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Russia Box Office

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Now Hollywood studios can get 25% in China, the local studios can get 40-45%.

That's great that it has increased. Still low but that's almost double what they got before so better than nothing. Do you know when this changed?
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What about the local movies? I heard Russian movies are in the red and not liked by young Russians.I know they have a very small part of the Russian market, like 12%!

Many huge by local standards efforts to create an event Russian movie failed miserably. Barber of Syberia, The Inhabited Island, Burnt by the Sun 2, The Nutcracker in 3D, August, 8th and others. Many people don't trust Russian movies anymore and it is very hard to find a credible director for the next big budgeted effort.
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Many huge by local standards efforts to create an event Russian movie failed miserably. Barber of Syberia, The Inhabited Island, Burnt by the Sun 2, The Nutcracker in 3D, August, 8th and others. Many people don't trust Russian movies anymore and it is very hard to find a credible director for the next big budgeted effort.

I see, pretty shameful...Given success of Hollywood movies in Russia I hope more movies shot in Russia, Moscow could be interesting, because Paris and London are so much present, it's kind of boring.
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Hollywood Reporter


The explosion of new movie theaters -- and the popularity of digital 3D-- has turned Russia into one of Hollywood's most treasured allies, and that's not likely to change in 2012. With Brazil, India and China, Russia is one of the B.R.I.C. countries, where emerging middle classes are eager consumers. Tentpole after tentpole did huge business in Russia in 2011, exemplified by the 3D toon Puss in Boots, which grossed north of $50 million in Russia alone -- roughly one-sixth of the film's $311 million foreign cume.

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ТИТАНИК 3D (Fox) в восьмой день проката собрал 13,6 млн рублей, потеряв от прошлого четверга всего 37%. Это должно позволить фильму легко выиграть текущий уикенд. Последний случай, когда релиз поднимался в чарте на первое место во второй уикенд (не считая новогодних каникул), был зафиксирован в июне 2010 года, когда такой же трюк проделал ПРИНЦ ПЕРСИИ: ПЕСКИ ВРЕМЕНИ. Стоит отметить, что лента захватила лидерство уже в прошлую субботу и расстанется с ним, видимо, только в следующий четверг. За четыре дня сборы ТИТАНИКА 3D должны составить более 100 млн рублей, а общая касса фильма перевалит за 300 млн уже в воскресенье.

Комедия АМЕРИКАНСКИЙ ПИРОГ: ВСЕ В СБОРЕ (UPI) по сравнению с прошлым четвергом потеряла куда больше – 58%, освоив за вчерашний день 11,3 млн рублей. При этом ОЧЕНЬ ПЛОХАЯ УЧИЛКА растеряла 67% в начале второго уикенда, МАЛЬЧИШНИК 2 – 53%. Общая касса четвертой части на данный момент равняется 222,3 млн.

Someone could translate? I'm just a beginner in Russian, I can't translate it for the moment.
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TITANIC 3D (Fox) on the eighth day of rental collected 13.6 million rubles, losing on the last Thursday of 37%. This should allow the film is easy to win the current weekend. The last case, when the release went up on the charts in the first place the second weekend (except Christmas holidays), was recorded in June 2010, when the same trick done PRINCE OF PERSIA: SANDS OF TIME. It should be noted that the tape captured the lead as early as last Saturday, and part with him, apparently, only next Thursday. For four days gathering 3D TITANIC should be more than 100 million rubles, and the total box office movie will be over 300 million on Sunday.Comedy AMERICAN PIE: ALL ASSEMBLY (UPI) compared to last Thursday lost a lot more - 58%, having mastered yesterday for 11.3 million rubles. In this case the teacher is VERY BAD shedding 67% early in the second weekend, Bachelor Party 2 - 53%. The total box office of the fourth at the moment is equal to 222.3 millionBy Google Translator :lol:

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Someone could translate? I'm just a beginner in Russian, I can't translate it for the moment.

Well, it's pretty easy to translate and besides a friend of mine wrote it. And google translator sucks then it come to Russian.

There is nothing new there. Titanic dropped by 37% on Thursday and American Pie 4 by 58%. Titanic should win the weekend and it would be the first time since Prince of Persia when a movie claimed #1 spot for the first time on its 2nd weekend (except for holidays).

He also compared American Pie 4 to Hangover 2 (-53% on 2nd Thursday) and Bad Teacher (-67%).

Current estimates from screendaily are $2.7m for both Titanica and American Reunion, $2m for 21 Jump Streen and $1.1 m for Cabin in the Woods. But those numbers might be inaccurate. I will have full estimates and some actuals on Monday.

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The Hollywood Reporter :

Titanic 3D, now in its second round of foreign release, also chalked up solid numbers in Russia ($2.75 million at 972 sites for a market cume of $10 million) and in Europe. A No. 2 second weekend in the U.K. drew $2.9 million from 508 locations for a cume of $12.8 million. Italy contributed $2.7 million at 389 sites for a cume of 8.4 million while France provided $2.6 million from 362 spots for a cume of $7.9 million. Germany came in with $2.2 million from 497 locations for a market cume of $7.4 million.

Titanic 3D has a tight grip!

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It took CJohn about 2 minutes to come up with a Google translation. Terrible english but understandable. But it is also a nice way to study a language. You can compare the Google translated text with the original phrase by phrase (you should be able to read kyrillic in this case). You find that the Russian word for weekend is uikend, clearly borrowed from the English. The French also borrowed it (ne ce pas?). The German word is Wochenende as we can very easily form compound nouns.

Edited by Rudolf
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