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Pixar's last 4 movies: Up, Toy Story 3, Cars 2 and Brave.

And you guys can't stop bitching about Cars 2? 1 out of the last 4 you didn't like, and it's "Fuck Madagascar and Cars" as BK put it and "Disney pandering to the lowest common denominator" and that garbage. If you're going to complain about the movie, at least try to avoid insulting the audience.

And they didn't stoop nothing, damn. One of their movies finally missed that adult audience. Get over it. You don't own pixar. Again, 1 in their last 4 movies you didn't like and you still can't stop <_<

I haven't seen Brave but it's so new that it can effectively not be counted for all purposes.

Why are you bringing up the last 4 anyway? You do realize that you are judged by the latest. You build up respect from your history. So Pixar attained a certain level of respect and people expected that quality. Then you go ahead with Cars 2 completely against your principles. You should be judged not forgiven. People seem to forget or maybe are foolish enough to believe that being a fan does not mean you have to support everything the studio decides. You say "I LOVE EVERYTHING, SO PERFECT" does not mean you are the biggest or best fan and anyone with critique becomes "fake". As I've said, two clear principles was to make sequels that were warranted and that they made movies for everyone and they botched both up with Cars 2 and very, very badly. Merchandising played a part and you'd have to be a blind frog under a rock not to know that.

Disney is. And it's not just this. I have been following their releases on home video for years and they are becoming increasingly sloppy and disrespectful. They hardly change their prices but special features are dropped and transfers are botched for no reason. They didn't release anything over the last few years on BLU-RAY and when they decide to open the floodgates, no doubt because Iger wants to make a quick buck before really going for his stupid digital locker plan, they screw up films like Tarzan & Home on the Range that were freaking digital source movies. They have no respect and have shown this time and time again. All about the money and the brand. Look at Tron Legacy and its huge marketing campaign and cross promotion. What a terrible movie with no proper story and being so bland and safe because it was required to. Thank God everyone rejected it despite Disney's efforts to stuff it everywhere possible but of course they made money from all their damn merchandise so they're happy. Ugh.

Insulting the audience? Don't think I did initially until you came pompously. But I will because it is lowest common denominator crap. Awful humour, situations being resolved by idiocy, message to pander to fools etc. There's no "finally missed". They should have NEVER missed because it's their principle NOT to. I don't own Pixar so I can't judge them? You're falling apart here, keep it together. I can judge whoever and whatever I want. This goes back to the ridiculous argument which some people put up "Don't judge Jack & Jill, you haven't seen it" I've seen the trailer and it looked awful so I can judge it all I want. In this case, I know their motto, I've seen 11 of their previous movies and I've read about what happened and seen Cars 2. I don't own it, but I sure as hell have the right to judge them.

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ROFL I love it when you guys in one breath lamblast the creative teams at Pixar and Disney as sell outs and losers, no creative integrity, etc -- over ONE movie, and in the next sentence: "their next movie looks good".

You probably liked Tangled too. And Toy Story 3 and Brave.

"integrity" -- right <_<

Jesus Christ. I can't believe you have kids.

I spend 11 years of my life a good citizen, then I kill someone, next year I don't, does that make me the same person as before?

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I though Cars 2 was a mediocre film, what I never did understand was the talk prior to Brave's release of was Pixar faltering and could Brave be their comeback.

Put it this way Lebron James goes for 12 for 13 shooting you don't say are his skill slipping because he missed one shot.

Edited by DAR
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Put it this Lebron James goes for 12 for 13 shooting you don't say are his skill slipping.

Eh, not quite an accurate analogy. If he, like, spent years training for each individual shot and gets the first 11 in but misses the 12th, there would be a palpable shock after the 12th.

Of course, if he knocked in the 13th people would be relieved.

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A symptom of WHAT though? IMO it's a symptom of growing pains at Pixar. They're losing a lot of the main people over the last few years, and we're relying on the next generation to get it done. NEWT was canceled. Cars 2 got moved up a year. I SHUDDER to think if Brave had been forced into 2011 instead. Plus their last 2 films have both needed director-changes mid-production.

I agree on the growing pains. I said before that from a fanboy perspective, a swing and a miss by someone up and coming at Pixar would be easier to forgive if they were allowed to work on their own original movie than if they were just shoving them onto ready-made suit-requested sequels... But there were some unconfirmed reports of some issues with the top, which is why both Pixar and Disney lost out on some major talent recently, which is another symptom.

