly empty, occasionally fun- C+


The Twenty-One Balloons- Pleasant at times but mostly meandering without much meaning- C


Danger Calling- Harrington and O'Brien are both fun here. Film manages to not take itself too seriously- B-





Ouch damn.......:(


Nicole's character doesn't flip. I give you clues she is psychotic in the first film and throughout the second film. It is just subtle. 


It has been over a year since Tyler and Hunter had the incident in the words. Characters have grown since then and developed. 


The characters were written out of the second half due to editing. If I left them in you would be a reading 45,000K film. 


Oh and I wouldn't say it is a fairytale. It simply moves from an overly melodramatic story to a more grounded one. I wouldn't say it is ideal or that the two are good for each other. They both are two broken people who because of their history are drawn to each other. I got complaints that the first was unreal and overdramatic. So, I grounded the second film and made it more realistic. I feel like Warner Brothers DC :lol:


I am proud of this film series regardless and I am glad it is causing discussion. But honestly this film is for LGBT+ audiences and I think it goes a good job appealing to them and representing them well.








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The Call of the Revenant- A decently fun B-horror with a strong cast- C+


Illusino- I think the biggest problem here is that I never really felt like I could get behind Illusino as a character, and the rather inconclusive ending- C-


Torrential- feels pretty standard to me- C


Academy- Well this is Bonkers. And often times very funny. With the nature of the film some of the "jokes" are bound to miss and miss hard at some points (and oh they do) but again also a lot works as well. At times a bit overlong and convoluted but a fun experience. Harry Style's effortless charisma makes him perfect casting- A-


On the Beach- Not familiar with the source material here. Certainly an ambitious effort but I don't know that it quite comes together for me- B-


Cello- A slow moving horror movie that never amounts to anything particularly exciting or scary- C


The Knight- Pretty solid. The big battle scenes are the  highlight. Film loses a little steam when we lose Jake G for the third act but a pretty good time- B


Action Movie- moderately entertaining spoof movie that doesn't give much reason to be remembered- C




Edited by Ethan Hunt
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The Screwtape Letters- Yeah.... I don't really know what I'm supposed to be interested in here. The demons are obviously assholes. John really isn't given enough to be likeable here either. God also seems like a pretty big douche here. Fuck em all. Dull movie- D-


Gorillas- Gorillas are cool animals. This is a cool movie about them- B+


The Skeleton Crew- This movie rings mostly hollow on any kind of substance but it is dripping with so much style and atmosphere to make it totally worth a viewing anyways- B+


Jake Long: American Dragon- A bit clunky but ultimately fine children's entertainment- B-


Bounty Hunters from Heaven- This movie is a conundrum. I'm sure many find the general premise offensive. I for one am amused enough by the idea of  Zach Galifinankis playing god. and I like Glover in the lead role. Problem comes in with the ultimate weapon or whatever that Jack gets after just one mission... for real. And then like the bigger problem is that like I feel really bad for Lucifer. He seems like a good dude who's willing to do this big task that god needs done and receive no reward for it. like yeah god is all kinds of a douche and Lucifer taking him out here would've not been so bad in my opinion... Also Jonah Hill is in this movie...to do pretty much nothing- D


120 Days of Sodom- There is absolutely nothing to take away from this. It is 70 minutes of unpleasantness for the sake of unpleasantness- F-


Our City- Absolutely delightful. Wonderfully encapsulates the beauty, wonder, and idealism of children's imaginations- A


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The Towering Inferno- I suppose some audiences may be disappointed that the movie they are getting for this summer kickoff is something that takes itself seriously. Those people should get over themselves and see this on the biggest screen possible. For a disaster movie it spends an awful lot of time on the drama leading up to the actual disaster. not a problem here. Every bit of it is enthralling. Cast all knocks it out of the park. what an ensemble. I feel like Teller in particular deserves note. When things finally go down it is a visual wonder and an absolute edge of your seat experience. An impeccable emotional and tense tale.- A+


