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Speculation is now mounting is that Terminus will be the show's version of the

Cannibal hunter tribe arc from the comics

Probably yes. Heh, not sure what to think. But there will be rivers of blood next week.

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Finally caught up to where everyone else is. I've been watching heaps of shows so it's taken a while. This show is good when it wants to be but some of the episodes don't maintain the sort of quality I'm looking for. Some of them, like the two Governor based episodes and "Still" were a chore to get though and didn't do much to add to the show. The 16 episode seasons are too long and they should go back to 13 to get some better quality control. They won't do that though for obvious reasons. 


I could without so many kids. There's a baby? Seriously? I was hoping it would have died at the prison even though I knew they wouldn't do it. Lizzie nearly got the job done. Shame she didn't do it in time. Babies in tv shows aren't interesting, just a pain in the ass. It's not why people tune in to premium cable dramas. Sorry but that whole Lori baby thing was just ridiculous. She was such a moron.


Beth "I want my first drink" Greene needs a nice zombie bite to the face too while we are culling pointless characters.


Intrigued by this Terminus thing. You just know it's going to be ugly.

Edited by Magic
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Ok, I'm scared now.  What happened to Maggie and the rest?  What did they do to them?  


Only 15 minutes left.  Someone's going to die for sure.  

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In a development that surprises no one, the Terminus people are not good people.


And oh yeah, they're definitely being set up as the show version of the Cannibal tribe.




So I am expecting Tyreese, Carol, and Baby Judith to stage a Rambo First Blood Part II prison break.

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I read that they ate Glen. Did they eat Glen? Because I'd have to tip my hat to the show, that would indeed be a ballsy move. This show could use more ballsy moves. Didn't they puss out of killing off Judith?


I think they have plenty of ballsy things they've done.  They don't owe us anything ballsy.  And if Glenn dies, I'll be pissed.  Really pissed.

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I read that they ate Glen. Did they eat Glen? Because I'd have to tip my hat to the show, that would indeed be a ballsy move. This show could use more ballsy moves. Didn't they puss out of killing off Judith?


Glen and all of his group are alive. Tyreese, Carol, and Judith are somewhere enroute to Terminus. Zero info about what happened to Beth.



I think the ending was fine, even if by last week it was leaning towards a majority of people thinking Terminus was shady. It was a bit anticlimatic yeah but it served its purpose of getting the group together (almost). I think things will get a bit worse for them before it gets better. The only thing I would have wanted to see changed for the ending was an explicit confirmation that Team Terminus is the Cannibal Tribe.



But this Terminus reveal guarantees that it was only just an intended pit stop for the show and the gameplan is going to shift focus further up the Eastern Seaboard and leave Georgia behind.

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I think they have plenty of ballsy things they've done. They don't owe us anything ballsy. And if Glenn dies, I'll be pissed. Really pissed.

Eh, not really since killing Lori off. For instance, they'll never kill off Daryl for fear of losing viewers, which is the opposite of ballsy.
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They killed kids off that is pretty ballsy especially the way they did it.

They weren't kids we knew, though. Killing off random kids we get to know in the space of an hour isn't really all that ballsy (in my opinion, I don't run a TV network so I may be wrong). I mean, an undead little girl got brained in the very first scene of the show.

Edited by Seth Rollins
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