And the symptoms i am talking about are of Disney's corporate marketing side taking over the creative side little by little, and of leadership issues at Pixar. I think it's slowly getting better though; Pixar's slate after MU looks really interesting, all originals. Disney's animation studio is on fire lately... Obviously again, this is all from a fanboy perspective, so I have to talk about this like I know everything.

Edited by whoot
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Cars 3: Mater Goes to Beijing, Moscow, Seoul, Melbourne, Rio de Janeiro, Berlin, Delhi and Cape Town and Mexico City and Jakarta, oh and Madrid, Kiev and Nairobi, also Cairo and Bangkok and VOTE FOR YOUR CITY FOR MATER TO GO TO only for a LIMITED TIME at wwww.nocreativeintegrityappealingtolowestcommondenominatorselloutshacksdisneypixarmerchandisesales.com

of course Katzenberg will try to top that I'm sure.

A Madagascar 4 Shanghai & Beijing & Hong Kong & Tianjin & Wuhan & Guangzhou & Shenzhen & Chongqing & Chengdu & Istanbul & Karachi & Mumbai & Sao Paulo before ending up in Los Angeles & San Francisco & Santa Monica & Chicago & Hawaii & every city in the world.


Again, relevant parts in bold/underline. A lot of us like these movies, or at least like them enough and love how much our kids like them. If these movies were ALL of what was coming out, then I could get the sentiment, but they're not.

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I agree on the growing pains. I said before that from a fanboy perspective, a swing and a miss by someone up and coming at Pixar would be easier to forgive if they were allowed to work on their own original movie than if they were just shoving them onto ready-made suit-requested sequels... But there were some unconfirmed reports of some issues with the top, which is why both Pixar and Disney lost out on some major talent recently, which is another symptom.

And the symptoms i am talking about are of Disney's corporate marketing side taking over the creative side little by little, and of leadership issues at Pixar. I think it's slowly getting better though; Pixar's slate after MU looks really interesting, all originals. Disney's animation studio is on fire lately... Obviously again, this is all from a fanboy perspective, so I have to talk about this like I know everything.

But would you really rather they rushed originals to the point of their own detriment, or filled release schedule with sequels while the originals get developed? You (or if not you, others) seem to suggest Disney is forcing sequels and pushing back originals. How many originals sprang up in their 2000s slate that weren't started in the 90s? Up? Rat? Everything else was being written and figured out years and years before release and mostly by the top Pixar guys. Pixar is transitioning away from its original top-tier guys and they're putting out a handful of sequels with a new crop of originals filling up the slate after them.

They need that development time. Frankly, Cars 2 and Brave needed more development time too (Cars 2 much more than Brave).

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Anyhow: Brave is out-pacing Wall-E pretty well by the looks of it, but should start falling behind Up pretty good too. Awesome. I honestly never thought Brave had this much in it regardless of how good. Looked like a Rat/Wall-E max.

Here's the BOM showdown:


and Cars 2 wasn't even that bad. If that is the worst they can do (I would still watch it over A Bug's Life and another one I won't name otherwise I will get crucified) any day

you not saying which is the only reason I want to know lol

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Cars 3: Mater Goes to Beijing, Moscow, Seoul, Melbourne, Rio de Janeiro, Berlin, Delhi and Cape Town and Mexico City and Jakarta, oh and Madrid, Kiev and Nairobi, also Cairo and Bangkok and VOTE FOR YOUR CITY FOR MATER TO GO TO only for a LIMITED TIME at wwww.nocreativeintegrityappealingtolowestcommondenominatorselloutshacksdisneypixarmerchandisesales.com

of course Katzenberg will try to top that I'm sure.

A Madagascar 4 Shanghai & Beijing & Hong Kong & Tianjin & Wuhan & Guangzhou & Shenzhen & Chongqing & Chengdu & Istanbul & Karachi & Mumbai & Sao Paulo before ending up in Los Angeles & San Francisco & Santa Monica & Chicago & Hawaii & every city in the world.



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Jesus Christ. I can't believe you have kids.

I spend 11 years of my life a good citizen, then I kill someone, next year I don't, does that make me the same person as before?

That makes no sense.

Try reading about rhetorical fallacies, specifically about false analogies.

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