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For reference, Cars 2's average weekend drop rate for the first nine weeks (ie: up to the tenth weekend) was -45.79%. I didn't go further because then it had the Labour Day expansion and it went up over 400%.

Thanks Lab!

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My revised estimate for Brave is $240mil. I think it will recover and yet won't recover from the steep drop this weekend, if that makes any sense.

Tracking pretty closely with Wall-E for now but I think it will fare better over the next few month. Why did Wall-E drop so heavily in its first 4 weeks? It was an excellent movie. Up and Wall-E's grosses should have been reversed IMO.

I notice BoMojo still has "Bear and the Bow" in the URL for the Brave pages. LOL

I think WALL-E was hit hard by JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH. Remember how leggy that was? It stole a lot of repeat viewings.

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Just watched Tangled and I'm absolutely amazed how positive and sympathic this movie was! Wow! I have a 'banana smile' on my face! : D If Merida is as good written and animated as Razpunzel, I'm gonna love Brave. : ) (but I'm still hope we will have non dubbed version in cinemas...)

It's not as well written. It's a solid follow-up to Tangled though. If I had to boil it down, I think it lacks the significant punches/beauty of the "Lanterns" scene and the "You were my new dream" scene.

Tracking pretty closely with Wall-E for now but I think it will fare better over the next few month. Why did Wall-E drop so heavily in its first 4 weeks? It was an excellent movie. Up and Wall-E's grosses should have been reversed IMO.

You misunderstand the family audience and this genre (just slightly). UP was tremendously more kid-friendly than Wall-E + it had a much more endearing love-story about Ellie and Carl. They finished just fine where they should have.

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**posted this in the Monday thread. Posting here as well**

That Brave hold is the best Pixar hold among similar releases on the same day in its run. Rat dropped 53.4% and Wall E dropped 54.4% on their second Monday. Hold the phone. Brave is not falling apart.

**Choosing these comparable titles since these were the two Pixar films released in late June.

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When i think that for some days, the RT% felt in the high 60's...


That was beyond despicable, that it was hanging so dearly to stay fresh. Absolutely despicable by the critics, they can suck it. Brave truly is the return to form by the studio I love. :wub:

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