The Witch of Blackbird Pond- Good production design.  Emma Watson is uncaptivating on account of being Emma Watson. The movie also decides to give us more Max Irons than Miles Teller which is a bit disappointing. Really it's competently made but not much more- C


Bounty Hamster- The central relationship here is incredibly sweet. Charlie Day is really really great here. The rest of the voice cast is also stellar. Main story here is familiar but very well executed. Feels like I'm burying the lead here though... This movie is fucking hilarious. Sorry any moments with Marion swallowing something had me dying. Did I mention that Marion fucking rules. Bounty Hamster fucking rules. Twice in a month kinda cheapens it but fuck these both deserve it- A+  


Life After Death- If... the drug proves that heaven is real... then their plan was pretty bad. Premise Is wonky as hell but I thought it was mildly entertaining though very dumb- C+


The Road to El Dorado- It follows the animation pretty closely, Which means it ultimately has many of the strengths and weaknesses as the animation. Lucky for Cookie I'm a fan so this tickles me but never really thrills- A-



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10 minutes ago, Xillix said:

Well damn maybe I need to give The Towering Inferno a bigger awards push...






haven't read it yet :ph34r:




But, I am a big fan of the 1974 movie, so I will be watching closely


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1 hour ago, Ethan Hunt said:

It follows the animation pretty closely

Well I didn't find many points I could really deviate until the last two fifths of the film. Up until that point the animated version is fairly solid save for a few minor things I could add.


I'll happily take an A- though.

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Damnation Ally- The ensemble is the strongest element here. movie is exciting in bursts but can be kinda slow. Not a huge fan of the ending doesn't exactly leave me with a whole lot- B+


From the Black Sky- Decent-ish sci-fi horror- C


Rise of the Dead- It's nice to see Roland keeping his runtime in check. If he'd stretched this one out it could've been unbearable. as it stands pleasant but forgettable- C+


Lord of the Flies- Danny Boyle delivers here. Deliberately paced and contemplative. Complex and intriguing- A


The Odyssey: The Spoils of War- Okay. positives first. Scales is epic. setup before the war is great. Shore's score is stunning. While the battles are epic can't help but feel like their is a lack of connection to our main protagonist getting lost in the grandeur of it. The island with Polyphemus is fun. Stopping at the island of Aeolus is a bit of a drag. I guess the thing here is that the film is very feverishly attempting to tell by far the least interesting part of the story, which it manages to make an entertaining and worthwhile experience, as one film (for this reason I am much more excited for the sequel(s) because I prefer the middle and later parts of the story anyways)- B


The Beach House- yeah this is dull- D+


The Simulation- A Film with an interesting concept and setup. Some decent actions scenes. But in general not a fan. The film feels too eager to quip along at the quickest pace possible. Sometimes making leaps in logic, failing to flesh out most of it's central characters, and generally failing to have much of an emotional impact. There is some entertainment value to be had here but lasting resonance is probably none- C-


Fab - This film unfortunately sketches almost everything very broadly making stereotypes of it's characters. good for a laugh or two. probably not more- D+



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21 minutes ago, Ethan Hunt said:

The Odyssey: The Spoils of War- Okay. positives first. Scales is epic. setup before the war is great. Shore's score is stunning. While the battles are epic can't help but feel like there is a lack of connection to our main protagonist getting lost in the grandeur of it. The island with Polyphemus is fun. Stopping at the island of Aeolus is a bit of a drag. I guess the thing here is that the film is very feverishly attempting to tell by far the least interesting part of the story, which it manages to make an entertaining and worthwhile experience, as one film (for this reason I am much more excited for the sequel(s) because I prefer the middle and later parts of the story anyway)- B


Fair enough. The Aeolus stuff I tried to keep to a paragraph or two minimum to keep the story flowing. I agree too that the interesting stuff is yet to come. With the way I'm planning to structure the trilogy, I found that it is very similar to Reeves' Apes trilogy (which is kinda the reason I picked him to direct).

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