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Brazil Box Office Thread

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You are right about that! Socialists did a horrible job here also. I was talking about a person who really cares about the planet, not just about the money


There are ways to save the planet, long term ways, without being economically harmful but sadly politicians want to have the glory very quickly, they don't like long term solutions because they won't be there to see the results, so that's why we have things like carbon taxes, skyrocketing electricity prices to support inefficient renewables and so on...The true answer is technology, with technology we already reduced our emissions in significant ways, and things such as electric cars, driverless cars, telecommuting..and so on will allow us to save the planet while helping the economy, but for that we need men and women with a long term vision and dedicated to innovation, not imposters or ideologically twisted people.


That's my opinion and I'm proud of it B)

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That's what I'm afraid of with Marina. She is an enviromentalist. She wants to leave the Socialist Party next year and create the Sustainability Net if she wins.


I can understand, after all she's pretty vague about she wants to do, she could easily lead Brazil toward a Venezuelan fate, that would be terrible.

Dilma on the other hand is predictable : she won't change anything because she thinks the poor economy is not her fault, she waits for the US economy to save Brazil (yes, she said that last week)...However the US economy is very dynamic right now (+4.6% in the second quarter compared to a year ago) and the Brazilian economy is in recession, so it's clearly a domestic problem (taxes,regulations, lack of competitiveness, corruption..).


Brazil has a pretty bad bunch of candidates, to say the least...

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Well, here we got a green minister, Cécile Duflot, and she completely destroyed the French real estate which was one of the last dynamic sectors in France...As a result they had to fire her and reverse everything she had done.

A green president would be a nightmare, I don't know about Spain but here they're just a bunch of communists painted in green instead of red, it's the last thing we need z_z


Yeah with capitalist it's much better they will do what ever they want till the planet is messed up like hell. They will destroy all human life on earth and I don't thik it will take them longer than 100 years from now.

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Yeah with capitalist it's much better they will do what ever they want till the planet is messed up like hell. They will destroy all human life on earth and I don't thik it will take them longer than 100 years from now.


Yeah, because communists never destroy the planet, we know that LOL

There is nothing better than capitalism, humanity never was happier and wealthier than now, so many people got out of poverty thanks to it.

To see what is the best between capitalism and the other options you just need to compare South Korea with North Korea : South Korea is rich, healthy, modern, happy, dynamic..North Korea is poor, closed, unhappy and dangerous.

Or Colombia vs Venezuela : Colombia is dynamic and rising, Venezuela is in a recession and the poverty rate is exploding.


Time to learn some economics my dear. Capitalism is so good, not perfect but SO good B):wub:

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it's not about comunist, it's about our planet. Capitalism is destroying it, we can't keep on making as much we want, we can't keep buying new cars every 5 years. That is how we throuw or chances for the next 10 generations. 


I am on highschool now and I am learning for company management , so i am not a communist. Not even close, i love freedom, democracy but capitalism isn't what I love it brings so much bad thing, it's the reason why those people in asia are getting under payed cause we want cheap clothes, but our people are to expansive so our big companies go to afrika and asia to pay the people 50$ dollar the month so we can life our whealty lifes.


It doesn't make sence, and like they prove we can't all live as wealthy as the european (west) people, the planet can't handle it yet. Like you said we need beter technolagie for that, way better. 

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I can understand, after all she's pretty vague about she wants to do, she could easily lead Brazil toward a Venezuelan fate, that would be terrible.

Dilma on the other hand is predictable : she won't change anything because she thinks the poor economy is not her fault, she waits for the US economy to save Brazil (yes, she said that last week)...However the US economy is very dynamic right now (+4.6% in the second quarter compared to a year ago) and the Brazilian economy is in recession, so it's clearly a domestic problem (taxes,regulations, lack of competitiveness, corruption..).


Brazil has a pretty bad bunch of candidates, to say the least...

That pretty much sums it up.

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it's not about comunist, it's about our planet. Capitalism is destroying it, we can't keep on making as much we want, we can't keep buying new cars every 5 years. That is how we throuw or chances for the next 10 generations. 


I am on highschool now and I am learning for company management , so i am not a communist. Not even close, i love freedom, democracy but capitalism isn't what I love it brings so much bad thing, it's the reason why those people in asia are getting under payed cause we want cheap clothes, but our people are to expansive so our big companies go to afrika and asia to pay the people 50$ dollar the month so we can life our whealty lifes.


It doesn't make sence, and like they prove we can't all live as wealthy as the european (west) people, the planet can't handle it yet. Like you said we need beter technolagie for that, way better. 


Well, if you want the planet to be saved you just need to support innovation, R&D, because it's the only thing able to save this planet and the environment. Subsidies and taxes have been tried to do that and it's a complete failure.

If electric cars were much cheaper, much more efficient and with the suffcient infrastructure it would be a real revolution and would help a lot...However these electric cars, the current ones, are inefficient and way too expensive...So, countries and car companies should unite to fund the R&D in that matter.

Don't forget : innovation, R&D, not politics or ideology.

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But if the usa would spend there milatairy budget on research we would be much father now :P

And the subsidions have helped a lot to introduce solar panels. But it's true technologie is the only good way, unless everyone whants to live like the midieval people :P

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Well, if you want the planet to be saved you just need to support innovation, R&D, because it's the only thing able to save this planet and the environment. Subsidies and taxes have been tried to do that and it's a complete failure.

If electric cars were much cheaper, much more efficient and with the suffcient infrastructure it would be a real revolution and would help a lot...However these electric cars, the current ones, are inefficient and way too expensive...So, countries and car companies should unite to fund the R&D in that matter.

Don't forget : innovation, R&D, not politics or ideology.


or you could reduce consumerism and, consequently, mass production

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So, Mark Ruffalo endorsed Marina Silva. However, after finding out the she does not support marriage equality, withdrew his endorsement. 


If celebrities are going to endorse politicians, the least they could do is research the positions of the of the politicians that they are endorsing first.

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But if the usa would spend there milatairy budget on research we would be much father now :P

And the subsidions have helped a lot to introduce solar panels. But it's true technologie is the only good way, unless everyone whants to live like the midieval people :P


You fail, the US is already by far the leader in terms of R&D, many of their recent innivations helped deal with environment.

Without the US technology this world would be on the path to quick reduction :)

And you're still ignorant for this reason : Do you know what we use to product solar panels? Energy from traditional source of energy, these panels are polluting even before their creation..And at the end of their life : they just last 10 years on average, after that they need to be replaced by other solar panels created with polluting sources.

So no, subsidies don't work, they just increase the debt. Oh and by the way, how do you think these panels are working during the night? They're replaced by plants using gas or coal, very eficient indeed lol

These billions used in subsidies would be of much better use for supporting innovation and R&D to create solar panels with a better duration and to stock renewable energy...With a real way to stock this energy solar energy could work at night by stocking excess energy produced during the day.


You're really too young, you need to learn.

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or you could reduce consumerism and, consequently, mass production


No, I have one life and I don't intend to change anything in my consumption, and most of us on Earth are thinking this way, won't happen :D

I can support electric cars, renewables, energy conservation for housing and so on but nothing hitting my consumption..Adapting? Yes. Changing? No way :D

But you can still dream about it, that won't change the fact this dream won't happen.;)

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