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grey ghost

When are audiences going to get tired of superhero movies?

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I've been asking myself this question for a long time. Superhero movies are mostly the only big budget shit that Hollywood bankrolls anymore and its annoying.

The studios go where the money is and superheroes make money.3 out of 4 of this years highest grossing releases (both domestic and worldwide) are superhero movies.Unfortunately for you, the people tired of superhero movies are in the vast minority. But for people like me, superheroes are the only reason to go to the movie theater anymore.
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I've been asking myself this question for a long time.

Exactly. And you're going to continue to for awhile. ;)I've posted this many times before but look to the Western to see how long SH films will continue. While they were around since the beginning, Westerns were very strong for about thirty years and even though their popularity waned in the 70s/Early 80s, they were still being made and have been made to this day. SH films are just modern Westerns.
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Unfortunately for you, the people tired of superhero movies are in the vast minority. But for people like me, superheroes are the only reason to go to the movie theater anymore.

Superhero movies are wildly successful because its braindead entertainment that every single demographic can enjoy on one level or another, thats why they are such reliable cash grabs. I'm not at all in a "vast minority" when it comes to wanting Hollywood to aim higher a lot more often.
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Superhero movies are wildly successful because its braindead entertainment that every single demographic can enjoy on one level or another, thats why they are such reliable cash grabs. I'm not at all in a "vast minority" when it comes to wanting Hollywood to aim higher a lot more often.

That's like wanting McDonald's to make more organic vegan food. :PAnyway, for every Green Lantern there's a TDK, for every Ghost Rider there's a Kick Ass, for every X3 there's a Watchmen or even The Avengers. And for every great film you can mention, I can mention a horribly made one in the same genre.
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Superhero movies are wildly successful because its braindead entertainment that every single demographic can enjoy on one level or another, thats why they are such reliable cash grabs. I'm not at all in a "vast minority" when it comes to wanting Hollywood to aim higher a lot more often.

If you want high art wait till Oscar season. That's what it's for.It's nice to have an Inception every once in a while but if every summer blockbuster was as dreary and methodical as that movie people would stop going to the movies en mass.Superhero movies are successful because they are timeless, modern-day myths that speak to our unyielding imagination while instilling a universal sense of justice and hope.It's not just about capes and spandex.
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That's like wanting McDonald's to make more organic vegan food. :PAnyway, for every Green Lantern there's a TDK, for every Ghost Rider there's a Kick Ass, for every X3 there's a Watchmen or even The Avengers. And for every great film you can mention, I can mention a horribly made one in the same genre.

Nice talking points. Doesn't change the fact that superhero movies have largely killed big budget funding on anything else.

Superhero movies are successful because they are timeless, modern-day myths that speak to our unyielding imagination while instilling a universal sense of justice and hope.

Thanks for the laugh.
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Doesn't change the fact that superhero movies have largely killed big budget funding on anything else.

Have they? What do you call the $100 million budget film opening this weekend?And don't say it's just an exception because I can name a bunch of others as well.
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Have they? What do you call the $100 million budget film opening this weekend?

If I'm not mistaken, the Wachowski's mostly payed for it themselves. Also, the fact that its not gonna do very well also kinda reinforces my point.

And don't say it's just an exception because I can name a bunch of others as well.

Go ahead and list big budget and successful non-superhero movies and compare it to all the superhero movies of the last 12 years. This problem is gonna get even more lop-sided with the success of The Avengers.
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Well, you didn't say "successful". Studios can't help it if people don't want to see what they fund.

Yeah, it is a business and they're gonna go after the most reliable products, but it does have a huge negative side effect on the industry IMO.
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If I'm not mistaken, the Wachowski's mostly payed for it themselves. Also, the fact that its not gonna do very well also kinda reinforces my point.Go ahead and list big budget and successful non-superhero movies and compare it to all the superhero movies of the last 12 years. This problem is gonna get even more lop-sided with the success of The Avengers.

