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Might not return for year 7... Will do reviews, top 25 and Oscar ballots, but I won't have any movies... Preparing myself for a solid Year 8 where I plan to bring a Sci-Fi, a Fantasy series starter, a Romantic Comedy along with the movies that were supposed to be released Year 7.

ChD, you are an amazing writer, hopefully you can get some films out :)
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ChD, you are an amazing writer, hopefully you can get some films out :)


Thanks! And that's exactly what I'm currently following... To The Moon and Rigger (even if it wasn't that good, but got some good reviews) took me two CAYOM years to write, so, hopefully, Year 8 will get me another BP nod.

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It's nowhere near done, but I'd like to have a pre-reader lined up for Three-Month Funeral. I really want it to be my best film yet, and I'd really like it pre-read as soon as I finish it.

Ok, I'd be happy to read a copy.
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It's nowhere near done, but I'd like to have a pre-reader lined up for Three-Month Funeral. I really want it to be my best film yet, and I'd really like it pre-read as soon as I finish it.

I'd like to preread it.
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I already gave Numbers the copy of Spark 2, and I'd prefer to have only one person read one of my films in advanced.


How about I get to work on Extrasensory and give you a pre-read once it's finished?

Edited by Spaghetti
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I already gave Numbers the copy of Spark 2, and I'd prefer to have only one person read one of my films in advanced.How about I get to work on Extrasensory and give you a pre-read once it's finished?

That's fine too.
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sent in some general thoughts Spaghetti.


Getting close to finishing up R&FoJC but that thing's going to need a lot of editing though since my focus is just getting everything out there in story form. Cleaning it up can wait a bit since I need to finish Chrono Heist for riczhang to pre-read. :unsure:

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Decided who I am going to use as directors for my movies...

Untitled Year 8 Sci-Fi - Wachowski siblings.

Fantasy Series Starter Year 8 - David Yates

Heavy Rain - Sam Mendes

Journey - Ang Lee

Harald's Dream - MIGHT go with Nolan if he's available.


All movies are Year 8... Officially, the only movie I'll be releasing Year 7 will be Penumbra, and if that does well, Halloween Year 8 will bring Penumbra 2.

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Right... I just wrote a quick intro (that could go well as a teaser) for my upcoming Sci-Fi movie in Year 8.


(A voice starts talking in the background while we're shown what the voice narrates)

The year is 2144. The Ministry that controls the entire population of the globe has been taken down by a few spontaneous revolts that happened in the most populated cities of the world like Shanghai, Old New York, Tokyo, their man base, and Seoul, which was the most affected one, having been left in flames after the most dangerous revolt of them all, and was currently being abandoned by people who were fleeing in other smaller cities around the globe.


The Ministry was taken down by the population in an attempt to gain the freedom they wanted. The destruction of the Ministry revealed a lot of horrible things about how they controlled the earth. Things like the fact that they were feeding the population with human flesh obtained from people who were dead, or like the fact that they were planning on destroying a few major cities with atomic weapons in order to reduce the population of the earth, were just the icing on the cake.


The world has changed considerably from what it used to be. People weren’t free anymore, but were controlled like puppies, by the Ministry. They had an exact schedule that filled their 24 hours of day, which consisted of sleeping, working and eating. Every morning, the same schedule started at 5 AM, ending very late, at 11 PM.


The year 2144 meant that the Ministry also had advanced technology like flying cars, interstellar travel and things similar to that. Those things were the ones that they had let the world know about, but following its destruction, people found advanced technology that the Ministry didn’t reveal to the population of earth in any way.


They found robots, even though the Ministry denied the possibility of them creating ones since they thought they couldn’t create Artificial intelligence for a robot to deal alone with problems or other things. They found replacement bodies, which the Ministry used to gain immortality, therefore never losing their status as leaders of Planet Earth.


The most interesting thing the people found was a machine that put you in some kind of hibernating, transferring yourself in another world where you control everything, and live after your own rules. They could chose to live in a world with all people, a world only with their families or friends, or a world of their own, where the entire planet consists of the buildings created by them and people chosen by their subconscious. The thing was that while using this machine, you wouldn’t age at all, so people took this opportunity to duplicate that machine and start using it.


They did that because they realized that, even though the Ministry fell, there were many things people always wanted to do, but the time wasn’t there. Every single person was given a bracelet when they were born, a bracelet that, when you hit the age of 50 years old, would kill you by injecting poison in your blood. It was impossible to take off, and the few people that tried, ended up dying anyways.


They could always choose to return back to reality, but no one wanted to leave the paradise they were living in. They were living in a world where no one controlled them and where they could do anything they ever wanted to.


The whole population became addicted to living a perfect life, and they had all entered the other reality, leaving Planet Earth in the hands of faith. And that’s how Planet Earth ended up…


We see a wide shot a futuristic city which had high skyscrapers and all kind of flying cars, stopped in mid air. The city looked like it had been abandoned for years, judging from the conditions of most buildings, but despite that, there were still lights turned on inside some skyscrapers.


The camera slowly moves through the air, next to the skyscrapers, looking inside the rooms through the windows, where we could see people lying in some kind of bed, with a gas mask on their face and two wires entering through their temples.


This is just the first write, without any re-write or addition of descriptions... Just want to see how the general idea sounds like. There's nothing related to the story that's given away, but just where everything will happen.

(Very similar to the Intro that Argo had)


Any feedback would be awesome^^

Edited by ChD
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Right... I just wrote a quick intro (that could go well as a teaser) for my upcoming Sci-Fi movie in Year 8.

This is just the first write, without any re-write or addition of descriptions... Just want to see how the general idea sounds like. There's nothing related to the story that's given away, but just where everything will happen.(Very similar to the Intro that Argo had)Any feedback would be awesome^^

Looks good!
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Decided to also make a documentary about Africa for year 8. The last 2 Top Gear Specials showed me just how beautiful Africa really is. It's going to be called Africa: A Second Chance.

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