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Ugh I hate when people have to make connections to things that aren't there. Brave has nothing to do with gays. If Brave is about gay rights then Up is about a pedophilia.


But in all seriousness I saw this last Saturday night with some friends and I'd have to say all of us (as well as the audience, if the laughing and cheering indicated anything) really enjoyed it. The plot was a bit more simple than expected from Pixar I agree and it seems like the climax was a bit rushed, but it was nontheless a very good movie. The story was well told, the characters were very likeable (especially Merida and her brothers), and the mother/daughter relationship plot was hit perfectly IMO. 3.5/5 for me.

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I liked Brave as a film more than THG, but feel Katniss is the much cooler heroine. She is more complex and just overall awesome. But that may be because I got to know her through the books. Either way, both were awesome and deserve success. I sure as shit hope there's no sequel to Brave later on down the line from Pixar as this DOES NOT need one.

Not that this is a Brave vs THG thread :P

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"The fact that Pixar falls behind in 3D shares -- at the domestic B.O. at least -- has some bizzers scratching their heads, since the studio's films play extraordinarily well with teens and adults, even more so than the pics from other animation shops."

They answered their own question.

Edited by tribefan695
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I know audiences don't know Pixar thinks this:


Pixar chiefs have downplayed the format's significance from creative to marketing. Around the time "Up" was released, Pixar stereoscopic supervisor Bob Whitehall said the studio takes a conservative approach with 3D, emphasizing story and emotion over depth and gimmickry."

but it's downright stupid for them to say this and then be surprised the numbers aren't going up for them.

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It is a bit perplexing that on the one hand they don't put their best foot forward for their new 3D titles but then are converting their back catalogue.

It sounds like the suits are the ones pushing more for the new conversions (easy money, they think?). I don't think the artists working on new movies care all that much if their bosses don't care.

That said, looks like Up's total is definitely out of the picture with that small a 3D share. IIRC, Up did that well because it was released around the peak of 3D?

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That said, looks like Up's total is definitely out of the picture with that small a 3D share. IIRC, Up did that well because it was released around the peak of 3D?

Is it impossible for it to make that much of its own accord?

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It sounds like the suits are the ones pushing more for the new conversions (easy money, they think?). I don't think the artists working on new movies care all that much if their bosses don't care.

That said, looks like Up's total is definitely out of the picture with that small a 3D share. IIRC, Up did that well because it was released around the peak of 3D?

Up did that well because it was arguably the best computer animated movie of all time.

Brave had several story issues with regards to:

the witch coming out of nowhere and then excusing her later lack of presence afterward with a joke; the bow and arrow skills being so inconsequential to the end of the movie; the suitors storyline being important at first, and then not so much (not to mention how old/overused/irrelevant a storyline that was, but...) etc.

The story/script was not nearly as tight and perfectly written as Pixar's best works.

That said, I liked Brave a lot nonetheless. Might go see it again, which is normal for me + a Pixar movie.

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Not just you. Looks great in the wide shots when they show landscapes, but they never really put out the effort to make 3D worth it as a DWA would. Which works out fine for me because I hate 3D and I'd miss out on it anyway.

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