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China Box Office Thread | Deadpool & Wolverine- July 26

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The only good Looper partly set in Shanghai did is it got a China release. Otherwise, I dont think Looper can even get released in China, not to mention enjoy the National Day holiday. Whether it can do huge or underform all depends on movie itself. Unfortunately, the wom is not excellent enough and the competition is harsh.

Edited by firedeep
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I don't know how TE2 got a China release. It sure as hell wasn't because it was partly set in China because the Chinese Censors cut the part that gives credit to "Hubei Province". Must have been for Yu Nan and Jet Li, but there must be another reason. It was part-filmed in Hong Kong, but again, China wouldn't care about that. Must be financial that I am not aware of.

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I don't think we're helping to clarify the situation by rushing to judgment without all of the facts at hand for both sides of the story. There is certainly no verifiable proof of the gross being Yuan. Strong opinions, yes, but no actual proof.

Edited by ShawnMR
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doesnot make much difference.

A movie does not necessarily do huge/well only because it is (partly) set in China or joined by Chinese actors. Jackie Chan 's The Karate Kid bombed hard despite Jackie Chan + KungFu + Beijing set. While Mission Impossle 4 and Titanic 3D broke records despite have zero relations with China.

Chinese bullies?
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For what its worth, we directed Endgame to that exact website last night just before they claimed it was wrong.

Again, just FWIW. Personally, I think he presents the best argument yet. But its not conclusive either, unfortunately.

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I don't know how TE2 got a China release. It sure as hell wasn't because it was partly set in China because the Chinese Censors cut the part that gives credit to "Hubei Province". Must have been for Yu Nan and Jet Li, but there must be another reason. It was part-filmed in Hong Kong, but again, China wouldn't care about that. Must be financial that I am not aware of.

Outside of the additional financial ties you mentioned, it may just be its nature as an action movie.
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There was an accounting error in Looper's previously reported numbers and it took time to sort things out. Instead of making $23 million to $25 million, it made about $6 million. That's actually still really good and better than it performed here, relative to the size of the two markets, but it wasn't a monster hit. The wide gap in the initial reported number and the final figure is an embarrassment, but hopefully it will spur China to build the infrastructure needed to collect box office data faster and more accurately.

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I don't know how TE2 got a China release. It sure as hell wasn't because it was partly set in China because the Chinese Censors cut the part that gives credit to "Hubei Province". Must have been for Yu Nan and Jet Li, but there must be another reason. It was part-filmed in Hong Kong, but again, China wouldn't care about that. Must be financial that I am not aware of.

TE2 was partly financed by Le Vision, a Chinese film company.
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It does to a point, they're retracting from the absurd 23M-25M number.

No, it doesn't. Sony and End Game are standing by the 23-25 mill. They are not saying there is any kind of mistake. Nikki got it from us and now she is running with it, and like Dominoes, the rest fall.
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Multiplexes in major cities make up these grosses in Yuan. Looper made 5m yuan for the 3-day weekend (28-30 Sep). Is it possible that it made another 22m yuan in other cities and cinemas other than multiplexes? Yes. Is it possible that it made 140m yuan more in those other places? No, it's not.

Therefore this is proof that Endgame/Sony are talking shit.

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No, it doesn't. Sony and End Game are standing by the 23-25 mill. They are not saying there is any kind of mistake. Nikki got it from us and now she is running with it, and like Dominoes, the rest fall.

That didn't read like they got it from Nikke. They called it an accounting error. Sony Endgame may never admit an error. Who knows? We'll see.
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That didn't read like they got it from Nikke. They called it an accounting error. Sony Endgame may never admit an error. Who knows? We'll see.

I don't think we will see.

I think Looper's foreign gross will now always be a mystery and a source of contention. There will be those that believe it made $25m and those that believe otherwise. Due to the unofficial nature of China's box office reporting, this is probably the only country where this could happen. Just look at it; "actuals" come out every week from 3 places and they're all different numbers. In a country where that happens, Sony/Endgame are able to make a mistake and just blindly refuse to accept it, and nothing will come of it.

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FYI: The-Numbers.com is just a watered down reporting site. They don't have any official sources that we don't, and if they did they would almost surely claim it in the post to give some weight to their statement.

Edited by ShawnMR
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Multiplexes in major cities make up these grosses in Yuan. Looper made 5m yuan for the 3-day weekend (28-30 Sep). Is it possible that it made another 22m yuan in other cities and cinemas other than multiplexes? Yes. Is it possible that it made 140m yuan more in those other places? No, it's not.

Therefore this is proof that Endgame/Sony are talking shit.

That is part of the raw tracking numbers. Not accurate but it tells us how good/bad a movie is doing.

Apparantly, it was doing on par with a few other local movies. Well, according to Endgame/Sony, Looper did $23-25M, so the local movies must also have done the this range. $100M overal weekend in China ? Sorry, what a joke.

I dont know how I have disputed this wrong press again and again.

I have friend that who tracks the SARFT box office recording system, the one to which the 2.300+ theaters national wide report box office numbers, in real time. Yes, the raw source of SARFT reports. He sees the numbers every day and every hour. There is no wrong.

When I post the numbers here, it is the source.

I cant believe we have discussed a joke press for a whole week. Will we still talk about it even if Sony/Endgame reported 100M OW for looper in China. Gee, lets just leave this alone. For sometimes, it takes face to save faces. Face it, Sony.

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I think leaving it alone is the worst possible thing to do, personally. Studios should be held accountable, especially when the discrepancy is this large. Even if they're right in their reporting, this is going to reach a point soon where they need to address/refute the claims of whatever these Chinese sites are saying. If they can't refute, they need to at least admit there *could* be an error and remove any official status of the gross. But they're not even doing that right now, and are giving zero indication that there was an error.That could change next week, but, right now all we have are random and unverifiable Chinese sources vs. an official studio source. Whatever the true story is, this is clearly a cultural breakdown in communication.

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They're only unverifiable because you are new to those sources. That tracking link I provided is fine, and firedeep's contact is also kosher.If they admitted the yuan/dollar mistake earlier, it would not have been an issue. But now it's dragged on, this will scar someones reliability and credibility very much so.

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