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2015 Discussion Thread: Universal wins the calendar year | SW: TFA - biggest film domestic, 3rd biggest film worldwide

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Minions are popular.


They also translate well. The stuff with Gru and the girls and the spy jokes all have some cultural baggage going on, but the Minions are like Scrat: they just ooze visual humor that's pretty universal.

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Like Avatar wouldn't make 749M, the average prediction were between 250M-325M.

You know it neo , though buddy you really believe in its potential. .I dont want it to reach Titanics original WW gross..LOL IM a lil bias :P.. I do think Avengers can do 1.6B WW. Lowest 1.4B


SW7 if done good might be able to get to 1.7-1.9B

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You know it neo , though buddy you really believe in its potential. .I dont want it to reach Titanics original WW gross..LOL IM a lil bias :P.. I do think Avengers can do 1.6B WW. Lowest 1.4BSW7 if done good might be able to get to 1.7-1.9B

I think that will be the determining factor for whether SW7 takes the top spot DOM or WW. AoU is kind of known so I think a comfortable prediction for it would be 550-600/1-1.1/1.55-1.7SW7 on the other hand I can see at 400/700/1.1 if it gets the same reception as TPM. But if Abrams can pull the same feat as he did for ST09, sky is the limit. Look at the excitement that two trailers did for Godzilla. Now imagine that with SW fandom. :D
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The big question for Avengers is whether it'll become the third film to crack a billion OS. While I wouldn't count it out, I wouldn't say it's guaranteed, either. Part of the problem is that it's not just contingent on retaining or expanding the audience, but also on the exchange rates. A weak dollar could translate to a weaker OS gross, even if admissions go up.


Still, I'd expect Avengers to win the DOM race, even with a 10-20% decline from the first, and WW. Probably something like 500-550 DOM and 900-1050m OS, so something between 1.4 and 1.6b total.


SW7 could hit 500, but that's approaching its ceiling. Even so, I'd probably give it a better chance of winning DOM than winning OS or WW. It's really difficult to peg what the OS gross will be. 600m seems a safe, conservative guess, and as much as 800m is possible, but not much more. DOM is probably good for 450-500. WW of 1.05-1.3b.


I rather doubt anything else will hit a billion.

Edited by DamienRoc
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$550M for Avengers 2 I think is kinda low-balling it. That's almost a $100M drop. It would have to be an average movie. I think Joss Whedon will out-do himself, and that it has a great chance of making more than the original.Now for SW7, I have to downplay it a little. It just depends on how they build up the hype and how good JJ does with the material. High 400s seems like a safe bet, but we'll see if it can break out or not.

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$550M for Avengers 2 I think is kinda low-balling it. That's almost a $100M drop. It would have to be an average movie. I think Joss Whedon will out-do himself, and that it has a great chance of making more than the original.Now for SW7, I have to downplay it a little. It just depends on how they build up the hype and how good JJ does with the material. High 400s seems like a safe bet, but we'll see if it can break out or not.

550M would mean a 195M-205M OW. In my mind anything over a 125M guarantees 400M DOM.

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mockingjay part 2 is locked for 500 domestic and easily 1 billion worldwide

Welcome to the forums. I'll have to disagree with you about 500m DOM (unless they add 3D), but I see 1B WW happening as well. Hope you enjoy it here.

Edited by Gokai Red
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mockingjay part 2 is locked for 500 domestic and easily 1 billion worldwide




I don't see it happening. Mockingjay is a trainwreck over all, and the second half of the book is where it really flys off the rails.

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thanks for the welcomes! i've been reading the forums for a while and decided to join in :) i think mockingjay part 2 is being drastically underpredicted by almost everyone though. catching fire wasn't a great book either but they made a better movie out of it than the hunger games, critically and box office-wise. catching fire also made about the same as transformers 2 overseas (~450) so who's to say that if the mj1 trailer is blockbuster-y enough it won't follow transforms 3 overseas with >700? it's unlikely it goes that high without 3d, especially for a part 1, but for part 2 the sky's the limit, it could match iron man 3 worldwide. it all depends on how much mockingjay part 1 breaks boundaries this year, with very little competition might i add. i just know catching fire was way underestimated too so i'm being optimistic ;)


all that being said i concede that it seems impossible for mockingjay part 2 to go higher than third place domestic or worldwide in 2015 but if like i predict it goes >500 domestic it could beat star wars 7 dom if that "disappoints" with only 475 or something

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