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Best Actress-2013

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Not convinced on Banks at all. I think that the Academy has always been a little stigmatised towards Disney as being Kids movies and therefore lesser. I mean the last time a Disney movie really won big would be Mary Poppins, wouldn't it? And no Disney movie, or any of its subsidiaries have ever won BP or BD. That's saying something. 


Exactly... :ph34r:


But seriously, the script for Banks is fantastic. Unless Thompson blows it, her role is written so well that she will get that nomination.  If Bullock could win for Blind Side, then Thompson is definitely being nominated for Banks.

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Exactly... :ph34r:


But seriously, the script for Banks is fantastic. Unless Thompson blows it, her role is written so well that she will get that nomination.  If Bullock could win for Blind Side, then Thompson is definitely being nominated for Banks.


Bullock was the it girl of the year just like Reese Witherspoon and Julia Roberts. Thompson is a totally different story. Not only is she old, but she's in a year where older people have better roles and better chances and there's a lot of old (by Hollywood standards) people with imo better roles and storylines. And then there's the stigmatism. I think she's getting shafted. Hanks might get in, but for a different role in a different movie.  

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Bullock was the it girl of the year just like Reese Witherspoon and Julia Roberts. Thompson is a totally different story. Not only is she old, but she's in a year where older people have better roles and better chances and there's a lot of old (by Hollywood standards) people with imo better roles and storylines. And then there's the stigmatism. I think she's getting shafted. Hanks might get in, but for a different role in a different movie.  


She has a great role, and tbh, I think the Disney name is a help, rather than a hindrance. It's the first film depiction of Walt Disney, still the winner of the most Academy Awards. I think the film will do well commercially and critically to get BP and Actress noms for certain.

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She has a great role, and tbh, I think the Disney name is a help, rather than a hindrance. It's the first film depiction of Walt Disney, still the winner of the most Academy Awards. I think the film will do well commercially and critically to get BP and Actress noms for certain.


I don't doubt that she has a great role, but there's no way that her role can compare to the Meryl Streep show of literally everything possible in thespic range or the Tragic Real Life Princess stories, or those types of roles. I think that the Academy has a natural affinity to those types of roles and Thompson will be left out in the end. 


And there's literally no evidence that the Disney name helps. People attach it to being immature and kiddish. Which is fair to a certain extent, but also unfair to movies like this and Lincoln. 

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If Meryl wins this year, I hope she will have the decency to retire from Oscar.

If she wins this year, I doubt she'd win again for at least another decade. She'll win a fifth though, as an ultimate good-bye-you're-90-and-about-to-retire-and-we-love-you-so-very-much award. And she's guaranteed to break Herpbum's record. :D
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If Meryl wins her fourth she would want a fifth to be the most awarded actress in Oscar history, she would relish the prospect of breaking the record of Katharine Hepburn especially.

Oh god yes. Especially after Herpbum insulted her.
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Herpbum? Seriously? :lol:


I have nicknames for everyone. ;) Botox Bitch (Well Bitch isn't always necessary), Cardboard Standee/Knightmare, Borelando, Blanshitto, Nanny, Goddess, Legend, Dame 1 2 and 3, Leogend, and the list goes on. 

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Isn't cardboard Standee KStew after Razzie's brought her standee to the ceremony and said there was no difference between that and the original? :rofl:


OMG, Ric, The Butler is happening! OMG! ADF is going nuts! Oprah!


Oh god no. Cardboard Standee is Knightmare. There's nothing more 2D than Knightmare. 


And WTF?  :sick:  :puke:  :puke:  :puke:

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