The failure of those movies have nothing to do with superhero movies.They fail because people aren't interested. They aren't interested because those movies don't connect or excite like superhero movies. The studios understand this.and I bet you have a double standard toward fantasy like The Hobbit and Harry Potter which are no more sophisticated than Avengers or Dark Knight.
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Yeah, it is a business and they're gonna go after the most reliable products, but it does have a huge negative side effect on the industry IMO.

You blame superhero movies but your argument is old. Jaws and Star Wars created the bockbusters and critics have complained since then that blockbusters have gotten dumber.That doesn't mean Jaws and Star Wars is mindless entertainment. Neither is Avengers or Dark Knight.
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Well, you didn't say "successful". Studios can't help it if people don't want to see what they fund.
This is true, he only said "funding". He then moved the goal posts as illustrated by collecting the convo together.The Comic Book Film as a sub-section of the Action/Mystery/Sci-Fi/Period Piece genres isn't going away. The fact that the tropes for various characters can at any time for many characters be spread across a wide range makes them appealing. Not just to studios but audiences. I predict the "Golden Age" may last longer than the Western as it's tropes keep it pigeonholed into a specific timeframe. One that is moved away from and idealized less and less by the general public. It's now essentially niche. Comics keep getting exposure to new audiences, there are new stories from which to draw. Even as it's Golden Age wanes like the western did into the 70s/80s it'll still be going strong in comparison.Studios finance various projects because of perceived allure to get people into the theater. If that's Cloud Atlas or Inception, then great. If it's not it isn't because comic book films are getting that money. I mean crap its as if your advocating social justice for film projects regardless if a project is actually viewed as a viable financially risk that could recoup it's investment. When art can coincide with box office hit, great. But as a general rule studios don't exist to just put any "big idea" on the screen just cause "x" got a big budget.This using comic book films overall success as a means to bitch about lack of variety or originality is long since annoying. Calling it a "fact"in your original assertation is just hilarious. :rolleyes:
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The whole point of seeing a movie is not because it has great acting or Oscar buzz. The point of seeing a movie in the theater is to be entertained. It's much more exiciting to see superheros fighting villians than to see political drama, right? That's why superhero movies are popular. And that's why action and adventure movies are popular in general.

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lately Superhero films have been better than most other movies being released the superhero era might cool off someday, but not any time soon, and it will more likely just be a more modernized version of Super hero film that takes it's place. they'll probably still be making sh films for well forever probably, but they should still be very popular for at least an other 10 years.

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comic book movies from the past 20 years (according to BOM):


1993 - 3

1994 - 5 (The Crow, The Mask, and Timecop - great year for comic book movies)

1995 - 4

1996 - 3

1997 - 4

1998 - 1

1999 - 2

2000 - 1

2001 - 3

2002 - 4

2003 - 6

2004 - 5

2005 - 6

2006 - 3

2007 - 6

2008 - 7

2009 - 3

2010 - 6

2011 - 9

2012 - 6



2013 - 12

2014 - 6 (so far)

2015 - 3 (so far)



Comic book movies have always been there. But over the past decade comic books themselves have turned into storyboards that artists and writers use to try to get Hollywood to buy the rights to their stories. And lo and behold, its worked!


Superhero movies are no different. Hollywood has been interested in making superhero movies ever since the 1940's. The big change lately of course is that now special effects have finally caught up to the extraordinary powers and capabilities that an artist can draw on a page.


As for the numbers above, well the general trend should be obvious. One other big change over the past decade is that the international audience has become much more accepting of superheroes. That trend is only going to continue as we see more movies like IM3 shooting some scenes in China and something like The Wolverine apparently almost entirely set in Japan.

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As long as they're as good as The Dark Knight/Dark Knight Rises I don't mind them. Whedon's joky Avengers doesn't even come close to Nolan's films and it's a shame it outgrossed TDKR because The Avengers, aside from the Hulk character and some of the action sequences, just goes through the motions with an incredibly generic ending Michael Bay of all directors already did better a year earlier.

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