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Best Actress-2013

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Good God. And all that with exaggerated southern drawl, right? ADF is going to eat this campfest up like hotcakes with ice cream and berries.


BUT! Cate is getting "Best performance ever" raves and ADF claims Meryl isn't getting those by people who saw AOS. So just give it up, Ric. Meryl is not going to happen. It's between Cate and Judy unless Sandra delivers so much they forget that Redford is brilliant in the same type of a role.


Oh, Meryl will. It'll be down to Meryl vs. Judi. Either way, I'll be happy. Meryl has on her side a paramountly better role. 

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Ric, I hate to see your dreams broken but Meryl isn't happening. Not with another super-camp. As if Iron Lady wasn't enough. This is going to be Cry Me a Riva all over. You are setting yourself  up for a disappointment.

Edited by fishnets
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In my defence, Cry me a Riva came really fucking close, and considering how obscure she was, at least to people that aren't me, it was pretty damn impressive. Still paramountly disappointed, that she lost though.


I think Streep has a much better shot, and remember, this is her Lion in the Winter.  

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In my defence, Cry me a Riva came really fucking close, and considering how obscure she was, at least to people that aren't me, it was pretty damn impressive. Still paramountly disappointed, that she lost though.


I think Streep has a much better shot, and remember, this is her Lion in the Winter.  


Yeah but in Lion Hepburn had an equally showy powerhouse male role to play against that built up the character to even higher heights. August doesn't have that kind of counterpart, no O'Toole to challenge Meryl and make her work every inch for the crown.


Also, remember that Hepburn only tied for Lion, so I guess that means Streep'll tie with Blanchett (the Funny Girl equiavlent in our hypo).


And now I just realized I forgot Lion in Winter for the Top 100 list. Damnit.

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And Jasmine is Cate's Streetcar Named Desire!

Cate's no Leigh. (and I can't believe I forgot Lion in the Winter)And it isn't like Violet has no one to play against. There's a whole crap load of females and apparently Roberts totally holds her ground.
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This is easily the race I'm least looking forward too.


:lol: Actress always seems to be. It's always the most hotly contested, debated, and anticipated race even when the winner is clear 6 months out like Mirren. 

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:lol: Actress always seems to be. It's always the most hotly contested, debated, and anticipated race even when the winner is clear 6 months out like Mirren. 


Or Charlize. Those poor souls on ADF tried to create an articificial race between her and :rofl: that Whale Rider girl, Kesha Something. :rofl:


I actually think that actor race is more interesting this year.

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There were never a race between Jlaw and Riva.


It was completely fabricated by the pundits.


After Riva 's Bafta win, pundits were so bored out of their fucking minds they changed their predicts saying Riva's momentum was building. I remember their "I am hearing a lot of people will vote for Riva yaddi yaddah ..." The lolz !


It was a pure fabrication from bored pundits trying to influence the race and jynx Jlaw.


That is the pathetic life of pundits, those free loaders  like to think of themselves as important and influential in the oscar race but really, they don't mean shit. They are just delusional under-achievers.

Plus pundits tend to be snobs and they just loved too much the idea of an old europen acting legend winning over the current american "It girl", which Jlaw was in 2011. By 2013, she was already a legitimate superstar. Pundits out of touch again with reality.


Most of the guys at AD knew better and they didn't change their predics, they knew Jlaw had way too much going for her.

Even AD posters who finally put Riva as their final predict recognized their bias towards Riva, but deep inside, they knew Jlaw would prevail.


Jlaw owned 2012, she had 2 lauded performances in two box office hits, end of story.


A superstar was born.


Riva went back home happy with her César & BAFTA.


Everyone's happy.



Edited by The Futurist
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Riva was 100x more deserving of the Oscar than Lawrence. How the Academy can choose such a lackluster performance over Riva's haunting work baffles me. Whatever its not like the Academy hasn't made embarrassing mistakes before. And to all of those Lawrence fanboys, Riva was undeniably the runner up for the Oscar. She got a late surge, but it wasn't enough to overcome Hollywood's perverted love for Lawrence.

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I'm just gonna say that I don't think the Best Actress of 2011 was really as close as people thought. Sure it was close, but throw in Meryl Streep + Historical Figure + All-Time-Great Performance Reviews, and Viola Davis wasn't gonna win with the AMPAS. It definitely was close, but I do think that Meryl won by a sizeable margin in the end, especially with the last minute build-up of buzz. 

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Me too. It's only Sasha Stone who thinks Meryl won by a vote but Sasha's batshit insane so...


However, Meryl's a bust year. It's Blanchitto's to lose and she won't. 


Blanchitto's film is released way too early to win. If it was released in November, I would think otherwise. I think that at the end of the day, it'll be Meryl vs. Judi. However, with that being said and without having seen August: Osage County, I do not see how Judi will loose. She has the performance, the film, and the storyline. Meryl's performance and film may be better, and may be loads better, which I think it probably will be, but her storyline is weaker than Judi's. Meryl's storyline is awarding the Greatest Actress of all time the most acting Oscars of all time, tied with KBurn, in order to give her the appropriate mantle. Judi's storyline is a real life-time achievement award to what may be a slowly blinding actress's last film role. It also helps that Judi's only ever won once in Supporting.  

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