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CAYOM Y4 - Discussion Thread

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Looking at the calendar, we just need films for these dates:


August 7th: @cookie‘s Animal Crossing is date for this spot but is unfinished 

November 25th: 2 films are needed, both @Blankments‘s Who Recycled Roger Rabbit and @Xillix‘s Silent Hill: Restless Dreams are planning on opening there but haven’t claimed the dates officially.

December 18th: @cookie‘s Voltron Reunion is dated for the spot but is unfinished

December 25th: 1 film, @4815162342‘s Fortnight is slated there but unfinished @YourMother the Edgelord‘s Kingdom of The Sun is finished but a film is still needed

Edited by YourMother the Edgelord
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Not usually a promiser but I do promise SH2 will be done on time. I could've had it ready for the first with little hassle; I just put it on the backburner for reviews and some last-minute writeups for January-June.

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14 minutes ago, Xillix said:

@Alpha You planning to finish Stargazer? And if so you planning to keep it on its current date right before two other horror movies? >.>

Not sure, I'm thinking about just releasing it as a filler.


Also I'm delaying reviews until after the deadline to finish writing.

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There's a very good chance I'm going to just make up some legal drama as an excuse to cancel the ReBoot series. Every time I go to write part two I realize I actually only like the villain and don't especially give a damn about the plot or setting or other characters >.>

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Welp, it’s confession time again:



I don’t think I can bring myself to finish anything this year.


As grateful as I am for the second chance I was given, it all just proved too daunting for me to overcome and despite how much I’ve been writing Voltron I feel like I’ve somehow spent these last two weeks running in circles. It’s the same problems bringing me down over and over again.


I still can’t get the first act in order.


Act two and three can’t get finished because I can’t find the means to justify key moments in them.


I’ve already cut out a significant aspect of the film because it turned into a massive anchor that was bloating an already bloated piece and was dragging the whole thing down with it... and I still can’t get it to work. In fact, I may just have made one key element worse with the replacement I hastily came up with.


Every time I feel like I’m actually getting somewhere and I get optimistic, some time later I run into another wall again.


And today it got kinda ugly. I don’t want to go into any details, but people close to me IRL wanted me to help them with a major, time-consuming thing, and while I did help them out it took longer than anticipated, and all that was on my mind was ”how much longer is this going to take I have so much work left to do”, and because I felt so pressured by my desire to actually finish my lone Y4 commitment that I started lashing out at people who had nothing to with this and didn’t even know why I was lashing out (I’ve apologized since, of course).


I’ve gone far too deep into something that was just supposed to be fun. And it’s not even fun. It’s just tiring and frustrating that I can’t get it together. Probably doesn’t help that I’ve been in kind of a messy place these past two years which accentuate things (if I’ve been mean or unfair around here, and for the times I’ve lashed out, I am really sorry for that too.).


I know y’all won’t doubt me, but you may think ”jesus, Cookie, how bad can this possibly be? You’re not exactly adapting Shakespeare”, and I think you need to understand just the magnitude of what I’ve dragged myself into:


Six months of my life has gone into this thing. It has gone through so many alterations and rewrites.


I estimate Voltron: Reunion to be roughly 65% complete as of today, and It’s already at 31,500+ words (I will provide photographic evidence once I get access to my desktop).


Yes, it’s longer than Scavenger Wars and it’s not even two-thirds finished. Hell, I may be overestimating that percentage for all I know, the final word count could end up close to 50k. Now the intent was always for a massive trim, but even if I somehow manage to finish V3 in time that trim is obviously not gonna happen.


But the word count isn’t the real issue here. If I knew exactly what I was doing and felt confident all the way, I could keep writing until my fingers bleed. It’s kind of amazing that Scavenger Wars turned out the way it did since two-thirds of it were done in under a week. I was hoping the same ”crunch time” would help me find the answers I seek for V3.


But the problems are much deeper than that. There are things in Reunion that have me legit panicking. Like if you saw my worry over Rise of Lotor, that was a cakewalk compared to this.


This is not an overly pleasant movie. It deviates from the source material to a radical degree. Parts of it actually get kinda fucked up (for those who want answers, I’m happy to PM, but I won’t reveal everything) and things happen that would be a real stretch to justify without near pitch-perfect execution, but I thought in my head that it would make for the best experience. And I’ve had to rewrite numerous scenes several times because they’re a struggle to make work. One scene I finished today sounded incredible on paper/in my head but execution-wise it is all over the place right now and hinges on earlier scenes I haven’t been able to figure out yet either, because everything keeps changing.


It starts getting to the point that the only thing that may save it is a page one rewrite but there simply is no time to do that.


And what’s possibly worse is that I betted on this film being pulled off succesfully for it would lend me the confidence to pull off projects I have similar worries about, SkyRiders and Countdown being two prominent examples as they have plot threads that take similarly dangerous turns (and again if you want answers I’m happy to share). I think since I got away with Number One Dime I honestly got carried away and now with my Voltron struggle I’m worried again.


I need a break. I need to work on things that make me feel better. I am so sorry for wasting the chance I was given, and I’m so sorry for letting everyone down again, but I feel like this is the only way now.


Voltron: Reunion is hereby delayed to Y5 and I’m pulling out of Y4 altogether. Cookie’s Corner Y4 meanwhile has been put on ice because I need time off to figure things out. I will read everything (and hopefully provide a review of Odyssey 3 since I am legit excited about it) and provide a top 25 but it’ll be some time down the line.


(Regarding KotS I promise I will get back to you tomorrow @YourMother the Edgelord. I may be burned out but I’m not going to let that bring your work down with it.)


So what now? Well with Voltron I don’t want it to wait until December Y5, so I am making room for a summer release. Memorial Day, mid-June and mid-July are the options I’m looking at. My other Y5 commitments are still on the table, but I will be working on them side by side with Voltron and will shuffle things around a little to make room (TSW2 is still set for December, and ironically it’s one of the projects I’m the least worried about). @Spagheditary and @YourMother the Edgelord WILL recieve that pre-read, because I desperately need feedback.


I will begin the outlines on my Y5 stuff starting tomorrow, because I don’t think walking away from the game even temporarily will solve anything, and may even make it more difficult to return later. I am putting these films up for pre-read requests and will hand them over once I finish the first draft:






I owe @Rorschach Countdown from eons back and I intend to keep that promise.


None of this is anyone else’s fault but mine. I went in way over my head, things kept escalating and I only turned back when it was already too late. I just hope you guys understand. This is probably the hardest post I’ve ever had to write in this game and I hope I don’t have to write anything harder.


Again, I am so sorry.


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@cookie No need to apologize. You hit the nail on the head; this is about fun and if it turns to stress instead it's only healthy to take a breather. You shouldn't feel like you actually owe us anything. Do whatever you need to do to get yourself back into a good headspace.


Also uh. I now apologize in advance for some of the jokes in Tattooed Teenage 4lien Fighters and you should know they aren't personal >.>


In other news I suppose this means I'm moving Silent Hill 2 back onto the 18th.

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