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Strangers: Prey at Night (2018)

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I gave the original an F.  It was one of the dumbest movies I've ever seen.  This one is almost as dumb.  People still do the most ridiculous things when we all know they should be doing the opposite.  Here's an example.  Two kids find their aunt and uncle hacked to pieces and rotting in their cabin.  The father, mother and two teen age kids are together.  The father then tells the mom and the daughter to go back to their cabin and lock the doors and call the police.  So they are all together, but they figure the best thing to do is to separate and give the killers an easier chance to pick them off.  This is what pisses me off about these Strangers films.  People behave in ways that are just beyond comprehension.  If I was with my wife and kids and in the same situation, I'd make sure we all stay together, and then find weapons, and then walk back to the cabin.  And if anyone tried to take us out, I'd make sure they'd die.  No questions asked.


The very end is a perfect homage to Texas Chainsaw Massacre's ending.  So it gets points for that.



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I love you “sis”......





Oh. My. GOD. The writing in this is so GOD awful, that at times I’m laughing. Do siblings really call each other by “sis” or “brother”? Lmao, the interactions between the family members is so bad, like....really bad. And the film made no effort to really give you any reason or time to care about their family “problems”. Very early in the film the daughter is having a “pms” moment, and the mom and daughter are out talking and like......okay....so, why am I suppose to care?


Per usual with bad horror movies, the protagonists make ALL the WRONG decisions. I love how before they discovered the bodies, the boy kept yelling out “anyone there?”, like yeah sure the bad guys are going to totally be like “ yup! We’re here! Just come right over so we can stab you!”. Or if were regular people, I think they wouldn’t of A) left their door open, and 2) would of clearly heard you guys talking in their house.  Then during the film, they keep screaming each others names like, sure just give the baddies a gps of where you are. This of course wouldn’t of happened had you just STUCK TOGETHER. Ugh.


I absolutely HATED the brother the most I think. So you clearly see what these people are capable of, but you can’t find it in you to just shoot the person??? It’s not like you’re being aske to maim someone with a knife and get dirty. Just point the gun and shoot.....BECAUSE THEY WLL CLEARLY KILL YOU. And later....😂😂😂 omg, so he wacks the chick with the baseball bat and what?..... feels BAD for hitting her when she CLEARLY had a knife?! LOL. I’d be hammering away at that chick’s face over and over, sorry. 


I could rant all day but what’s the point? And seriously this film felt like it had like 5 different fucking endings. First of all, the chick at the end that got hit with the shot gun should of CLEARLY had died instantaneous.....it was a point blank shot from a SHOTGUN. I’m literally just shaking my head. Later the cars explode and your like THANK GOD its ove-.....errrr....nope, guess not as the car keeps moving towards her. Okay, then get an overly long SLOW “chase” scene where the chick is just crawling, only for the guy to get out of the car...and fall on the ground (SO WHAT WAS THE PIONT?!?! Ughhhh). Okay, NOW IT’s finally over, she’s hitching s ride and.....woah, what the fuck?! Where did he fucking come from??? That whole scene was so ridiculous and stupid. And the hospital part like, what the fuck ever just end it already!


complete waste of time, during the movie I was between an F or D, and I think an F fits this movie. There’s really nothing here that I could even compliment, only the very very short run time (though it felt like forever still) so it’d be over faster. This is a 3.5/10, F rating overall.

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In order for me to take this movie seriously, I had to make myself feel like they were not take this movie seriously, and maybe even mocking some older horror movies.   if that is the case, then I think the direction was pretty good.  the random edits, the range of the shots, they keep a tempo going that feels like it is an all out homage to slasher movies where different cuts of film are just all over the place with a schizophrenic feel to them.  in that case, Strangers: Prey at Night delivers but only because of a lack of horror slashers and the campiness feel.  The Strangers franchise is heavier with the nerve rendering violence that most in the genre.  It has found itself over the low B range for now since it seems like the movie fell apart near the beginning thus lowering my expectations for the remainder.  81/100

Edited by Thematrixfilm
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Man, after all these years The Strangers deserved so much better than this awful sequel. This was the exact type of horror movie that The Cabin In The Woods made fun of in 2012. And note to writers, if you want me to care about your protagonists, maybe don't make them all unlikeable tropes within the first ten minutes. Every character feels like they walked right off a script and onto the set of a horror movie instead of being a real person. The movie also fails to understand what made the original work so well by giving The Strangers a lot of screen time. The dad is invincible now too...so there's that. He walks away from something that would have even killed Michael Myers. And the film steals it's best aspect from the far superior You're Next and over uses it to hell along with bordering on the torture porn sub genre of horror that should have been left in the late 2000s (the camera loves to linger on characters slowly dying while loud 80s pop blares in the background). So yeah....like the latest Insidious, the soul less Prey At Night feels like it was made to grab easy money off fans of the original on opening weekend and then be cast off to late night Showtime. One clever jump scare and a decent score isn't worth it. As someone who didn't see a single trailer and had no expectations going in, don't waste your time. - D

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