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South Korea Box Office

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I don't know what happened.But mission accomplished.



It sold 59 tickets yesterday and was 315 away from 9M. I figured that we'll get there at the end of this week. But lol, where did the 857 tickets come from?  :lol: It's like the theaters start putting IM3 tickets sale on backlog a while back and just now count them or something?  :lol:


But well, can't complain about that, 9mil admissions, 2nd biggest Hollywood movies in SK  :wub:

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Secretly Greatly:61,107(-10%)/6,304,001






killer Toon:25,598


White House Down:4667



Great for WWZ. Will easily pass the 2M admissions mark tomorrow  :wub: MOS will too if it can have a Wed bump like last week.

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WWZ -38%

MOS -68%


WWZ has already destroyed MOS.

MOS looking to finish around 2.3-2.4mil admissions

But you said 2.6-2.8mil before  :P


Kidding, so about ~$16M total for MOS. That's some really bad legs. But considering the competitions, and average WOM, I guess that's understandable. Besides, it's an improvement from the $11.8M that SR made.



Yes,and 4-4.5mil admissions for WWZ!

That would be absolutely incredible for WWZ :wub: I wonder with that potential total admissions, where will it place on the Hollywood releases in SK chart? I reckon it should be in the Top 15.

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But you said 2.6-2.8mil before  :P


Kidding, so about ~$16M total for MOS. That's some really bad legs. But considering the competitions, and average WOM, I guess that's understandable. Besides, it's an improvement from the $11.8M that SR made.



That would be absolutely incredible for WWZ :wub: I wonder with that potential total admissions, where will it place on the Hollywood releases in SK chart? I reckon it should be in the Top 15.

It's falling faster than I expected.

For Comparison 

Top 5 Hollywood movies of 2012
1. The Avengers 7,062,152
2. Dark Knight Rises 6,396,509
3. Amazing Spider-man 4,847,946
4. Man in Black III 3,373,596
5. Les Mis 3,200,000 (2012 part)
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WWZ will become #2 of hollywood releases after weekend.

It's already #2 now if you don't count Les Mis.

Thanks, Olive. #2 Hollywood movie in SK, no one saw that coming  :wub:


Oh, and when I talked about WWZ potential admissions placement on the top Hollywood releases, I mean all-time. So top 15?

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Thanks, Olive. #2 Hollywood movie in SK, no one saw that coming  :wub:


Oh, and when I talked about WWZ potential admissions placement on the top Hollywood releases, I mean all-time. So top 15?

Currently I project it to gross 4.5M admissions,thus it will be #19 of all-time foreign releases behind POTC3(4,571,229)

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Currently I project it to gross 4.5M admissions,thus it will be #19 of all-time foreign releases behind POTC3(4,571,229)

Thanks Olive :D That's still incredible for a non-sequel with no existing fan base in SK. This is why I don't agree with the statement that Hollywood movies in SK is struggling or dying at all. You cannot base that argument on just your favorite movies not doing well.


I mean, Olive, you posted a Top 10 Hollywood movies in admissions before. So I just base off of your chart, right now, the Top 10 looks like this:


1. Avatar (2009/2010)

2. Iron Man 3 (2013)

3. Transformers 3 (2011)

4. Mission Impossible 4 (2011/2012)

5. Transformers 1 (2007)

6. Transformers 2 (2009)

7. The Avengers (2012)

8. The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

9. Les Miserable (2012/2013)

10. Inception (2010)


I say the state of SK box office is great right now: local movies can achieve big successes, which is wonderful cause many local movies are amazing movies. However, there are still plenty of rooms left for Hollywood movies to do good to great business.

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