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It's not glorifying anything. It's horrible and it's SUPPOSED to be. You're supposed to feel disgusted because it's a deplorable thing. Why don't people AT LEAST wait to see what comes of it? Book readers know at least half of what will happen now.

ETA: And I don't know what the hell the Cleveland women have to do with it. That's reality. This is a TV show/books.

Edited by House Cozmees of Everdeen
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How could anyone really be shocked by that? We knew they would marry, we knew he's crazy, how shocking could it really be? If anyone didn't see that coming, you haven't been paying attention.

I watch every episode multiple times, it didn't shock me doesn't mean that wasn't the point. It disgusted me & left a really sour taste that I needed to write something about it.

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But, like I said above, that's entirely the point and what everyone, Theon included, was supposed to feel.

That scene was OTT? Compared to many others that was pretty tame. Just be glad it didn't go as far as the book did.

Edited by House Cozmees of Everdeen
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Fiction parallels some semblance of real life, a young woman getting raped is more relevant than a lot of the disturbing things already shown on the show. I don't care what the point behind it is, it wasn't enjoyable for me at all and made me ? whether I'm excited to keep watching.

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Maybe the point is to show that even if you are raped, it doesn't actually make you any lesser? Really, I always found it borderline disturbing that the only women who got raped in the books were the marginal, insignificant characters. As if to say that if a woman gets raped, she automatically becomes less interesting or worthy. Or as if rape happened to only "lesser" women. 


Well, the harsh truth is rape can happen to anyone, even to someone like Sansa, who is this show's closest equivalent to a Disney Princess.


I was more surprised that the reason for Margaery's arrest turned out to be so tame. In the books, Cersei goes to great lengths to damage her reputation.

Edited by Spidey Freak
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So Bronn

is a goner, yeah? I'm assuming the sand snakes poison their blades.


I don't think. For one,


I think the subplot with Falyse Stokeworth and her husband will still happen after he returns to King's Landing. There was no reason for Lollys to mention her mean older sister in Episode 2 otherwise.

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So Bronn

is a goner, yeah? I'm assuming the sand snakes poison their blades.


Well in an audition tape for one of the Sand Snakes...


One of them flirts with Bronn, reveals he is poisoned, and makes him say flattering things to get the antidote. So I won't count him out just yet.

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I was more surprised that the reason for Margaery's arrest turned out to be so tame. In the books, Cersei goes to great lengths to damage her reputation.


Well since show Margaery has slept with show Tommen, the whole "virginity" angle in the books is gone. But I am curious to see where this goes, since


Cersei's book plan backfired on her since she used her own boy-toy as the crux of discrediting Margaery. But right now I can't see how Cersei will get trapped in her own web and arrested

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But Cersei didn't have to disprove Margaery's virginity to get her arrested. She had to set up plausible and convincing accusations of Margaery committing adultery as it was capital punishment for a queen to commit adultery, reason being there would be no way to verify the lineage of the heirs she produced. I thought they'd have Cersei be incredibly cheeky and plant accusations of a Margaery/Loras incestuous affair. That would've been hilarious but seeing how they've made it public knowledge in the show that Loras is gay unlike in the books, kind of implausible. 


So I'm guessing


Olenna and/or the High Sparrow come across Lancel and get the truth about his "unnatural" relationship with the Queen Mother out of him.

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I know this sounds incredibly cynical of me, but I actually found it highly unlikely that Sansa never got raped in the books so far considering the situations she was always put into and the people she was constantly at the mercy of once her father was executed. 


All these Sansa fans are as naive as her, wanting a perfectly sanitized Disney arc (I'm not even saying "fairytale" arc because dark GoT-worthy shit went down in the original tales as well).

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Fiction parallels some semblance of real life, a young woman getting raped is more relevant than a lot of the disturbing things already shown on the show. I don't care what the point behind it is, it wasn't enjoyable for me at all and made me ? whether I'm excited to keep watching.

The scenes not supposed to be enjoyable... It's supposed to disgust you, and if you thought marrying Ramsay would give Sansa butterflies and cookies you are extremely ignorant to how he's acted.

The scene wasn't necessarily shocking but it was very disturbing, but I don't think the scene was put for no reason. I believe it'll lead to something.

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The scenes not supposed to be enjoyable... It's supposed to disgust you, and if you thought marrying Ramsay would give Sansa butterflies and cookies you are extremely ignorant to how he's acted.

The scene wasn't necessarily shocking but it was very disturbing, but I don't think the scene was put for no reason. I believe it'll lead to something.



As much as people saw such scenes are not needed.


They draw huge attention.


The rape in Downton Abbey in Season 4 was very much unlike the show but got a ton of interest back in the show. 


The most iconic and talked about scenes are the worst.


The Red Wedding

Mountain vs The Viper

Jamie tries to Kill Bronn


We can go on lol

Edited by Lordmandeep
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