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The Marvel Universe will be star wars of this generation

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They have created the one thing which up till now, no superhero movie or series has managed to do. They have created a Marvel universe which people can revisit with each new avengers/marvel hero movie. Where time has continuity and moves on.


It started with the various individual Iron movies, Thor, Captain A movies with references to each other and the avengers. And it all crystalised with TA. Now, its has gained momentum with IM3, and it is now unstoppable. The best thing is, there are tons more Marvel charecters waiting in the wings they can slowly introduce over time into this timeline.


The potential is overwhelming. And since this is Disney we are talking about. The merchandising will be overwhelming as well. Hence why I believe the Marvel/Avenger universe will be the star wars of this generation.


Key thing again. They haven't just created one movie series. They have created an entire world. That's the biggest difference.

Edited by Eldenfirefly
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I don't think that it will be the Star Wars of this generation. I don't know that there will ever be another Star Wars. However, the MCU is going to be its own successful thing.


The MCU is taking famous characters that have existed on the pages of comics for years and bringing them to the big screen. It's taking that idea of a shared universe and bringing that to the big screen for the first time ever. There has never been a world in film where multiple franchises can co-exist.


Even Star Trek always tells the story from the POV of the Enterprise Crew. The MCU is able to feature the adventures of all of these different superheroes. This idea of a shared universe is a unique concept in film.

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I don't think that it will be the Star Wars of this generation. I don't know that there will ever be another Star Wars. However, the MCU is going to be its own successful thing.


The MCU is taking famous characters that have existed on the pages of comics for years and bringing them to the big screen. It's taking that idea of a shared universe and bringing that to the big screen for the first time ever. There has never been a world in film where multiple franchises can co-exist.


Even Star Trek always tells the story from the POV of the Enterprise Crew. The MCU is able to feature the adventures of all of these different superheroes. This idea of a shared universe is a unique concept in film.



I agree.  It may not change filmmaking and the world like Star Wars has but it will seen as a huge success in its own right.  I see the Marvel era lasting at least through Phase 3.

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I thought Potter was the SW of a generation....was that last generation? Are we into a new one already? 


I think it's influence will be big for those in the 8-18 range right now for sure. 

The Potter books came out in 97 and the movies in 01. The people who grew up watching those are now in their late teens/early twenties. 


With that said, MCU is highly succesful, and I see its impact being as big as SW. It has the head start of decades of comics, but the movies have really taken Marvel to a whole other level. But, with VII coming out, SW will be forever, and I think both franchises will coexist quite well.

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I don't think that it will be the Star Wars of this generation. I don't know that there will ever be another Star Wars. However, the MCU is going to be its own successful thing. The MCU is taking famous characters that have existed on the pages of comics for years and bringing them to the big screen. It's taking that idea of a shared universe and bringing that to the big screen for the first time ever. There has never been a world in film where multiple franchises can co-exist. Even Star Trek always tells the story from the POV of the Enterprise Crew. The MCU is able to feature the adventures of all of these different superheroes. This idea of a shared universe is a unique concept in film.

Completely agree with this. The MCU's gonna leave a big mark, that's for sure.
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