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I enjoyed it but I can understand why some hated it or why the critics gave it bad marks. It is very sanitized. There is almost no violence in this even though a ton of people die. I didn't like that at all. Also, the fights were impossible to see what was going on. The cuts were too fast and you don't really get to see Brian's skills as a fighter. Then there's the stuff with Maggie being able to drive stick in the streets of Turkey like she was Mario Andretti. Pretty dumb. But the film was fun and the action is quite frenetic from about the 40 minute mark on. I agree with Algre though about the script in that it could of had some better lines. I'm giving this a B-...could have been better but certainly not a bad film.6.5/10

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Mostly agree with Baumer, except I'm a little more down on it. I too was finding myself wondering how someone who can't pass her license test with an automatic can be an expert evasive driver on stick shift. This added to the fact she didn't even need to be driving, since Neeson barely shot his gun in the passenger seat. I didn't have any problem with this being a rehash of the plot of the first movie. That's what I was expecting, it's what we all came to see. It's just that the action, intensity, and suspense wasn't up to par with rhe first. Not even close. It was predictable and I never once feared for any of the three's lives. The action was HORRIBLE. What happened to the awesomed hand to hand combat of Taken 1? It was completely whitewashed, much like THG shaky cam was abused in order to cover up the violence and achieve a PG-13 rating. I just hate that. He snaps necks in silence, bloodless gunfights, idiotic plot devices, no iconic dialogue. Now granted it was a sleek film and pretty entertaining, but when compared to the first it's a big step down.4.5/10 (C-)

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Actually Taken 1 was first R ( the european version that was released way before the US one ) but in US the violence was trimmed a little to achieve PG-13Here its apparently on the level of a Pixar movie ... could have been PG if they toned it down a bit more btw I am so not giving money to this shit and I am so calling you guys out when you start downgrading your grades for this movie in a few months

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Mostly agree with Baumer, except I'm a little more down on it. I too was finding myself wondering how someone who can't pass her license test with an automatic can be an expert evasive driver on stick shift. This added to the fact she didn't even need to be driving, since Neeson barely shot his gun in the passenger seat. I didn't have any problem with this being a rehash of the plot of the first movie. That's what I was expecting, it's what we all came to see. It's just that the action, intensity, and suspense wasn't up to par with rhe first. Not even close. It was predictable and I never once feared for any of the three's lives. The action was HORRIBLE. What happened to the awesomed hand to hand combat of Taken 1? It was completely whitewashed, much like THG shaky cam was abused in order to cover up the violence and achieve a PG-13 rating. I just hate that. He snaps necks in silence, bloodless gunfights, idiotic plot devices, no iconic dialogue. Now granted it was a sleek film and pretty entertaining, but when compared to the first it's a big step down.4.5/10 (C-)

* She implied in the Movie, that she failed the test on purpose. And truthfully other than just reversing the car a couple of times, and making some turns, she was driving straight...and she was wiping out the cars as she drove by them.* Mills fired his gun alot in the chase, plus he was reading the GPS figuring out directions.Biggest problem I had, just like the stupid airport scene in Love Actually, was how they were able to blow past the guards in the Embassy. And the Machine Gun couldn't blown the car to bits. Also, did they really have to do that, as why couldn't they have just stopped in front of the guards?
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* She implied in the Movie, that she failed the test on purpose. And truthfully other than just reversing the car a couple of times, and making some turns, she was driving straight...and she was wiping out the cars as she drove by them.

* Mills fired his gun alot in the chase, plus he was reading the GPS figuring out directions.

I don't remember her alluding to anything about failing the test on purpose. Not sure if you're correct on that. But even if you are, she still wouldn't have been able to perform those stuntman-esque turns in a country she's never been to, while shit-scared being chased by killers, and with such little actual experience in driving a car. And Neeson didn't really fire his gun a lot. He could have drove, and I was expecting him to take over at any time, but he didn't. In fact, the daughter did more action in Taken 2 than Neeson did!

Biggest problem I had, just like the stupid airport scene in Love Actually, was how they were able to blow past the guards in the Embassy. And the Machine Gun couldn't blown the car to bits. Also, did they really have to do that, as why couldn't they have just stopped in front of the guards?

But you're correct about this. I thought that was a little strange. I guess it falls into his character of being safe rather than sorry later. But it caused a load of destruction ramming through the blockade. And yes, those 50 cal. machine guns would have definitely ripped through an old little taxi like that, and they would have definitely had a few bullet holes in them.
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Can a mod not move the poll to page one?

I voted: B

This film is exhibit 429 why one should never ever let a critical composite score tell you what movie is worth seeing. The RT is score is 20%, TWENTY PERCENT!!! What the Holy Hallelujah is up with that??

I only have a few gripes with the film, it's still one heck of a good ride.

The film follows a logical, if cliched, extension for the events of the prior film. Revenge.

I liked how daughter Kim was actually balanced out as far a character growth. She's not just a shell shocked useless shell as we saw her in the finale to the first film. She also suddenly isn't Evelyn Salt either. She's scared but sucks it up in order to do what needs to be done. Then when her part is done she sorta collapses into relief. Points that casting was able to get the same actors back for brief cameos. For visual continuity that matters imo.

My main issues were the charge into the embassy and calling Sam to smooth things over.

The "vulcan death grip" to the father or Marko was lame. I mean did he pass out or something? Brian Mills clearly didn't kill him. I know Brian will run a background check but I still don't trust that boyfriend.

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It was tough between a C or a D for me but in the end I voted C.Not terrible but compared to the original very poor, didnt enjoy the editing of fight scenes but my one main gripe is that Neeson disposes of all the henchman really easily but then gets his arse kicked by a fat man in a tracksuit at the end totally not plausible!

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Yeah he was a dirty cop and he could have told that to the us embassy people. But there is no way that they could have gotten that out to the cops or had the cops accept that he killed one of their own. Especially when it was basically, right away.

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It was tough between a C or a D for me but in the end I voted C.Not terrible but compared to the original very poor, didnt enjoy the editing of fight scenes but my one main gripe is that Neeson disposes of all the henchman really easily but then gets his arse kicked by a fat man in a tracksuit at the end totally not plausible!

LMAOOOO :rofl:I thought the same thing. This slobby douche bag is "level 4 boss", if you will ? WTF :lol:
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